And yet Burg has the highest median income and housing prices in the area. Along with the best academics while also being good in all sports.798924 wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:46 pmTheres nothing in burg even remotely economically promising. Nothing.RBH23 wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 12:37 pmMedian income means nothing unless compared to cost of living. It’s not how much you make, it’s purchasing power that matters. Let me guess, you are weak in economics and math as well?798924 wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:57 am
Similarly to burg football "talent" burgs self professed academic excellence doesnt translate at the collegiate level because the average median income in Wheelersburg is around 64,000.00. which is classic poverty line peanut wages. Burg isnt committed to anything but mediocrity in real life. The only place they get gassed up for anything is on seops. Lol. If i ever average 65k a year id jump off a bridge. Lmao
Burgs population is decreasing by over 2%
And most of their residents are completely reliant on jobs and industry outside of burg. Its all gas. Lol
And the high school football is awful. Lol
92 to 7.
Let’s look at Burg’s fall accomplishments:
- Regional runner-up in football
- Regional runner-up in volleyball
- Regional runner-up in boys soccer
- Regional semi-finalist in girls soccer
- Regional qualifier in cross country
So an average year but still the best overall performance of any school in SEO while also maintaining the best academics in the area. For most schools in Ohio, this would be their highlights over the past 10+ years. For Burg, this is just another fall.
Your jealousy of Burg is showing. You know down deep that Burg is a shining example of excellence, and it eats you up inside.
If you were a Burg grad, you would have been considered bottom of the barrel material. Although most Ironton fans on here consider you bottom of the barrel material as well.