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Post by buckfan84 »

I would say we are only labeled cheaters by teams we have beat. Fine, NY did not win the TVC-Ohio, congrats Belpre. And we had no teams that went 0-10, congrats Wellston.

Again, I am not sure how you can label someone a cheater when putting, unknowingly I might add, an ineligible FRESHMAN when the score is out of hand.

We in Buchtel..... er Nelsonville (or most places in the world) would disagree, BUT, if that makes you able to get through the day, you go right ahead and believe what you NEED to.

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Post by boilermaker »

Say what you will ,but you played a ineligible player. There is NO misunderstanding you should know the staus of your players...All of them :!: No excuses , I think it serves Boston right IMO :twisted:

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Post by joliet jake »

Ny did play an ineligible Player and turned themselves in. Why would it serve Boston Right? He had won the league found out a mistake was made in the front office and the school turned it in. You act like they got caught cheating. They could have kept quiet but they didnt. And as far as this happening before, the eligibility list comes from the pricipals office. If a player is on it they dont play. Its not up to the coach. NY is the only TVC school that has weekly eligibility and drug testing. No other schools can claim this. It is harder to play for NY than any other place because of this. Boiler, I feel sorry that your team had to get its only victory off the field but it will be the season that never sleeps for your kids as long as you want to keep bringing it up.

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Post by NYBuckeye96 »

And hats off to Coach Boston and the NY Administration for taking the high road and turning themselves in for this unfortunate mistake. It could have EASILY been covered up. But NY showed CLASS and reported this to the OHSAA. NY builds character among its students, and it is clear to me that not all schools are able to build this personal trait as their students become alumni.

To call someone a cheater when they took the high road and turned themselves in, well thats just low in my opinion and I wouldn't want to associate myself with someone that acted like that.

NY has an amazing football tradition, and that tradition will continue in the future. Just look at our junior high and biddy league programs. Those kids are going to do some AMAZING things in the upcoming years!!! Undefeated 8th grade team. Undefeated 7th grade team. Undefeated 5th/6th grade team.

Those kids who are now in 8th, 7th, 6th, and 5th them break some of NY's football records in the upcoming years. Wait and see, it will happen!! And they will have one of the best high school football facilities in the state to break those records on!!!! And as they break these records, they will learn how to be good, honest citizens in the process. And that is what it really is all about.

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Post by mister b »

First, this is an unfortunate situation. I think it shows class that the folks at Nelsonville addressed the problem and made the OHSAA aware of what happened. Because of doing the right thing, this caused them a share of the TVC title and reenforced to their players and community, that grades, not wins, are the most important item of high school athletics.

Second, I for one am not in favor of weekly eligibilty, especially for freshmen. However, you cannot have a seperate policy for different grade levels in 7-8 or 9-12. I think having weekly eligibilty puts a strain on the professional staff in the school district, i.e. teachers, secreteries and the Athletic Director. Remember, the coaches are supplied a list of ineligible players at the start of each grading period and then add on top of that a weekly list, in Nelsonville's case. One over-sight can cost a team a win which , in this case, a co-championship of the league. The silver lining of this is that the Buckeyes did not quailify for the playoffs, because if they had then they would have kept another team for being there that should have been.

My hats off to Nelsonville for discovering the error and admitting the mistake and taking the right steps to make admends. Everybody gains in this situation except the team's overall record. For those who are from other schools and take joy in this situation, your immaturity shows by your posts.

Lastly, how does Nelsonville afford to drug test every player each week? That has got to be expensive. They have to be one of only a handful of schools in the state to do so.

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Post by bucksfan08 »

Nelsonville does not test every player every week. Each week there is random testing of several players, football, volleyball, baseball, softball, and choir and band. Everything extracurricular at NY is drug tested.

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Post by mister b »

Even with random drug testing every week, this has to be expensive. Hats off to Nelsonville for doing this. Who pays for this, the booster groups, an add on fee to every student in the district or does the board take it out of the general fund?

Does any other school in the TVC do this? Belpre doesn't that I am aware of.

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Post by hawkeyepierce »

Did Nelsonville really self report? Or was there more to the story?

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Post by buckfan84 »

I think some may WISH there were more to the story. But no, NY did report and comply with this situation.

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Post by Orestes »

If I'm an Ohio Division coach, I lobby for all of NY's wins to stay in tact. If they don't, and NY is forced to forfeit games, I can't wait to hear about Boston Jr putting 60+ points on these bushleague teams. He has a load of talent coming up, and if this goes down, I very much hope Boston keeps his foot on the pedal with all the starters for 4 quarters.

Who would want a win like this? It isn't like the games in question were even close. They were blowouts. NY was in no way gaining a competitive advantage by playing the player in question. If you want a win like this, you are a stud. Period. Only Belpre has been able to man up and beat the Buckeyes since Boston has been coach. Suck it up ladies, and get yourself a team. This is pathetic.

BTW, it seems funny that NY is taking heat for this, while an Ohio Division Volleyball program is recruiting USC style for tournament runs. Just ask the girls who receive the phone calls about switching schools.

I think signing day is coming up for Volleyball. I think we should be talking about THE recruiting class for the upcoming season.

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Post by buckfan84 »

It is my understanding that the Alexander staff informed them and then NY did what they needed to do. It IS ironic that Alex was the one to do this.

Many on this forum, including NY posters, have been supportive of what they needed to do to become the VB school that they are. Not sure that the Athens or Jackson AD's would feel the same way.

Again, I am beginning to see the theory that if you are hated so much, you must be doing something right.

