AD/Head Coaches

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by avalanche »

BurgFan43 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:46 pm
avalanche wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:20 am
Wow, Warren and Matietta has an A/D and 2 assistant AD’s according to OHSAA. That is impressive. Also, I believe these 5 schools do have just AD’s. Wonder what the teacher pays are in these districts and what do these ADs make???
I am curious why you seem to care? Most AD's are considered Administrators, so why would teacher pay have anything to do with what an AD makes?

Why would an AD be considered administrators if they don't have a valid administrator license in the state of Ohio? There are no career fields where a person has a job or title without the proper credentials and/or license.
You DO NOT have to have an administrators license to be an Administrator. Superintendents of Finance often come from the finance world, and have no education background whatsoever.

AD's oversee large departments, often times as large or larger than Principals. An elementary principal at Chesapeake oversees how many students and staff? Maybe 300 combined.

At my school in suburban Cincy, my school has nearly 2000 students. Our AD oversees nearly 1000 student-athletes, 56 athletic programs, and over 100+ coaches. You think that's not an administrative role?

What are you trying to get at here?

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

avalanche wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 2:17 pm
BurgFan43 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:46 pm
avalanche wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:20 am
Wow, Warren and Matietta has an A/D and 2 assistant AD’s according to OHSAA. That is impressive. Also, I believe these 5 schools do have just AD’s. Wonder what the teacher pays are in these districts and what do these ADs make???
I am curious why you seem to care? Most AD's are considered Administrators, so why would teacher pay have anything to do with what an AD makes?
Why would an AD be considered administrators if they don't have a valid administrator license in the state of Ohio? There are no career fields where a person has a job or title without the proper credentials and/or license.
You DO NOT have to have an administrators license to be an Administrator. Superintendents of Finance often come from the finance world, and have no education background whatsoever.

AD's oversee large departments, often times as large or larger than Principals. An elementary principal at Chesapeake oversees how many students and staff? Maybe 300 combined.

At my school in suburban Cincy, my school has nearly 2000 students. Our AD oversees nearly 1000 student-athletes, 56 athletic programs, and over 100+ coaches. You think that's not an administrative role?

What are you trying to get at here?

Most schools in SE Ohio don’t have 2000 students in the entire district and probably not near 1000 students in any HS in our area. We don’t have budget or facilities for 56 programs or 100 coaches in a district. Like we said before a D1-D2 schools probably need a dedicated AD but nobody has those numbers in SEO region.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by avalanche »

Most schools in SE Ohio don’t have 2000 students in the entire district and probably not near 1000 students in any HS in our area. We don’t have budget or facilities for 56 programs or 100 coaches in a district. Like we said before a D1-D2 schools probably need a dedicated AD but nobody has those numbers in SEO region.

Ironton had Mark Lafon as an AD only for a long time. It's possible and if you're serious about your athletic programs being well ran, you probably should. Budgets are tight, so yes it's difficult.

However, I asked why you didn't think an AD is an administrator, you decline to answer. They have "Director" in their title. That certainly suggests they are administrators over their departments.

If you find it difficult to understand why programs in SEO would have a dedicated AD, okay, I get it. However, you keep insisting on teaching and administrators license requirements that DO NOT exist as a requirement in any state in the country. Most AD's are viewed as having administrative roles. Anyone who works in athletics will tell you that. They evaluate, hire, fire, schedule, and run more building activities in two weeks than most Principals do in an entire year. They have incredibly difficult jobs. The fact that buildings pay them supplemental contracts for 10-12k is a complete joke.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

avalanche wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 7:38 pm Most schools in SE Ohio don’t have 2000 students in the entire district and probably not near 1000 students in any HS in our area. We don’t have budget or facilities for 56 programs or 100 coaches in a district. Like we said before a D1-D2 schools probably need a dedicated AD but nobody has those numbers in SEO region.
Ironton had Mark Lafon as an AD only for a long time. It's possible and if you're serious about your athletic programs being well ran, you probably should. Budgets are tight, so yes it's difficult.

However, I asked why you didn't think an AD is an administrator, you decline to answer. They have "Director" in their title. That certainly suggests they are administrators over their departments.

