Chillicothe 2008 football schedule

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Post by Army »

LoganLocos wrote:
Army wrote:2008 will be a new season. Get over it,

Because that's what you did last year! I hard to hear your crap ALL last season and all off season.

You're just like Ironton. You can dish it out, but you can't take it!

LOL, I'm laughing again. Army, you are a trash talker, and worse, a fairweather fan.

I'm sure if the basketball team struggles (which I don't expect), you'll jump off that bandwagon too just like you did football.

What was it you were saying, did you even play the sport at Logan that you are such the expert of :?:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by Paladin »

And the "great" Army was a jock ?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Please........................ those of us who not only WORE a jock, but could FILL one out, laugh at you.

Name your "awards", stud and be able to verify with documentation.

I can. 8)

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Post by Army »

Paladin wrote:And the "great" Army was a jock ?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Please........................ those of us who not only WORE a jock, but could FILL one out, laugh at you.

Name your "awards", stud and be able to verify with documentation.

I can. 8)

No I did not play CC or Tennis. Nothing wrong with those sports, but Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track and Wrestling was more my angle. :-D

Like I said, how can you talk real football and no nothing about being out there on the field in the mud struggling with your team mates to hold that line. :-D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by sports junkie »

Paladumb, You say you can verify, then why haven't you? What about your record at Rosecrans?

LL, You are so funny, dish it out but can't take it. Just like I said in the past. 1 and out. How about 0-2 in the playoffs the last 2 years. You have Div.2 ENVY just like your buddy 2old ;-)

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Post by loganlocos »

Logan's Last 22 Games: 17-5, 2 Championships
Ironton's Last 22 Games: 11-11
Chillicothe's Last 22 Games: 11-11

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Post by top shelf »

Army wrote:
LoganLocos wrote:
Army wrote:2008 will be a new season. Get over it,

Because that's what you did last year! I hard to hear your crap ALL last season and all off season.

You're just like Ironton. You can dish it out, but you can't take it!

LOL, I'm laughing again. Army, you are a trash talker, and worse, a fairweather fan.

I'm sure if the basketball team struggles (which I don't expect), you'll jump off that bandwagon too just like you did football.

What was it you were saying, did you even play the sport at Logan that you are such the expert of :?:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

He may not of played football but ill bet my life he knows more about the game of football than u do...and he knows so much about not just Logan but ALL southeastern Ohio teams....Yes you guys should b much better next year but will u beat logan?...time will tell

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Post by top shelf »

sports junkie wrote:Paladumb, You say you can verify, then why haven't you? What about your record at Rosecrans?

LL, You are so funny, dish it out but can't take it. Just like I said in the past. 1 and out. How about 0-2 in the playoffs the last 2 years. You have Div.2 ENVY just like your buddy 2old ;-)

junkie...We are not as fortunate as you to hav 2 schools to split the boys...we hav 1 school...everyone in hocking goes here about 30% participate in bout u combine ur schools to one mighty Ironton fighting tigers school be D2 win something in playoffs then run your mouth...You guys hav a great history...and i know you WERE dominant back in the day but that is over and u guys hav done next to nothing the past few years.

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Post by sports junkie »

Logan has Div.2 envy, because they can't win a playoff game :lol: :lol:

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Post by Army »

sports junkie wrote:Paladumb, You say you can verify, then why haven't you? What about your record at Rosecrans?

LL, You are so funny, dish it out but can't take it. Just like I said in the past. 1 and out. How about 0-2 in the playoffs the last 2 years. You have Div.2 ENVY just like your buddy 2old ;-)

Hey sports junkie,
I am sure Bishop Rosecrans has there record somewhere concerning his tenure there. :-D

Like I said, some Logan Posters on here seem to be everybodies resident expert on here. Prime example, Lou Holtz and Mark Mays last night on ESPN put the other guy IN THE Boothe who most likely never played Football in his place when he stated that Ohio University was making a big mistake for going for a 2 point conversion against Akron last night. :roll: :lol:

After the conversion was made, then he flipped his decision on it. It was funny, Lou and Mark both eat him up live on ESPN T.V.

