N.F.L. Punt, Pass & Kick Info for Southern Ohio

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tap in bogey
Freshman Team
Posts: 141
Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:01 am

N.F.L. Punt, Pass & Kick Info for Southern Ohio

Post by tap in bogey »

For those interested in entering this year's N.F.L. Pepsi PPK contest, you might want to read the following info. Winners of this contest will advance to an October Sectional competition with a chance of competing at a Cincinnati Bengals game in November. It is a great opportunity for the youth of our area. I will also be posting this on a couple of other forums to make sure the word gets out. Note that you athletes may only enter ONE Local PPK competition.

N.F.L. Pepsi Punt-Pass-Kick Competiton (Local Level)

Sunday – September 7, 2008 – 2:00 p.m.
Piketon H.S. Practice Football Field (directions on the PPK website)

Have a chance to a move on to Sectional PPK competition in October by winning your age group at the Southern Ohio Local PPK contest. Boys and girls are scored separately in PPK.

Age Groups: (age as of Dec. 31, 2008 is what determines your age group).
8/9 > Born in 2000 & 1999
10/11 > Born in 1998 & 1997
12/13 > Born in 1996 & 1995
14/15 > Born in 1994 & 1993

Ø Copies of valid birth certificate are required before entering – must bring it with you.
Ø Cannot wear football cleats
Ø Should arrive at least 45 minutes early to warm up.
Ø Bring your own football to warm up. Some will be provided but perhaps not enough.
Ø Tees will be provided to warm up.
Ø Must use the official PPK football in the competition. The 8/9 and 10/11 age groups will use a smaller ball.
Ø There is no cost to entering or competing in PPK.
Ø Parental consent forms must be signed before competing.
Ø You may enter only one local competition.
Ø Scores are determined by adding distance of the punt, pass and the kick. It is also important to be accurate and land as close to the line (measuring tape) as possible).

For more info:
Go to nflyouthfootball.com and click on the PPK logo.

Call Greg Shepherd at 740/708-6895 or email: [email protected]

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