If you find it difficult to understand why programs in SEO would have a dedicated AD, okay, I get it. However, you keep insisting on teaching and administrators license requirements that DO NOT exist as a requirement in any state in the country. Most AD's are viewed as having administrative roles. Anyone who works in athletics will tell you that. They evaluate, hire, fire, schedule, and run more building activities in two weeks than most Principals do in an entire year. They have incredibly difficult jobs. The fact that buildings pay them supplemental contracts for 10-12k is a complete joke.

I guess I don’t understand how they are an administrator without a license. They can not evaluate anyone in the education system without their license. The board and superintendent does all the hiring and firing with the exception of the game officials. AD can’t issue any discipline for students unless they have their admin license and hold the position of assistant principal or principal. Sounds like they are one step up from the secretary in the office since they can help answer the phones. I honestly think 10-12k is a bit high on the supplemental scale unless the teacher base salary is higher since the supplementals are a percentage of the teacher base salary that are negotiated with the unions. It sounds like most schools use their resources well with dual roles for the best financial decisions for their district.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by TigerBob »

Congrats to Wheelersburg for using their resources wisely! However this forum is dedicated to athletics. Perhaps you would be a better fit at

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

TigerBob wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:30 pm Congrats to Wheelersburg for using their resources wisely! However this forum is dedicated to athletics. Perhaps you would be a better fit at
Isn’t Athletic Directors part of a high school sports program? We often see extracurricular sports program cut due to budget issues. It takes a fiscally sound district to help fund sports programs along with transportation, uniforms, training equipment, and to pay the coaches and anyone else who isn’t a volunteer involved in a program. Also, I never brought any district into this conversation.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by avalanche »


I guess I don’t understand how they are an administrator without a license. They can not evaluate anyone in the education system without their license. The board and superintendent does all the hiring and firing with the exception of the game officials. AD can’t issue any discipline for students unless they have their admin license and hold the position of assistant principal or principal. Sounds like they are one step up from the secretary in the office since they can help answer the phones. I honestly think 10-12k is a bit high on the supplemental scale unless the teacher base salary is higher since the supplementals are a percentage of the teacher base salary that are negotiated with the unions. It sounds like most schools use their resources well with dual roles for the best financial decisions for their district.
I am going to be honest and just say you need to do more research, because your opinion is not based in reality.

There is NO requirement to have an Admin license to be an AD. Most AD's are highly trained and have masters degrees in athletic administration. In fact, the top Athletic Admin program in the country is Ohio Universities Athletic Admin program, that produces high school AD's, college AD's, professional league administrators, etc.

Here's the thing, from reading your posts I can tell you're not an educator. I would highly encourage you to stop making statements that you have no real insight into. Most of what you're saying shows your fundamental lack of understanding of how school districts, Ohio Department of Education, OHSAA, OIAAA actually require or don't.

The BOE of does not hire any coaches in my district. In fact, they're a rubber stamp for who the AD and building principals hire. In your tiny town it may work that way, but most BOE DO NOT hire anyone outside of the Super. They approve hires, but they don't hire ANYONE who is not a Sup. It's in their handbooks and I would encourage you to read them. I have never once seen my Sup or BOE hire or fire any coach. That's simply not true.

The claim that AD's can't discipline a student is complete garbage. That's the reason you have athletic code of conduct. They 100% can discipline students, and it happens literally every day at my school. This admin license requirement you keep talking about is not a requirement to discipline. Suspend from school activities? Sure, that does go through the AP's. However, say a kid is caught with alcohol or drugs, that will first go through the AD and their going to lose 20% of their season for a 1st offense, and then they will get a school punishment through the AP. 100% how it works.

My district has two Assistant Sup's who oversee our facilities and finance who have never worked a day of their life in education. One worked for GM and the other worked for Deloitte. They are considered Administrators, not only in title, but by pay scale.

You're honestly embarrassing yourself with your responses and showing your lack of knowledge, especially given you live in a tiny part of the state that operates very differently than most districts, if indeed what you're saying is true. You comparing them to secretaries is hilarious. You have no real idea what they actually do and the time and effort that goes into being an AD. Again, they hire, fire, evaluate, discipline, develop budgets, schedule games, officials, transportation, sign game contracts, collect game receipts, run events, fundraise, etc.

