Late breaking news out of Wheelersburg

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Post by Syntax »

Bengalfan - You have buddies at The Burg? :-D

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Post by bengalfan76 »

Really I have no friends and was hoping to convince myself and others that I do.... Thanks Syntax for outing me....... :(

I don't think Gene would be a good fit. Wheelersburg will and needs to hire a burg man.... ONe of the many branches of Ed Miller coaching family tree. jmho

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Post by someoverkill »

What about Coach Sammons at Greenup County? He did a heck of a job at Portsmouth West and would be familar with the SOC II and the D5 landscape.

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Post by kahn »

I heard Evansville didn't approve the hire yet becuz the school board meeting was snowed out tonight.

Does southern indiana have any sites like this one?

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Post by california kid »

why did evansvilles coach leave if they went 15-0 and won state?

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Post by d-5 »

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Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Personally, I would love to see Larry Hall back at the Burg. With his defensive genius and his knowledge of the counter on offense I think he would excel at the Burg just like he did in the past. I know he is teaching at the Burg, or at least subbing because I see him up there quite often.

Come back home Larry!!! It would great to see you prowling the sidelines again at Ed Miller Stadium.

Good luck to Tony Lewis in his new head coaching position. I didn't always agree with some of his coaching philosophies, but he did instill a winning attitude back into the Pirate program and get them back into the playoffs multiple times while he was there. Not to mention the SOC titles he won.

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Post by Burg_Backer67 »

I've got nothing but love for Coach Larry Hall, but Larry's part of Wheelersburg's past, not it's future. And I'm not so sure that hiring within is the best of plans... it may not be a bad idea, but if the best applicant and fit for the job is someone not currently involved with the program, then so be it.

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Post by alabama mike »

Should be interesting to see what happens in the next few weeks at Wheelersburg regarding the football position.

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Post by outofbounds »

I think that Rob Woodward should be given every consideration for the head job. His knowledge of the game is outstanding and he can get the kids to respond to him. I also would not be disappointed if Larry Hall came back. As far as i'm concerned, these are the only two people that should even be considered. You can forget Brian White, he is set at Hilliard Davidson. The Wheelersburg system doesn't have the money to bring him and his wife back home.

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Post by sider »

I think this situation is similar to what West went through a few years ago. We had a good coach (Sammons) go back to his Alma Mater and We chose to go back to our past for Coach Tipton, as some of you are suggesting with Hall. West went 11-9 during this stretch which was ok, and it looked as that we would be better next year, but Tipton decided to leave and the school board had to look for a new coach which is always hard on a team with having to learn a new system and everything. Now, I understand that Burg has more wins and SOC Titles than West, but Burgs not invincable and if they don't plan for the future the same thing could happen to them...

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Post by COACH1 »

Goog luck to coach Lewis, great guy good coach , Think about this one bring back coach Hall and coach Tipton just like the old days ,but on the same sideline coaching with each other not against each other. wouldn't that be a site to see.

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Post by coop »

Best of Luck to Coach Lewis..he did a pretty good job at Burg!

Could the Hall's be back??!??

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Post by Neutron Man »

I would like to see Hall back at Burg!
But whatever happens needs to happen now!

what are we 6 months from footabll season?
and thats the start of it! I believe!

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Post by DEmaniac »

Good luck to coach Lewis! Take that passing game back to Rietz but dont run the the wing that you tried here. Play the college option and perfect it like I know you can. You had some really good atheletes here that were smart enuff to learn your system of flexibility. Burg needs a coach that can exploit that also! This soph squad next year is a great class and the seniors for next year are very good, though few in number. We need a coach that can take the experience the sophs have gained this year and multiply that for next year and make the seniors for next year a throttle for this program under a new head coach. Hall is in the past. His counters and lack of passing will hurt us. His defensive skills are another matter. Woodward is another defensive coach. What we need is another outsider that will take the kids as they are and not succomb to internal pressure. Kids play WHERE they are best suited. Sammons couldnt handle that at West so why bother. Brian White needs to encourage a prospective coach again imo. Woodward is good with the kids and has their respect, so he is an option. ARGHH, looking forward to Lewis for awhile and it lasted what, 7 years? I didnt like his offense in the wing T but I was happy with the defense and loved his passing game. Again, good luck Tony!

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Post by Army »

:-D :-D :-D

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Post by drrabbit »

We need to keep moving to the future. There is a lot of talent on this team to work with though. They can make the new coach look awful good.

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Post by fbnut »

I disagree that Hall's counter type offense wouldn't work today. In my oppinion it was one of the more successful and entertaining schemes the burgs ever run . After saying that though I believe his offensive philosophy has changed since he was at the burg. Lewis's teams won with D. With the exception of 2 season his teams offensive productivity were average. I hate to see Lewis leave, I think he did an excellent job and I wish him the best of luck and I am glad he gets to return home. One thing everyone needs to remember is that the burg is a small school is southern ohio, most suuccessful experienced coaches outside of this area will not see this job as being as attractive as most people in this area. They had a lot of applicants last time but very few qualified applicants. John Eaton put a lot of time and effort into selecting Lewis, hopefully the new administration will do the same.

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Post by oldschooler »

Wow, didn't see this coming, good luck to Coach Lewis and his entire family, can't much blame him for not accepting this offer.

Coach Hall and his son Andy would not be good for Burg football. Their interests are not in Burg anymore, that is apparent. Let's continue to move forward and do right by the players.

Rob Woodward should get the job if Brian White does not want it. He is ready to be a head coach, the players love him, and he will transition himself and the players well into the next season.

Good Luck to the Burg community and can't wait until August for that first game of the season!

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Post by drrabbit »

Maybe Regina Craig will send in an application again. :lol: If anyone got a chance to read her tongue-in-cheek letter last time you know what a good laugh that was. She was selective to whom she showed it to but the lady has a great sense of humor.

Seriously though, Wheelersburg should open up the application process to as wide an area as possible and take a good look at the qualifications of those who apply.

First and foremost, we need a person of character. The coach need to be the type of person, morally and ethically, that we want these young people to grow up to be like. While this is not the end of the requirements, a deficiency here should eliminate even the most 'winning' coach from consideration. (I know too many things about too many coaches and teachers from too many school over the years...)

Certainly a head coach is the foundation of a successful program. But we really need someone who can pick, train and direct good assistant coaches year after year. Those are the people who actually teach those fundamentals. So the person needs to be a leader of peers, a good organizer and a good judge of character.

We need a teacher, one professional enough to support ALL the students at Wheelersburg in all their academic and athletic endeavors, not just the football players in their sport. We need someone who remembers that these are STUDENT-athletes.

We also need someone for whom the kids like to practice and play. Great athletes don't help a team when they walk the halls but not the field. The coach's character issue comes back into play once again. Good athletes don't like to play for 'softies' but they do need to get the right mix of constructive criticism and encouragement. A coach who yells and curses just because they are angry and have a need to blame someone is counter-productive to building a team.

The kids need a coach who respects them for who they are and not just what they can do. He or she must demand quality in character as well as performance. And not only demand these things but works in positive ways to build that quality in the kids.

Wheelersburg needs to look for the coach that wants to build and sustain this program for the long haul. Maybe that will be one of the coaches currently in the program or maybe someone from outside the program.

The key in early parts of this process is to get as many applications as possible so that you can choose the best option. If the choices are too limited, the best will probably not be one of them.

The athletes are there. The work ethic is in place. The community will support the program's needs. This isn't coaching at Ohio State or Notre Dame University but its a darn good opportunity for someone who loves football, teaching and small town living.

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