How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

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How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Has there ever been discussion in the TVC about having an all-sports award such as the one in the SEOAL? I think it would be a great idea and something all teams could strive for because each one of our schools has strengths in different sports.

Since we are about to start a new school year and just for fun, I want to have a mock all-sports award for the TVC on SEOPS. With the help of other posters, we can keep track of the order all TVC teams finish in each sport and award points based on that.

So in football, for example, 7 points to the winner of the TVC OHIO, 6 points to the team who finishes in second, 5 points to the team who finishes in third, 4 for 4th, 3 for 5th, 2 for 6th and 1 for 7th. If there is a tie, the teams will each receive the same number of points. And then we do that for golf, cross country, volleyball, all the winter sports, and all the spring sports. At the end of the year, we add up all the points and we can crown our league champion!

All sports in which there is a league champion crowned will be included.

Any thoughts on who would win the all-sports championship? Don't forget to include Athens in your rankings!

Vinton County

I can also keep track of the TVC HOCKING for this as well as long as I have access to the information of who wins all the championships......

Federal Hocking

With the Hocking, 1st place would only be worth 6 points, since that league only has 6 teams. (5 for 2nd, 4 for 3rd, etc.)

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by renob »

I thought they already did this

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by moonshine »

Do all schools particpate in all sports? This could be a problem! :122247

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by redeagle »

This is already done.

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by noreply66 »

name some winners over the last ten years?--Thanks

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

If it already exists, why isn't it ever talked about in the media???? I have never once heard about it in the newspapers or on radio or anywhere else. Whereas, the SEOAL all-sports trophy is always talked about.

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

NYBuckeye96....For some strange reason, it is never made known to any of the TVC media. Don't know why, but the TVC has never been the best conference as far as releasing information to the press.

It's like pulling teeth just to obtain an all-league list. The league is the one that has to release it to us. I know I ask for them time and again, but can only do so much.

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by ronnie88richards »

Has anyone found the past 10 winners of this trophy I remember hearing about it. It would be nice if they talked about it in the paper or something.
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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by spartacat »

I remember a TVC - Ohio All Sport Winner banner hanging in the gym at Alexander. If I remember correctly (this was a couple years ago & I could be wrong) girl's Cross Country, Volleyball, girl's Basketball, Baseball and Softball all won the TVC title with boy's cross county and basketball coming in 2nd that year.

I would also like the history of the All Sport award.

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by Run Bubba Run »

I agree with Keysor on this one. The TVC is about the very worst in getting info out in a timely manner when it comes to All-TVC teams.

I have some doubts that anyone knows the winners of past All-Sports trtophy winners in the league. That's a shame.

I would think that the principals of the league schools (they determine everything official in the league) would want to post that info as it does keep your league and school members in the press a little more. The SEOAL does a really great job getting their info out quickly.

The idea that you shouldn't release All-TVC teams while someone is still participating in post-season play is laughable at best. I doubt there are many leagues statewide that do the same thing.

Athletes deserve timely recognition for their accomplishments. There have been years when I would have to wait until after Christmas to find All-TVC football teams in the media and even longer than that, if ever, for volleyball.

I know that the TVC has had the policy of recognizing an All-Sports Champion in both the Ohio and Hocking Divisions since 1996. The winner of the All-Sports trophy is supposed to be presented that trophy ata their first league football game. The principal from the visiting school is to present the trophy. The media is probably never informed of the presentation.

it must be a traveling trophy since the TVC by-laws provide for each school to display the trophy an equal amount of time if there is a tie at the end of the year.

The TVC principals need toget their act together.

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

If Athens recieved points for their tennis team, soccer team, girls tennis team, golf team, cross country team, etc...etc... ... They would win the trophy every year! lol

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Re: How about an All-sports trophy in the TVC?

Post by ocho stinko »

Thats exactly why Athens should have stayed in the Seaol. :122246

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