Most AD's around the state, and I know this from actual experience, work on Admin pay scales, not teacher scales, so the connection that you're trying to make isn't again accurate. 10-12k is a joke for what they're asked to do.

Please, if you're going to keep posting, listen and research, and stop acting like you know what you're talking about. It is CLEAR you have no idea.

Kuddos to Ironton for attempting to pay a professional their real worth. Pendleton could easily go somewhere bigger, be a full-time AD and coach, and make double what he's making at Ironton. The fact he hasn't left is a credit to his dedication to the district, his student-athletes, and the community.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

avalanche wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 8:18 am
I guess I don’t understand how they are an administrator without a license. They can not evaluate anyone in the education system without their license. The board and superintendent does all the hiring and firing with the exception of the game officials. AD can’t issue any discipline for students unless they have their admin license and hold the position of assistant principal or principal. Sounds like they are one step up from the secretary in the office since they can help answer the phones. I honestly think 10-12k is a bit high on the supplemental scale unless the teacher base salary is higher since the supplementals are a percentage of the teacher base salary that are negotiated with the unions. It sounds like most schools use their resources well with dual roles for the best financial decisions for their district.
I am going to be honest and just say you need to do more research, because your opinion is not based in reality.

There is NO requirement to have an Admin license to be an AD. Most AD's are highly trained and have masters degrees in athletic administration. In fact, the top Athletic Admin program in the country is Ohio Universities Athletic Admin program, that produces high school AD's, college AD's, professional league administrators, etc.

Here's the thing, from reading your posts I can tell you're not an educator. I would highly encourage you to stop making statements that you have no real insight into. Most of what you're saying shows your fundamental lack of understanding of how school districts, Ohio Department of Education, OHSAA, OIAAA actually require or don't.

The BOE of does not hire any coaches in my district. In fact, they're a rubber stamp for who the AD and building principals hire. In your tiny town it may work that way, but most BOE DO NOT hire anyone outside of the Super. They approve hires, but they don't hire ANYONE who is not a Sup. It's in their handbooks and I would encourage you to read them. I have never once seen my Sup or BOE hire or fire any coach. That's simply not true.

The claim that AD's can't discipline a student is complete garbage. That's the reason you have athletic code of conduct. They 100% can discipline students, and it happens literally every day at my school. This admin license requirement you keep talking about is not a requirement to discipline. Suspend from school activities? Sure, that does go through the AP's. However, say a kid is caught with alcohol or drugs, that will first go through the AD and their going to lose 20% of their season for a 1st offense, and then they will get a school punishment through the AP. 100% how it works.

My district has two Assistant Sup's who oversee our facilities and finance who have never worked a day of their life in education. One worked for GM and the other worked for Deloitte. They are considered Administrators, not only in title, but by pay scale.

You're honestly embarrassing yourself with your responses and showing your lack of knowledge, especially given you live in a tiny part of the state that operates very differently than most districts, if indeed what you're saying is true. You comparing them to secretaries is hilarious. You have no real idea what they actually do and the time and effort that goes into being an AD. Again, they hire, fire, evaluate, discipline, develop budgets, schedule games, officials, transportation, sign game contracts, collect game receipts, run events, fundraise, etc.

Most AD's around the state, and I know this from actual experience, work on Admin pay scales, not teacher scales, so the connection that you're trying to make isn't again accurate. 10-12k is a joke for what they're asked to do.

Please, if you're going to keep posting, listen and research, and stop acting like you know what you're talking about. It is CLEAR you have no idea.

Kuddos to Ironton for attempting to pay a professional their real worth. Pendleton could easily go somewhere bigger, be a full-time AD and coach, and make double what he's making at Ironton. The fact he hasn't left is a credit to his dedication to the district, his student-athletes, and the community.