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Post by joliet jake »

There is some truth to what you are saying CJ. The boys family moved in from Alexander. The principal’s office that checks on eligibility did not catch the grades. Alexander knew this from the beginning of the season but did not call until the season was over. They called our office and our Principal checked and then called the state to turn it in. Alex thought that they would get the win but it turned out to be Wellston. While Coach Arno was heading to the Bengals game the day of the league meeting that he didnt have the class to show up for, But according to my buddy who was in the limo with him he was in no shape to go to a meeting anyway he told them that they knew the kid was ineligible from the start but was going to wait to see how many games he played in before they turned him in. Of course the assist. Coach from alex that did go to the meeting let the other coaches know this. This is how the word got out. Coach McC is the source while his head coach was heading to cincy Blabbing his head off. This Was reported to the state before the playoffs started. If the state would have acted at that time Belpre would have not made the playoffs and Lucasville would have. NY did turn themselves in. When they knew of the mistake they owned up to it. NY's head coach didnt know there was a problem until they had already been turned in. The head office deals with eligibility. See Ny's head coach had no idea about this young man until it was too late. Had he known, he would have set out like they have made many athletes do in the past. Especially a freshman that would have no barring on the outcome. Now my question is. Why did alex hold out knowing that NY had no idea they had a freshman boy playing that was ineligible. How ethical is Alex. I know its not their responsibility But they thought they may get a victory and also thought it would be an 0-10 season for the Buckeyes. Again this has fired the boys up about league play like you wouldnt believe. They had a 5 year run and now they are more fired up than a team that hasnt won more than 1 game since they came into the league. I cant wait till Alex visits NY next year.

As far as wrestling goes. They have won the league for 5 years and you finally get a win. Good for you, it must be tiring getting beat up by this little school when you are the big dog on the block. VC.

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Post by NYBuckeye96 »

If anyone has the email address for the Alex Coach, I have a message for him:

Alexander Spartans
Buckeyes lead all-time series 35 wins, 0 losses, 1 tie
1972 Nelsonville-York (H) 14-0
1973 Nelsonville-York (A) 20-6
1974 Tie (H) 0-0
1975 Nelsonville-York (A) 12-6
1976 Nelsonville-York (H) 14-8
1977 Nelsonville-York (A) 14-8
1978 Nelsonville-York (H) 28-6
1979 Nelsonville-York (A) 40-0
1980 Nelsonville-York (H) 56-13
1981 Nelsonville-York (A) 50-6
1982 Nelsonville-York (H) 58-0
1983 Nelsonville-York (A) 26-7
1984 Nelsonville-York (H) 21-6
1985 Nelsonville-York (A) 54-14
1986 Nelsonville-York (H) 26-0
1987 Nelsonville-York (A) 46-0
1988 Nelsonville-York (H) 24-0
1989 Nelsonville-York (A) 46-0
1990 Nelsonville-York (H) 49-8
1991 Nelsonville-York (A) 33-8
1992 Nelsonville-York (H) 34-0
1993 Nelsonville-York (A) 35-16
1994 Nelsonville-York (H) 48-14
1995 Nelsonville-York (A) 20-14
1996 Nelsonville-York (H) 36-14
1997 Nelsonville-York (A) 41-0
1998 Nelsonville-York (H) 49-13
1999 Nelsonville-York (A) 35-14
2000 Nelsonville-York (H) 56-6
2001 Nelsonville-York (A) 30-0
2002 Nelsonville-York (H) 40-6
2003 Nelsonville-York (A) 40-13
2004 Nelsonville-York (H) 47-12
2005 Nelsonville-York (A) 46-22
2006 Nelsonville-York (H) 47-6
2007 Nelsonville-York (A) 26-13

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by hawkeyepierce »

From my sources this only became an issue when at the league meeting when coach Boston threw a tantrum over getting the older brother votes for Def POY. It didn't happen and coach Boston was pizzzzzzzed and mumbling and muttering when he left. Now maybe the Alex staff decided to point out what they thought was the obvious.

Any how, it will sure be interesting next year. Maybe Coach Boston can that game schedule on a Saturday and bill it has the "Christians versus the Lions."

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Post by bucksfan08 »

I agree Scott Cunningham should have been DefPOY, but thats just me. The kid husstled everyplay, and led the best scoring defense in the league.

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Post by boilermaker »

I know for FACT they didnt self report!

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Post by gpgm6566 »

The one thing they did get right this year was Ashton Packard tvc defensive player of the year. He led the league in almost every defensive stat., and clearly deserved this award.

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Post by Orestes »

I thought Wadaker (sp?) was better on the Belpre team. If I were drafting players off of that team, he would be my first choice without hesitation. I know some guys who played against him (not NY) that agree very much with me. Also, some coaches (not NY) who agree as well.

"Wadaker was probably the best player I saw this season." -Unnamed Non-Ohio Division Assistant Coach

"I agree" - Unnamed Non-Ohio Division player

I also heard that Boston was angry at the league meeting. I was told that he was fed up with having to beg and plead to get his continuous league championship caliber players on the all-TVC team.

Seriously, if I'm Boston, the league would be a bloodbath next season. My only concern would be getting my own players hurt. Otherwise, I would have my guys playing on the edge until the final seconds ticked away.

This past season was the worst NY team people are going to see for a while, and it won't be pretty for everyone else. I hope Alexander has a good trainer on hand, and it's too bad the kids will pay the price rather than the chubby prick who withheld the information for a shot at a cheap W.

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