WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) 34 @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1) 14

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Re: Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by biggdowgg »

gymratt wrote:
biggdowgg wrote:you know, I always say our kicking game needs improvement, and actualy thought they was a big improvement in the jackson game,
like Dave said 2 out of 3 extra points is good for us,,and if you was at the game,,all 3 snaps was bad snaps, to the holder, if we can work on the snap and get it back there right, the kicker and holder will not have to be in a hurry to do their jobs.....if the line also gives them time,,,but I have to admit,I liked what I seen out of our kicking game last night

Did you attend H.S. Biggdowg?

no, I had to quit school in the 5th grade, to work on our family farm and help support my 6 brothers and 4 sisters.

but I try.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by biggdowgg »

hammerdown wrote:Did you attend H.S. Biggdowg?

what in the heck kinda of a question is that to ask someone?

Im guessing he can tell by my english/grammer, I never did get much book learnin, but I survived a lot of hard..hard times in the bend and thats all that matters,,there were better men then me that didnt make it out of there..of course FIDO was also a tough cookie and proved all the bullys wrong, and really made something of himself,and we are all proud of him back down here on the farm.

now back to the game..is Knights still playing Q.B.?... that kid is an athelete, and can make it a very long "Knight" for the Trojans.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by chillout »

biggdowgg- Yes, Knights is still Chillis QB.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by biggdowgg »


thanks, I figured he was...

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Army »


Don't mind that question from the poster who asked you that.

My grandma was raised on a farm in Coalton, Ohio in Jackson County. She was made to drop out of grade school by her mother to help raise the younger sisters and brothers while her father was a coal miner back then. So, she went to work after her 6th grade year washing clothes and working on a factory line in Jackson at the Cigar Factory. My Grandma had a 6th grade education and was smart as a tact in math. She raised her family during the depression years up to the early 50's. Later she would help raise us, she worked all her life, never complained, went to church, kept us all in church, helped me come to the decision to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior and, would later be part of my journey to answer the call to become a Pastor / Army Chaplain. She helped my oldest brother in math during his grade school days at Harvey Wells Grade School in Wellston who at the time, he was having trouble in math. My oldest brother she helped in math would later on garnish a scholarship to attend OSU and graduate with a B.S. Degree in Mechincal Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1972. He was the first one to graduate from College in our family. God Bless her soul, she went on to be with the Lord in 1974. Oh, by the way, she was an avid football fan too. Go figure. She was a fan of the Wellston Golden Rockets and The Ohio State Buckeyes. I still remembering her walking me to high school games as a little boy about 1 mile from our house to watch the Wellston Golden Rockets play football, as far back as 1963. I still remember when my alma mater the Wellston Golden Rockets defeated the then, Nelsonville Greyhounds in an SEOAL match-up at Wellston, and I was booing and making fun of the Nelsonville Team. She told me to stop that, stating, they played the best they could. She was always a sportsman. She was too sick to come to my games when I was in high school, but she made all my other sporting events when I was younger. Without my grandmothers influence in my life, who I might add had only a 6th grade education background, I might not of turned out the way I have. I served my country for 30 plus faithful years in the military, graduated from High School, College, and Seminary.

She might not had a wealth of public education in her life, but she had ethics, morals, common sense and most of all respect and love. :-D

Biggdowg, it's amazing how some just don't get it. My apologies for that Chillicothe Poster.

Biggdowg, Good Luck to your Portsmouth Trojans :!:

GO CAVS :!: :-D
Last edited by Army on Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by biggdowgg »

Army wrote:biggdowgg,

Don't mind that question from the poster who asked you that.