I respect your OPINION as well and putting in your 2 cents when you are in Cincinnati. I am sure that everyone is paid more in a larger city with a large operating budget. I am not getting into exactly what I know or educational background that I have. I completely understand that AD's don't have to possess an admin license. It has been said several times and I agree that it isn't a requirement. I think it would be great if the AD had a Master's Degree in Athletic Administration. It seems that degree work would be very beneficial to the job duties of that position. It is very clear on ODE and OHSAA of all the requirements, rules, and regulations that everyone has to go by. In many districts that I know direct knowledge of, they do hire by committee. I am not saying that happens in Cincy, but it is common in SE region of Ohio. There are principals, teachers, community members, and maybe a board member on these hiring committees. They report back to the superintendent who in turns recommends to the board for hiring purposes. There is a process but not everyone wants other people's opinions on the right person to hire. My question to you is are you an AD since you say your district or do you have family connection to someone who is an AD? I find it intriguing that you pipe in on a conversation about SEO and not in the region. I think it is wonderful that you have 2 assistant superintendents. You must have a connection to a larger school district than most in SEO. The superintendents you are referring to had to apply for a superintendent's license in the state of Ohio for those positions even though they have other backgrounds at GM. Your superintendents get paid for their credentials and licenses. The scheduling of games, officials, game contracts, count money, run events, and everything else sports related is definitely within the scope of the job. You are probably right that they do recommend who to hire or fire under the direction of the superintendent. They are not at the top of the food chain. Just like any federal or state job, you should be paid for your educational background and licenses. That is how you move up on those pay scales. Anyway, good luck in Cincinnati and I'm glad to hear your 2 cents.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by avalanche »


I respect your OPINION as well and putting in your 2 cents when you are in Cincinnati. I am sure that everyone is paid more in a larger city with a large operating budget. I am not getting into exactly what I know or educational background that I have. I completely understand that AD's don't have to possess an admin license. It has been said several times and I agree that it isn't a requirement. I think it would be great if the AD had a Master's Degree in Athletic Administration. It seems that degree work would be very beneficial to the job duties of that position. It is very clear on ODE and OHSAA of all the requirements, rules, and regulations that everyone has to go by. In many districts that I know direct knowledge of, they do hire by committee. I am not saying that happens in Cincy, but it is common in SE region of Ohio. There are principals, teachers, community members, and maybe a board member on these hiring committees. They report back to the superintendent who in turns recommends to the board for hiring purposes. There is a process but not everyone wants other people's opinions on the right person to hire. My question to you is are you an AD since you say your district or do you have family connection to someone who is an AD? I find it intriguing that you pipe in on a conversation about SEO and not in the region. I think it is wonderful that you have 2 assistant superintendents. You must have a connection to a larger school district than most in SEO. The superintendents you are referring to had to apply for a superintendent's license in the state of Ohio for those positions even though they have other backgrounds at GM. Your superintendents get paid for their credentials and licenses. The scheduling of games, officials, game contracts, count money, run events, and everything else sports related is definitely within the scope of the job. You are probably right that they do recommend who to hire or fire under the direction of the superintendent. They are not at the top of the food chain. Just like any federal or state job, you should be paid for your educational background and licenses. That is how you move up on those pay scales. Anyway, good luck in Cincinnati and I'm glad to hear your 2 cents.

It's not a license, it's a certificate. Please stop calling it a license.

Sure, committee's are used and should be used to hire, however, if you're hiring a coach, teacher, whatever, the committee doesn't select the candidate, the Principal and AD do.

Yes, your hires to have to be reported to your Super, but they don't "hire" the candidate, the Administrators at the building level do. The BOE simply says yes or no.

I grew up in this region, have family members who coach in the region, and I am very familiar with the majority of AD's in the region. I have coaches and taught for 20 years now in two different states. The majority of what you have posted is inaccurate.

I have 5 Assistant Supers, not just 2. Yes, they have a running clock to obtain a CERTIFICATE, not license.

No, I have not heard of my AD EVER having to hire someone based on any directive from the Super. The Sups have so many responsibilities, and the hiring coaches is very low on their priority list.

Athletic Directors have certifications as well (RAA, CAA, CMAA).

