Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?


Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by BigGame99 »

I guess I just hope we don't get hit by karma for prioritizing the wrong things and get burned by it in the end and sacrifice the most vulnerable members of our community because that would contrast directly with many of the properties that make up developing a strong and stable student athlete. Things like ethics and morals. Compassion and awareness of the needs of our entire community and especially the most at risk. If someone loses a parent or grandparent or if we lose a child god forbid. Would that packed friday night game have been worth it? Tough question.

https://www.wsaz.com/2021/09/14/another ... east-ohio/
Last edited by BigGame99 on Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by 1506 »

What LetsBeReal said 100%

Savin Davey
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Savin Davey »

There needs to be a standard set. Each team should have to submit a roster of available players each week. If you have say 15 players available you either play or forfeit. No matter if those are your best 15 or your worst. That would put a stop to all these teams picking and choosing who they are playing and hiding behind the Covid to justify it. There, problem solved.

Pitstop Billy
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Pitstop Billy »

Should be forfeits unless they don't have enough players including JV, freshmen or whatever. That would put a stop to all this ducking and dodging. You shouldn't be able to cancel a game with no penalty just because some of your best players are out, and if you cancel you shouldn't be allowed to play anyone else on that date. But the OHSAA is scared to do anything because they might inadvertently keep some teams out of the playoffs and cost themselves money. Can't have that if we're gonna have those Vegas vacations, I mean meetings. :lol:

Tow Head
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Tow Head »

Pitstop Billy wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:17 pm Should be forfeits unless they don't have enough players including JV, freshmen or whatever. That would put a stop to all this ducking and dodging. You shouldn't be able to cancel a game with no penalty just because some of your best players are out, and if you cancel you shouldn't be allowed to play anyone else on that date. But the OHSAA is scared to do anything because they might inadvertently keep some teams out of the playoffs and cost themselves money. Can't have that if we're gonna have those Vegas vacations, I mean meetings. :lol:
That's stupid. As long as the rules allow it who can blame a team from cancelling when their best players are out and they don't want to risk a loss? It would be dumb to play. Ask the teams that took a chance and lost what they think. I'd rather take the guff and keep that record spotless than risk it and lose any chance of multiple home playoff games and to have to face the best team in the region in the early rounds. Meanwhile idiots broke into the Tomcat Dome and stole our sound system. So if you see anyone trying to pawn anything like that let us know so we can have a blanket party for them. T/hanks.
Last edited by Tow Head on Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Older bird
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Older bird »

Back to ur original question of why play?
It seems this has become a Waverly thread, but I have to side step and give Athens credit. They played 2 games they probably could have canceled because of many starters out with what I assume was COVID. They took their beatings and those younger players that got Friday snaps are better for it. Athens may or may not slide in at 13-16 seed. But if u looking out for tne actual kids in ur program just play. Most can’t see past one year.
Maybe I’m wrong but glad they played. It was Friday night under lights for community

Tow Head
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Tow Head »

Older bird wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:27 pm Back to ur original question of why play?
It seems this has become a Waverly thread, but I have to side step and give Athens credit. They played 2 games they probably could have canceled because of many starters out with what I assume was COVID. They took their beatings and those younger players that got Friday snaps are better for it. Athens may or may not slide in at 13-16 seed. But if u looking out for tne actual kids in ur program just play. Most can’t see past one year.
Maybe I’m wrong but glad they played. It was Friday night under lights for community
Yea their one of those teams that rolled the dice and lost. Good for them, but they still lost games they may have won if they had all their starters. So is is fair to the team to take a loss in a game that you would have won if you have all your horses? I prefer to err on the side of caution.Meanwhile idiots broke into the Tomcat Dome and stole our sound system. So if you see anyone trying to pawn anything like that let us know so we can have a blanket party for them. T/hanks.

Older bird
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Older bird »

Tow Head wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:31 pm
Older bird wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:27 pm Back to ur original question of why play?
It seems this has become a Waverly thread, but I have to side step and give Athens credit. They played 2 games they probably could have canceled because of many starters out with what I assume was COVID. They took their beatings and those younger players that got Friday snaps are better for it. Athens may or may not slide in at 13-16 seed. But if u looking out for tne actual kids in ur program just play. Most can’t see past one year.
Maybe I’m wrong but glad they played. It was Friday night under lights for community
Yea their one of those teams that rolled the dice and lost. Good for them, but they still lost games they may have won if they had all their starters. So is is fair to the team to take a loss in a game that you would have won if you have all your horses? I prefer to err on the side of caution.Meanwhile idiots broke into the Tomcat Dome and stole our sound system. So if you see anyone trying to pawn anything like that let us know so we can have a blanket party for them. T/hanks.