Anyone can do stats and learn all the in and outs of the game, but if you have not really got dirty on the field, how can you make such judgements :?: :-D

As stated, if you have not been on the field, and possibly got hit so hard you started to walk in the other teams huddle, or play in a mud fest like we did at Athens and won by a score 2-0, when we tackled the Bulldogs for a safety, or your QB gets his finger dislocated and runs over to the sideline, has it snapped back into place wrapped and comes back out on the field to lead the team to a victory over Gallipolis, then how can one who has never experienced that, make blanket statements about another team. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

A team you really have no true relationship with. Your not part of the community, not part of supporting the team in the booster club, not part of anything, except getting on here and becoming the expert for there team's situation as you post your silliness against our kids. Anyone can be down one year and rebound the next. The Freshman and JV games don't really mean much locos. Kids grow, mature and excel. Some become late bloomers. Look at Wellston. No one gave us a shot and we almost knocked off Lutz's team that year, we fumbled the football on the goal line with less than 1 minute and a half left. Kenny Fritz was on that team. If we would of punched it in, who knows if we could of hung in there, but I say we would of. 12-8. The last game we were depressed and down and got our socks handed to us in the final rival match with Jackson. But no one and I mean no one had our team going 7-3. So to all those experts that have the answer for everybody else's team, I say again, do you really know anything about the team.

Chillicothe was expected to do less last year and went 7-4. This year they were expected to do more and went 4-6. Next year is a new season with 55 returning football players from this years squad. Not counting the new players, some freshmen who may see limited time and of course the always possible SVC area school transfers. :-D

Come to think about it, in all my years in H.S., the Ironton Fighting Tigers was the King of the Hill in the SEOAL, but they were always respectful after the game. There coaches was always coming up to us and giving encouragement and applauding our game with them after the football game had ended.

The two teams in the SEOAL that were the worst IN THAT AREA were Jackson, but that was understandable due to the rivalry. Even when we tied them 8-8 at there place in 73, they wouldn't shake our hands :!: :-D

Logan was that way always to. Arogant and know it all. Even when we beat them in 75 at home a first in 17 years. The rest of the league was always respectful. Especially, Gallipolis, Meigs, Athens and Waverly. We always had a good rapport with those teams in all sporting events.

As stated, all except Jackson which was our rival and the Hocking County Team.....Logan :!: :roll: :roll:

Good luck to all our Teams!

I still think we need to create a special area for locos, paladin and 2old when they continue to stay on Chillicothe's and Ironton's threads serving as the resident experts on our programs.

Go CAVS :!:

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That's a good non-league schedule.

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Post by Totaled Cav »

Army wrote:
LoganLocos wrote:
Army wrote:Can you count the times Chillicothe was at the 20 yard line verses Logan in this years game and couldn't get 1 point.

I see Army is keeping the "Excuse Store" open in Chillicothe. First it's the refs, then it's the coaches, now it's "well we ALMOST"

Only you could turn a 47-18 game into "an almost." A 31-21 games is a "blow out" but a 47-18 game is a "woulda, coulda, shoulda"

You are reliable Army. Cavs are winning, you run your mouth. Cavs are losing, you DISAPEAR.

Fair weather fan you are. I show up win or lose.

Just remember: 47-18 Varsity and 26-6 JV

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

2008 will be a new season. Get over it, and PREPARE for
the roundball season. :-D

Oh, but the rest of the sports are not important up there are they :?:

Can't wait to see the Chiefs come to Chilli next year, week 10. SEOAL League Game. Finally. :-D

Isn't there a covy hole all you Logan Posters can hang out at. Ironton was correct. How many times do you see us on there stuff. :lol:

GO CAVS :!: [/b][/color]

You bring out the roundball thing like you guys did something in the post season this year or something. Give me a break lol

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Post by top shelf »

lol true true lol...

