Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by oldcoachb »

WestSportsFan wrote:I never thought there would be a day that I say this but "GO BURG"!!!
We must have everyone nervous. lol!

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by WestSportsFan »

Yeh that's it exactly.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by MuletownManiac »

NewsFlash....Minford has sold out of tickets for tonights ballgame, I think that the Falcon Faithful will be out in full force tonight. Had to go to the Burg to get tickets, and the lady there said they had plenty of tickets left. As I drove home from the Burg I couldnt help but notice all the hoop-la considering this is just another game to The BURG had better bring their lunch bucket because the FALCONS are ready to go to work, dismantling the Burg in front of their Orange Crush. 8) 8)

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by MuletownManiac »

BRING ON THE BURG.....BRING ON THE BURG..... :twisted: :twisted:

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by BULDOG »

falcon_2010 wrote:wheelersburg think they have this game in the bag...but tonites game isnt gonna be easy like the valley game its not gonna be a blowout. if the falcons play strong like they did against waverly then the pirates are gonna have a long night.
i think the falcons have this one all wrapped up in a easy win

MuletownManiac wrote:NewsFlash....As I drove home from the Burg I couldnt help but notice all the hoop-la considering this is just another game to The BURG had better bring their lunch bucket because the FALCONS are ready to go to work, dismantling the Burg in front of their Orange Crush. 8) 8)

From reading all the posts on this topic sounds to me like its the other way around. :122249

Not sure what special activities are going on. Nothing more than any other game as far as I know.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by MuletownManiac »

Drive through Minford and then drive through "The Burg" and tell me who is more worried about tonights game, I sure hope all the Burg Players didnt stay up all night making those signs, could get tired early. Oh by the way I liked the big banner stretching across downtown hayport rd. that says "This is Pirate Country". Very cute.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by Teufelhunden »

This game is of great interest all across southeast ohio. Hope someone can call my radio show after the game and discuss the outcome a little. I'm on the air from 10:00 to midnight, give me a call 753-2154, 753 3154, 753 4154

Thanks and good luck to all.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by Bleeding Red »

WestSportsFan wrote:I never thought there would be a day that I say this but "GO BURG"!!!

West's coaches threat list as of week 1:

1.) Burg 2.) Portsmouth 3.) Minford 4.) Waverly

as of this week:

1.) Minford 2.) Minford 3.) Minford

Minford ROLLS tonight! Ground attack too much for the Pirates. Minford D too much for the Burg O.
Non believers- watch closely tonight, it may just happen so fast you might just miss it and wonder what happened!
Nothing matters this week but Burg. Minford is pumped, they control their emotions, play their game and let their actions do the talking. Minford rolls to 7-0


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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by Tremonti1 »

Time to shred the pirates like wisconsin's finest cheddar. :122249

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by oldcoachb »

:122249 There was a whole lot of that "Swauger Swagger" in the parking lot of the High School.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

Let's go Mighty Minford Falcons, play your game tonight and you'll be fine. Don't let the name or the color of the jersey across from you determined how you play. They are just another team that you must beat to accomplish your goals. You guy know you can win this game now do it. Don't get down when a few calls don't go your way either as you know this will most likely happen. Take care of business this week and add another W to the win column. Let's Go Big Red!

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by tiger-fan67 »

Wheelersburg is definately not overlooking this game, they arent a team that does that and i think history shows that, and if anyone is its the minford people, 6 people were caught from minford last night trying to steal wheelersburg's victory bell...good idea it only weighs about 350 lbs., burg has kept quiet all week and minford has done nothing but fuel the fire.....good idea falcons....see how that works out for you tonight....GO BURG!

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by couger_12 »

does anyone know if the game tonight is on the radio???? if so post it on here...also if its over the net post the site for me

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by MinnyAckMack10 »

game day.. good luck falcons..

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by oldcoachb »

tiger-fan67 wrote:Wheelersburg is definately not overlooking this game, they arent a team that does that and i think history shows that, and if anyone is its the minford people, 6 people were caught from minford last night trying to steal wheelersburg's victory bell...good idea it only weighs about 350 lbs., burg has kept quiet all week and minford has done nothing but fuel the fire.....good idea falcons....see how that works out for you tonight....GO BURG!

Was it high school students? I've been around awhile, but I didn't know they had a victory bell.
Last edited by oldcoachb on Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by NoHustle »

As Far as 6 minford students being caught trying to steal a victory bell ...FALSE.....i mean who wouldnt want to or be known as the 1 to pull that off but nobody has the "guts" to attempt such a thing....and if so Whats that have to do with the MIGHTY MINFORD FALCONS coming to WEINERSBURG and showing them wut all this "hype" about minford hasnt played ne body. every week theres an excuse about how minford hasnt played ne 1 and when they do (waverly) and clearly blow them out of the water Whats the excuse now?
MINFORD is gonna come out strong and determined.

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by tiger-fan67 »

yes 3 boys, 3 girls

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by oldcoachb »

tiger-fan67 wrote:yes 3 boys, 3 girls

I don't believe it! It would have been all over school today. Nobody know's anything about that. :lol:

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by NoHustle »

hrm thats funny considering im a student at minford and i would know hrmm..???

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Re: Game of the Week 7: Minford (6-0) vs. Wheelersburg (6-0)

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Have you not been through the Burg all football season, because if you are talking about the signs I think u r talking about, they have been up since the beginning of the season.

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