No one said they are top of the food chain. However, they are administrators, at least in educational communities that actually value them. Our AD makes 100K, and most in our conference do as well.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

avalanche wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 12:20 pm
I respect your OPINION as well and putting in your 2 cents when you are in Cincinnati. I am sure that everyone is paid more in a larger city with a large operating budget. I am not getting into exactly what I know or educational background that I have. I completely understand that AD's don't have to possess an admin license. It has been said several times and I agree that it isn't a requirement. I think it would be great if the AD had a Master's Degree in Athletic Administration. It seems that degree work would be very beneficial to the job duties of that position. It is very clear on ODE and OHSAA of all the requirements, rules, and regulations that everyone has to go by. In many districts that I know direct knowledge of, they do hire by committee. I am not saying that happens in Cincy, but it is common in SE region of Ohio. There are principals, teachers, community members, and maybe a board member on these hiring committees. They report back to the superintendent who in turns recommends to the board for hiring purposes. There is a process but not everyone wants other people's opinions on the right person to hire. My question to you is are you an AD since you say your district or do you have family connection to someone who is an AD? I find it intriguing that you pipe in on a conversation about SEO and not in the region. I think it is wonderful that you have 2 assistant superintendents. You must have a connection to a larger school district than most in SEO. The superintendents you are referring to had to apply for a superintendent's license in the state of Ohio for those positions even though they have other backgrounds at GM. Your superintendents get paid for their credentials and licenses. The scheduling of games, officials, game contracts, count money, run events, and everything else sports related is definitely within the scope of the job. You are probably right that they do recommend who to hire or fire under the direction of the superintendent. They are not at the top of the food chain. Just like any federal or state job, you should be paid for your educational background and licenses. That is how you move up on those pay scales. Anyway, good luck in Cincinnati and I'm glad to hear your 2 cents.

It's not a license, it's a certificate. Please stop calling it a license.

Sure, committee's are used and should be used to hire, however, if you're hiring a coach, teacher, whatever, the committee doesn't select the candidate, the Principal and AD do.

Yes, your hires to have to be reported to your Super, but they don't "hire" the candidate, the Administrators at the building level do. The BOE simply says yes or no.

I grew up in this region, have family members who coach in the region, and I am very familiar with the majority of AD's in the region. I have coaches and taught for 20 years now in two different states. The majority of what you have posted is inaccurate.

I have 5 Assistant Supers, not just 2. Yes, they have a running clock to obtain a CERTIFICATE, not license.

No, I have not heard of my AD EVER having to hire someone based on any directive from the Super. The Sups have so many responsibilities, and the hiring coaches is very low on their priority list.

Athletic Directors have certifications as well (RAA, CAA, CMAA).

No one said they are top of the food chain. However, they are administrators, at least in educational communities that actually value them. Our AD makes 100K, and most in our conference do as well.

Once again, you are incorrect in your own information. Superintendent's have a professional license which is a 5 year license issued by the state of Ohio. You are welcome to look that up because that is 100% accurate. I am glad to also hear you confirming that most schools hire by committee. The A/D reports to the principal and/or superintendent who ultimately has the say of who is or isn't going to be hired. The recommendations get put on the board agenda where it is voted on. I figured you had family in the region and that is why you was adding your 2 cents. Your defensive stance on the topic is very telling. All of my information is factual, and I do not have any personal ties to this conversation or any A/D's anywhere in our SEO region. I am sure that the superintendents do take all opinions in consideration for hiring. Coach positions also have to be posted within before the job is out for hiring anyone outside of the district. I am sure glad your AD makes the money they do and you probably pay some nice levy money for your school on your taxes to operating cost or have a lot of industry. What is the base salary of your teachers in your district roughly? I am sure your A/D has an extensive university transcript plus certification/licenses to make that kind of money. Most principals in our area don't make 100K and they are next to the top of the food chain in a district in the SEO region with at least a Master's Degree and many, many years of experience and licenses in teaching/administration.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by avalanche »

Once again, you are incorrect in your own information. Superintendent's have a professional license which is a 5 year license issued by the state of Ohio. You are welcome to look that up because that is 100% accurate. I am glad to also hear you confirming that most schools hire by committee. The A/D reports to the principal and/or superintendent who ultimately has the say of who is or isn't going to be hired. The recommendations get put on the board agenda where it is voted on. I figured you had family in the region and that is why you was adding your 2 cents. Your defensive stance on the topic is very telling. All of my information is factual, and I do not have any personal ties to this conversation or any A/D's anywhere in our SEO region. I am sure that the superintendents do take all opinions in consideration for hiring. Coach positions also have to be posted within before the job is out for hiring anyone outside of the district. I am sure glad your AD makes the money they do and you probably pay some nice levy money for your school on your taxes to operating cost or have a lot of industry. What is the base salary of your teachers in your district roughly? I am sure your A/D has an extensive university transcript plus certification/licenses to make that kind of money. Most principals in our area don't make 100K and they are next to the top of the food chain in a district in the SEO region with at least a Master's Degree and many, many years of experience and licenses in teaching/administration.