Nothing this year or last is fair. But if one senior takes field and takes a loss I’d take field. U only have so many till it’s over.

I’ll also keep eye on pieces of shi*t that took what wasn’t theirs.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by trojandave »

Portsmouth at Waverly.......both teams need a game for this week, close proximity, both undefeated......this game absolutely should be played.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by packers80 »

Ohsaa won't set a hard guideline on cancellations. Why, because they want playoffs at all costs. And why do they want playoffs? Just like anything else in life it comes down to money.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Izladoom »

LetsBeReal wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:57 am
Izladoom wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:17 pm
smurray wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:13 am

You’d have to ask them why they canceled but it’s not the number of COVID cases. Waverly had a 39% absentee rate mostly due to contact tracing and most of that was in the elementary buildings. Waverly took a pro-active measure to prevent a spike in actual cases and went to virtual learning until the 20th, which would be 6 school days, to proactively clean and sanitize rooms.
There are absolutely no cases on the football team and none of the team quarantined due to contact tracing. The football team has been very proactive by wearing masks in school and in the locker room.
I’m sure there are other teams and other sports at other schools playing who are in virtual learning situations.
What should matter is the number of actual cases in that particular school building and or sport. In that case, if Waverly had 2 or 3 players test positive and several had to quarantine then I’m sure Waverly would have to cancel - most likely the scenario for games being canceled up to this point across the State.
How many schools have canceled because the team they are playing is in virtual learning?

It’s not just the football team they have to consider it’s also the community because of all of the fans that would attend the game
It doesn’t take a genius to understand what is being considered!

Ohio State packed in 100k plus fans.
90 percent of other schools played

I only know of one situation of an opponent canceling because of the other teams covid(lack thereof)situation.

It doesn’t sit well when Zane Trace Travels to Piketon
after Chillicothe refuses to go to Waverly.

Then WCH trying to pull the same just to have positive cases within the football program.

2 bizarre situations.

Common denominator is both teams were looking to be smoked by Waverly.

It’s funny when one poster tries to call out everyone else’s intelligence to discredit what they are saying.

Every AD and program has about the same scope of issues to deal with.

Must be easy to cave when your program sucks that bad.

Can’t compare Ohio state and a high school game millions are on the line if they cancel a Ohio state game and considering a high school game if we are being honest doesn’t mean anything they don’t really matter in our area

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by LetsBeReal »

Izladoom wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:31 pm
LetsBeReal wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:57 am
Izladoom wrote: Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:17 pm

It’s not just the football team they have to consider it’s also the community because of all of the fans that would attend the game
It doesn’t take a genius to understand what is being considered!

Ohio State packed in 100k plus fans.
90 percent of other schools played

I only know of one situation of an opponent canceling because of the other teams covid(lack thereof)situation.

It doesn’t sit well when Zane Trace Travels to Piketon
after Chillicothe refuses to go to Waverly.

Then WCH trying to pull the same just to have positive cases within the football program.

2 bizarre situations.

Common denominator is both teams were looking to be smoked by Waverly.

It’s funny when one poster tries to call out everyone else’s intelligence to discredit what they are saying.

Every AD and program has about the same scope of issues to deal with.

Must be easy to cave when your program sucks that bad.

Can’t compare Ohio state and a high school game millions are on the line if they cancel a Ohio state game and considering a high school game if we are being honest doesn’t mean anything they don’t really matter in our area
Yeah that’s what you do. I don’t see teams look to the lower levels of sports as examples when it comes to precedent. Ohio state can cover you with an umbrella. Using a ymca Rec league wouldn’t work out so well.


Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by BigGame99 »

I have an idea. This may be a shock to some of your systems but as a respiratory therapist, I'd venture to propose letting doctors and scientists make decisions about this and not AD's, BOE's, coaches or fans who have no real qualified knowledge to work from. Crazy huh?

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Buckeye2021 »

Tow Head wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:31 pm
Older bird wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:27 pm Back to ur original question of why play?
It seems this has become a Waverly thread, but I have to side step and give Athens credit. They played 2 games they probably could have canceled because of many starters out with what I assume was COVID. They took their beatings and those younger players that got Friday snaps are better for it. Athens may or may not slide in at 13-16 seed. But if u looking out for tne actual kids in ur program just play. Most can’t see past one year.
Maybe I’m wrong but glad they played. It was Friday night under lights for community
Yea their one of those teams that rolled the dice and lost. Good for them, but they still lost games they may have won if they had all their starters. So is is fair to the team to take a loss in a game that you would have won if you have all your horses? I prefer to err on the side of caution.Meanwhile idiots broke into the Tomcat Dome and stole our sound system. So if you see anyone trying to pawn anything like that let us know so we can have a blanket party for them. T/hanks.
If everyone thought that way all teams would be 0-0