My grandma was raised on a farm in Coalton, Ohio in Jackson County. She was made to drop out of grade school by her mother to help raise the younger sisters and brothers while her father was a coal miner back then. So, she went to work after her 6th grade year washing clothes and working on a factory line in Jackson at the Cigar Factory. My Grandma had a 6th grade education and was smart as a tact in math. She helped raise us, worked all her life, never complained, went to church, kept us all in church, helped me come to the decision to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior and, would later be part of my journey to answer the call to become a Pastor / Army Chaplain. She helped my oldest brother in math during grade school days at Harvey Wells Grade School in Wellston who at time, he was having trouble in math. My oldest brother she helped in math would later on garnish a scholarship to attend OSU and graduate with a B.S. Degree in Mechincal Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1972. God Bless her soul, she went on to be with the Lord in 1974. Oh, by the way, she was an avid football fan too. Go figure. She was a fan of the Wellston Golden Rockets and The Ohio State Buckeyes. I still remembering her walking me to high school games as a little boy about 1 mile from our house to watch the Wellston Golden Rockets play football, as far back as 1963. I still remember when my alma mater the Wellston Golden Rockets defeated the then, Nelsonville Greyhounds in an SEOAL match-up at Wellston, and I was booing and making fun of the Nelsonville Team. She told me to stop that, stating, they played the best they could. She was always a sportsman. She was too sick to come to my games when I was in high school, but she made all my other sporting events when I was younger. Without my grandmothers influence in my life, who I might add had only a 6th grade education background, I might not of turned out the way I have.

She might not had a wealth of public education in her life, but she had ethics, morals, common sense and most of all respect and love. :-D

It's amazing how some just don't get it.

Biggdowg, Good Luck to your Portsmouth Trojans :!:

GO CAVS :!: :-D

thanks ARMY, but the comment really doesnt bother me at all, I just answered it and moved on.

also thanks for wishing us luck, I think this could be the toughest game on our schedule this year, with Knights being prob the best athelete we will see.

safe trip to all the cavs fans to P town

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Army »


I think it will be a close game and as always, a real exciting one. The game usually is between these two old rivals who are now in the SEOAL together.

Again good luck and may the game be a safe and injury-free one.

Remember last years game at Chillicothe? We had one of our Senior TE's get his knee hurt and ended his football season, but was able to come back and play on the State Basketball Championship Team. Your Trojans pretty much man handled our CAVS until the second half when Chillicothe started a come-back against their old rival from the river. The Trojans hung on to win. The game is always a rough one when these two teams meet up.

I will never forget the 2006 game down at Portsmouth when our FB Beeler crossed the goal line scoring the 2-point coversion and helped win the game for our CAVS with only seconds left on the clock in the 4th quarter 29-28. That was a serious game. Your Trojans had the ball for most of the night. Our defense was on the field most of the night. Your offense was 10 yards and a cloud of dust that night with some passing. Our offense scored quick with Givens and Beeler, but your Trojans sure handled the clock in that game. It was a miracle our CAVS pulled out the victory that night. :-D

GO CAVS :!: :-D

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by biggdowgg »

I remember both games well,,,,and you are right, it sems to always be a battle, I dont remember the year, but another great game was when Givens was a freshman at you're place, we was winning the game, and he picked up a fumble late in the 4th and ran it in for a TD....FOR A CAVS WIN.

I was glad to see that kid come back so soon, and to play on that championship basketball team, I know early on, they was talk about him even playing any sport again.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by dazed&confused »

Close game. Two well-matched teams. Portsmouth is improving and at home but my hunch is the Cavs circle the wagons and pull it out. Turnovers may well decide the game so I like the more experienced Cavs players handling the pigskin when it counts.

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Re: Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)


gymratt wrote:
biggdowgg wrote:you know, I always say our kicking game needs improvement, and actualy thought they was a big improvement in the jackson game,
like Dave said 2 out of 3 extra points is good for us,,and if you was at the game,,all 3 snaps was bad snaps, to the holder, if we can work on the snap and get it back there right, the kicker and holder will not have to be in a hurry to do their jobs.....if the line also gives them time,,,but I have to admit,I liked what I seen out of our kicking game last night

Did you attend H.S. Biggdowg?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- who peed in your cheerios, dude. you did not even spell biggdowgg right, and asking questions like that. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Lamont Cranston »

Yet another tough one on the road for the Cavs. As stated a couple weeks ago, Chilly has NO easy road games this year. And, they really escaped a "trap" last week by basically playing well for only one quarter. It would be very interesting to see the outcome if, and when, Chilly is able to play at full throttle on both sides of the football for 4 quarters... they have yet to do it. Another bad start, or even a bad half, could be bad news this friday for the Cavs... you really play with fire when you go on the road in the SEOAL and do this. Interestingly enough, Chilly has struggled on the road the last 2 years, but, they are currently 2-1 in road games in '08, and 0-1 at home. That home game easily being their worst performance yet. Let's hope lessons have been learned and they come out of the locker room to start this one on fire... or at least smoldering. Go Cavs!!!

