reguarding my comments made earlier. Just because i made the comment about a better team showing up, they were in no way disrespectful. it was just a cold honest statement. as far as the fans leaving early if its a blowout then why shouldnt they leave early? no i didnt not leave but that was because i didnt want to have to walk a mile to my car playing frogger

as a player on varsity football for the past four years i will 2nd the comment about not being friends on the field. off the field is fine but not on the field. The coachs also teach about NOT trying to hurt someone, just be better than them.
For the record i will not be attending the bean and H2O dinner. lol. i have a feeling that the H2O may be some of the nasty a$$ guru water, because they probably have a lot in inventory.

(Sorry for such a long post but i usually only get on here in between classes and had a lot to comment about.)