Tow Head
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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by Tow Head »

Buckeye2021 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:36 pm
Tow Head wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:31 pm
Older bird wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:27 pm Back to ur original question of why play?
It seems this has become a Waverly thread, but I have to side step and give Athens credit. They played 2 games they probably could have canceled because of many starters out with what I assume was COVID. They took their beatings and those younger players that got Friday snaps are better for it. Athens may or may not slide in at 13-16 seed. But if u looking out for tne actual kids in ur program just play. Most can’t see past one year.
Maybe I’m wrong but glad they played. It was Friday night under lights for community
Yea their one of those teams that rolled the dice and lost. Good for them, but they still lost games they may have won if they had all their starters. So is is fair to the team to take a loss in a game that you would have won if you have all your horses? I prefer to err on the side of caution.Meanwhile idiots broke into the Tomcat Dome and stole our sound system. So if you see anyone trying to pawn anything like that let us know so we can have a blanket party for them. T/hanks.
If everyone thought that way all teams would be 0-0
Nah, some of them will always dumb enough to go ahead and play without their studs even when the rest of us are smart enough to play only when we have them or when we know we can win without them so everyone has a record. Just sayin.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by LetsBeReal »

BigGame99 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:33 pm I have an idea. This may be a shock to some of your systems but as a respiratory therapist, I'd venture to propose letting doctors and scientists make decisions about this and not AD's, BOE's, coaches or fans who have no real qualified knowledge to work from. Crazy huh?
Nope No one would want that. you could hold Chillicothe and Miami Trace Accountable for playing games vs teams that provide the same health risk but pose more danger to the win loss column.

I completely understand the covid situation and the risk/reward assessment being taken place.

Health should be the factor if a game goes on. Not to avoid losses which is what is happening.

WCH went as far as to make it look like Waverly was the issue but Were the ones dealing with positive cases and contact traces within the program. That’s dirty business.

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by enigmaax »

LetsBeReal wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:57 am
BigGame99 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:33 pm I have an idea. This may be a shock to some of your systems but as a respiratory therapist, I'd venture to propose letting doctors and scientists make decisions about this and not AD's, BOE's, coaches or fans who have no real qualified knowledge to work from. Crazy huh?
Nope No one would want that. you could hold Chillicothe and Miami Trace Accountable for playing games vs teams that provide the same health risk but pose more danger to the win loss column.

I completely understand the covid situation and the risk/reward assessment being taken place.

Health should be the factor if a game goes on. Not to avoid losses which is what is happening.

WCH went as far as to make it look like Waverly was the issue but Were the ones dealing with positive cases and contact traces within the program. That’s dirty business.
WCH made it look like Waverly was the issue to whom? Is it possible that they cancelled with Waverly for whatever reason they gave and then later had their own issues that causes them to quit looking for a replacement game? Because that’s what their public statement said. Who, exactly, are you calling a liar at all of these schools and where do you get your information to know the “real” story?

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Re: Why play anyone you have a chance of losing to?

Post by LetsBeReal »

enigmaax wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:06 am
LetsBeReal wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 1:57 am
BigGame99 wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:33 pm I have an idea. This may be a shock to some of your systems but as a respiratory therapist, I'd venture to propose letting doctors and scientists make decisions about this and not AD's, BOE's, coaches or fans who have no real qualified knowledge to work from. Crazy huh?
Nope No one would want that. you could hold Chillicothe and Miami Trace Accountable for playing games vs teams that provide the same health risk but pose more danger to the win loss column.

I completely understand the covid situation and the risk/reward assessment being taken place.

Health should be the factor if a game goes on. Not to avoid losses which is what is happening.

WCH went as far as to make it look like Waverly was the issue but Were the ones dealing with positive cases and contact traces within the program. That’s dirty business.
WCH made it look like Waverly was the issue to whom? Is it possible that they cancelled with Waverly for whatever reason they gave and then later had their own issues that causes them to quit looking for a replacement game? Because that’s what their public statement said. Who, exactly, are you calling a liar at all of these schools and where do you get your information to know the “real” story?
My Name is Jesus Christ. I am all knowing! I have personally been responsible and have spent all of my time ensuring the Waverly Football Teams Health and ability to play!

You are laughable as a person. We are on a high school football forum. Different people on here have different level of knowledge of what’s going on within their program.The site registration does not require any level of credentials. So why are you so desperate to have everyone else’s?

You continuously denounce most other posters and attack what they say if it isn’t consistent with what you believe and act like we should follow what you think and believe as facts. If not you treat them as if they have no value here whatsoever. You have been Completely narcissistic and obviously want to be seen as the source of all knowledge.

If this is how you are going to act and how you see everyone else in this site you need to leave!

Why would you want to waste your time on us low life’s anyway?


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