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Post by Army »

Hey Topshelf, Paladin, locos, 2old, totaledcav,

Army wrote:
top shelf wrote:ok.....logans non league games....D-1 lancaster<---not a bad team
D-1 Pickerington North should turn some heads next year...they should hav there new offense ironed out and they hav big boys...big athletes....and then D-2 Chillicothe last year....maybe grove city next yearD-1....hmmmmmmmm.....yeah...totally weak D-2 D-3.....the only teams like that we play are in our league...which WAS down this year

Sorry we were D3 this year :!: :-D

tigercannon71 wrote:You know what the funny thing is whenever anyone talks about Logan football most people automatically think of Logan, WVA then no Logan Ohio they reply oh you mean they still have a team.


That's a great one :!:

I couldn't stop laughing. How's that one on for size Chieftians :?:

They don't even know you all still have a team :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by top shelf »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HILARIOUS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

how about you guys do somthing in league then try to bash us??

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Post by Army »

top shelf wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HILARIOUS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

how about you guys do somthing in league then try to bash us??

Isn't there a cave or someplace all you Logan posters can hang out at instead of ours and Irontons page :?:

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Post by Totaled Cav »

Army, in response to your :

What was it you were saying, did you even play the sport at Logan that you are such the expert of "

I don't know if you've ever met Locos or know anything about his appearance, but someone his size even NOW, let alone in HS when he was 1/2 the size he is now wouldn't have made much of a football player. Here in Logan where we win League championships like you make excuses. we don't typically have guys as small as him starting let alone even playing. Now i could maybe see where your coming from playing at a little crappy school like Wellston or watching Cavalier football where your players on average just arent... Well...

As big, strong, fast, or as smart about the game as we are.

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Post by Army »

Totaled Cav wrote:Army, in response to your :

What was it you were saying, did you even play the sport at Logan that you are such the expert of "

I don't know if you've ever met Locos or know anything about his appearance, but someone his size even NOW, let alone in HS when he was 1/2 the size he is now wouldn't have made much of a football player. Here in Logan where we win League championships like you make excuses. we don't typically have guys as small as him starting let alone even playing. Now i could maybe see where your coming from playing at a little crappy school like Wellston or watching Cavalier football where your players on average just arent... Well...

As big, strong, fast, or as smart about the game as we are.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you mean, like the little crappy school Wellston a small AA School that I played for that beat your AAA Logan Chieftians :?: :-D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And support my kids school, Chillicothe who still owns you all. The CAVS Team that defeated you all last year at home.... again :!: :-D

And will this 2008 season too :!: :-D

Hey, don't you all have some bat cave to fly in, instead of hanging around our Chillicothe CAV and the Ironton threads :?: :-D

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Post by loganlocos »

Army wrote:And support my kids school, Chillicothe who still owns you all.

Now THAT is funny on two levels.

1) You support the kids (unless they lose, then you dissapear like you did pretty much all of hte 2007 season when the Cavs were struggling


2) You own Logan? HAHA, maybe you forgot 47-18? Logan OWNS the SEOAL and the Cavs can't get any closer than a 3 way tie for second.

Enjoy basketball season! You'll need to get your fill there!

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Post by Army »

LoganLocos wrote:
Army wrote:And support my kids school, Chillicothe who still owns you all.

Now THAT is funny on two levels.

1) You support the kids (unless they lose, then you dissapear like you did pretty much all of hte 2007 season when the Cavs were struggling


2) You own Logan? HAHA, maybe you forgot 47-18? Logan OWNS the SEOAL and the Cavs can't get any closer than a 3 way tie for second.

Enjoy basketball season! You'll need to get your fill there!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Post by Bronc21 »

hmmmmmm i thought this was a chillicothe thread? do you logan people feel big coming on another teams site and starting crap? so you won this year.....well LA TI Fg DA ! i get on here to read about chilli's team next year and all i see is logan this and logan that....go back to mayberry!!!

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