Playoff attendance

Pol pot
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Re: Playoff attendance

Post by Pol pot »

Orange and Brown wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:56 pm
LucasDavenport wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 12:16 pm
yabbadabbadoo wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:12 am

Lot of people don't like to put their credit card information online. With the way hackers can build a website to look like the real site you never know these days.
The OHSAA is a safe site.

As safe as anything else.

The people who don’t like to use their credit card online … can’t help them. It’s a way of life.
Everytime you swipe your card at any store it is the same as going to a website and entering your credit card info. Transactions are instant and that requires the use of the internet.
Yabba only uses his card where they use the carbon copy slide transactions.

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Re: Playoff attendance

Post by piratepride86 »

danicalifornia wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:04 am
Crab's Brother wrote: Wed Nov 10, 2021 8:31 am
piratepride86 wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 8:10 pm Buying online sucks and probably keeps a lot away
It is actually a helluva lot easier than trying to get to the school during school hours to buy presale. At least IMO.

It took about 30 seconds to buy my tickets the other night.
My favorite complaint is that folks who can use the internet to complain about ordering tickets online being difficult.
I love how ppl read into a post
Nowhere did I say it was difficult
I said it sucks
There is people I know that has no internet and still have a old flip phone
Therefore it sucks :roll:

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Re: Playoff attendance

Post by greygoose »

Attendance at Granville and Western Brown pretty bad, guessing home side maybe 50%.

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Re: Playoff attendance

Post by bman »

Granville had 60 percent of Teays Valley's 2,200-seat home side full.

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Re: Playoff attendance


In Iowa and Minnesota these last two weekends with 14 games in domes the crowds were really nice for most of the games.
In Iowa tickets were 12.50 for each session. A bargain of you were staying for all the games each day. Parking was free.

In Minnesota sessions were 16 not bad if you were staying for each game. Parking was 22 a day in the parking garage. Really a rip off but we paid it because it was across the street from the stadium and both of us who went had severe back issues. The best deal is you could take the train to the stadium for 2.50 each way. They say it could take forty minutes but nobody I spoke with said it made them late for the game.(The 40 min time is if you were staying near the mall of America).

I asked 19 people in the two states about online tickets. One guy was an A.D. and a Ast. Coach at a school in Iowa. He said on one hand he liked it because it was less work for him with the down side he said it really hurt attendance at his games because most of the older crowd wanted no part of it and some of the younger crowd said no because of the fees attached to the tickets.
In Minnesota the one guy who liked it was in his 50's and he impaired baseball and softball. He did say come tourney time the crowds were less because of the online tickets. He said he jumped all over the state and lower attendance was an issue every where. He said the increase in price plus fees kept most of those he talked to at the games.

I share this because so many think Ohio does everything the best way.

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Re: Playoff attendance


At Oil Lucas Stadium the three state final games all had large crowds.
How were the crowds in Ohio last night?

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Re: Playoff attendance


With WV having just 8 buck tickets per game and free parking I am betting they will draw nicely.

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