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Army »

Lamont Cranston,

I totally agree. I hope Coach D and the staff really look at last weeks performance the first 3 quarters and make the proper adjustments for this game against our rival from the river, (The Portsmouth Trojans). We are at Portsmouth and in this game any mistake can be the difference maker. The rivalary between these two schools seem to play above the scale when these two respected schools play against each other. It doesn't matter on which field either. So I hope the CAVS are ready to play Friday Night, meaning they bring their A game for all 4 quarters. This will be a dandy and hopefully an injury-free and absolute sportsmanship game.

Good Luck to both squads.

GO CAVS :!: :-D

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by bigdaddyblitz »

hammerdown wrote:why heck i went to high school and 2 1/2 years of college and i do have bad grammar and english.

that is a stupid question to ask someone and this is a message board not aENGLISHclass. :mad:

good luck trojans and keep the franchise safe.

Geesh hammerdown, it's AN English class, not A English class.lol Have you not learned anything from GYMRAT'S criticism of my good buddy biggdowgg?The big question is...will gymrat graduate from HS?

Good luck to both teams.IMO Chiili by all means should be able to head north on 23 with a big W, but thats what I thought in 2006.We left with a W , but it didn't feel like it.Especially from a defensive perspective.Let's hope it's a clean,hard fought battle. There's been incidents on BOTH sides of tempers flaring and a little dirty pool.But, I certainly can't criticize kids for that.Lord knows I lost my temper a few times on the field. It's a good thing when I played in HS you didn't have to sit out the following game if you got ejected.lol I kinda lost my cool on a kid from a rival team and got to take a shower early.Not something I'm proud of. It's just a good thing the refs can't see the bottom of the pile. :-D

The only problem Biggdowgg has now is he still try's to milk the bull's on the farm. I also heard he's been spotted leaving the sheep barn with his hip boots on and a big smile on his face.lol :-D :-D :-D

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by ravens »

The question is when will this offense decide to come out and play in all 4 quarters??.I"m a big fan of this team. I would love to see this offense wake up and score every quarter,could you imagine what kind of points this team could put up.The other question is,what team is going to show up?? the one from weeks 1 and 3 or from the weeks 2 and 4 hopefully from weeks 2 and 4.Let's hope that the offensive play calling gets a little better this week,sitting in the stands in zanesville our Superintendent wasn't very pleased what was going on the field alot of head shaking was going on with him.
Last edited by ravens on Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by ravens »


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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Portsmouth98 »

I think Chillicothe will be the most talented team we see this year. Of course they usually are the most talented team, we'll just have to see how they put it all together this year.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Army »

ravens wrote:Lamont,
The question is when will this offense decide to come out and play in all 4 quarters??.I"m a big fan of this team. I would love to see this offense wake up and score every quarter,could you imagine what kind of points this team could put up.The other question is,what team is going to show up?? the one from weeks 1 and 3 or from the weeks 2 and 4 hopefully from weeks 2 and 4.Let's hope that the offensive play calling gets a little better this week,sitting in the stands in zanesville our Superintendent wasn't very pleased what was going on the field alot of head shaking was going on with him.


No disrespect, but who cares what the Super thinks, he has no involvement in the FB Team. Let's face it, in week one, we could of won that game against Brookhaven. But our line did not pull their weight that night. In week three, there was no way our CAVS were going to defeat the Sheridan Generals no matter how you re-play the mistakes. They were to big and a power running team that we could not stop. So lets hope our kids are ready Friday against their old rivals on the river, the Portsmouth Trojans.

GO CAVS :!: :-D
Last edited by Army on Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Ironman92 »

army...my great grandmother worked at "I'm sure" the same cigar factory.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by Portsmouth98 »

How is the pre-game festivities coming together. My better half wants to know what she can cook up and bring along.

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Re: WK 5 Chillicothe (2-2 1-0) @ Portsmouth (1-3 0-1)

Post by 86cavs »

This will be a very physical game between Chillicothe and Portsmouth.Let's have good clean hard fought game on the field,with no repeats from 2007 season,where a youngman from Portsmouth deliberately took a youngman right knee out during and extra point attempt and was out for the rest of the season.

GO CAVS GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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