Honestly until you're willing to say if you work in education, which it appears you do not, I am not really sure why I am continuing this conversation.

Once again? Lol. Okay buddy.

I am talking about administrators cert, not a Sups license.

Thank you for restating the same process I just told you about.

I am not defensive, I am simply stating that despite the fact that you've been told the same information by multiple posters you keep insisting on inaccurate information.

The fact we're talking about Superintendents at this point, which has nothing to do with AD's or what they're paid or certifications or titles is telling.

Levy money? You know levy money doesn't go to teacher salaries right? Do you mean sinking fund or bonds? Those go to operating budgets and facilities.

No, the Sups don't take opinions, they trust their administrators and basically rubber stamp the hiring recommendation.

My 2 cents is that before suggesting that every school operates the way you're suggesting or that they require specific certifications, you should probably do your own research and actually listen to those who work in education and have seen the process played out over many year of experience.

I'm again asking, what is your end game here? Do you really want to know how it works, are are you trying to suggest that Ironton shouldn't give their AD more money? After seeing multiple responses on multiple threads about the same topic and the same district, it certainly appears you have a strong opinion on Ironton's situation.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

avalanche wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 2:29 pm Once again, you are incorrect in your own information. Superintendent's have a professional license which is a 5 year license issued by the state of Ohio. You are welcome to look that up because that is 100% accurate. I am glad to also hear you confirming that most schools hire by committee. The A/D reports to the principal and/or superintendent who ultimately has the say of who is or isn't going to be hired. The recommendations get put on the board agenda where it is voted on. I figured you had family in the region and that is why you was adding your 2 cents. Your defensive stance on the topic is very telling. All of my information is factual, and I do not have any personal ties to this conversation or any A/D's anywhere in our SEO region. I am sure that the superintendents do take all opinions in consideration for hiring. Coach positions also have to be posted within before the job is out for hiring anyone outside of the district. I am sure glad your AD makes the money they do and you probably pay some nice levy money for your school on your taxes to operating cost or have a lot of industry. What is the base salary of your teachers in your district roughly? I am sure your A/D has an extensive university transcript plus certification/licenses to make that kind of money. Most principals in our area don't make 100K and they are next to the top of the food chain in a district in the SEO region with at least a Master's Degree and many, many years of experience and licenses in teaching/administration.
Honestly until you're willing to say if you work in education, which it appears you do not, I am not really sure why I am continuing this conversation.

Once again? Lol. Okay buddy.

I am talking about administrators cert, not a Sups license.

Thank you for restating the same process I just told you about.

I am not defensive, I am simply stating that despite the fact that you've been told the same information by multiple posters you keep insisting on inaccurate information.

The fact we're talking about Superintendents at this point, which has nothing to do with AD's or what they're paid or certifications or titles is telling.

Levy money? You know levy money doesn't go to teacher salaries right? Do you mean sinking fund or bonds? Those go to operating budgets and facilities.

No, the Sups don't take opinions, they trust their administrators and basically rubber stamp the hiring recommendation.

My 2 cents is that before suggesting that every school operates the way you're suggesting or that they require specific certifications, you should probably do your own research and actually listen to those who work in education and have seen the process played out over many year of experience.

I'm again asking, what is your end game here? Do you really want to know how it works, are are you trying to suggest that Ironton shouldn't give their AD more money? After seeing multiple responses on multiple threads about the same topic and the same district, it certainly appears you have a strong opinion on Ironton's situation.

As I have said before it has never been about any one person or district. I was just having a conversation with a buddy about what schools in SEO region had just an AD. I just knew most I knew had a job rolled in with it as an assistant principal or teacher. Clearly I was wrong with the FAO conference having several schools but I really don’t even know the size of those schools. I knew the large Columbus and Cincinnati schools do as well because of the vast number of students they have in their district. With the budget of smaller schools, it is already difficult to ensure all employees are paid the best in the county and new curriculum/technology is purchased to ensure kids receive the best education possible. After everything is said and done, their education will be their saving grace as the key to being successful in life. Athletics is great, but remember student comes before athlete. Every excellent coach tell their players that each and every day.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by SiderSammy »

west ad sure dropped the ball causing our best basketball player to become ineligible. It’s been a sad, sad situation. it should be a separate person hired as ad, that isn’t a coach. most can’t handle doing both and it’s sad they let money get in the way.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by avalanche »

As I have said before it has never been about any one person or district. I was just having a conversation with a buddy about what schools in SEO region had just an AD. I just knew most I knew had a job rolled in with it as an assistant principal or teacher. Clearly I was wrong with the FAO conference having several schools but I really don’t even know the size of those schools. I knew the large Columbus and Cincinnati schools do as well because of the vast number of students they have in their district. With the budget of smaller schools, it is already difficult to ensure all employees are paid the best in the county and new curriculum/technology is purchased to ensure kids receive the best education possible. After everything is said and done, their education will be their saving grace as the key to being successful in life. Athletics is great, but remember student comes before athlete. Every excellent coach tell their players that each and every day.

I don't believe anyone is saying that sports should be funded at the expense of academics. You're insinuating that point when literally no one has disputed. We are all aware that student comes before the athlete. However, sports are educational, hence why they are called educational-athletics. There is a reason 75% of fortune 500 CEO's participated in athletics at some point in their lives. Lessons learned beyond what you learn in a classroom. Also why employers tend to employ former student-athletes, because they know how to work on teams, with co-workers they may not enjoy being around, discipline, accountability, time management, etc.

With all of this being said, I hope Ironton does whatever they can to keep their AD/Coach. He is well worth the investment.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by PointerHornet89 »

I guess each individual school does what they think is best, either treat the AD position as a supplemental or full time

Freshman Team
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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

I agree that education of students have to come first. Priorities are reflected on the state report cards on how schools are doing with growth, achievement, and graduation rates. The goal is to be a 5 star high school. Check your school out and see how they are performing.
Last edited by BurgFan43 on Sat Feb 01, 2025 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by enigmaax »

BurgFan43 wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:48 am I agree that education of students have to come first. Priorities are reflected on the state report cards on how schools are doing with growth, achievement, and graduation rates. The goal is to be a 5 star high school. Check your school out and see how they are performing.

Just a tidbit of information, the Athletic Director at Marshall University is $47,585 a year. This is a college level salary. They have a huge enrollment of student athletes and not just a couple hundred like a high school.
This is not true. The AD at Marshall was paid $325k last year. ... university

For additional reference, you can see where during the pandemic, the AD took a pay cut…from $310k at the time. ... d62de.html

Freshman Team
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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by BurgFan43 »

enigmaax wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 11:32 am
BurgFan43 wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:48 am I agree that education of students have to come first. Priorities are reflected on the state report cards on how schools are doing with growth, achievement, and graduation rates. The goal is to be a 5 star high school. Check your school out and see how they are performing.

Just a tidbit of information, the Athletic Director at Marshall University is $47,585 a year. This is a college level salary. They have a huge enrollment of student athletes and not just a couple hundred like a high school.
This is not true. The AD at Marshall was paid $325k last year. ... university

For additional reference, you can see where during the pandemic, the AD took a pay cut…from $310k at the time. ... d62de.html
Sorry, AI gave me the wrong information. At least I can admit to my mistakes unlike some other people.

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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by TigerBob »

BurgFan43 wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:48 am I agree that education of students have to come first. Priorities are reflected on the state report cards on how schools are doing with growth, achievement, and graduation rates. The goal is to be a 5 star high school. Check your school out and see how they are performing.
If my school produced people dumb enough to think the AD at a FBS school made less than $50,000, I would be concerned.

All State
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Re: AD/Head Coaches

Post by TigerBob »

TigerBob wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 1:01 pm
BurgFan43 wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 10:48 am I agree that education of students have to come first. Priorities are reflected on the state report cards on how schools are doing with growth, achievement, and graduation rates. The goal is to be a 5 star high school. Check your school out and see how they are performing.
If my school produced people dumb enough to think the at an FBS school made less than $50,000, I would be concerned.

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