WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by loganlocos »

westbrook18 wrote:It sucks to think that it's week 7 of my senior year. A lot of kids talk about how they want highschool to be over and how they can't wait, but if it was up to me I'd rewind a few years. It has gone by fast and football for me is almost completely over. All the kids have put in so much time to be successful at the best game there is. Of course everybody loves to win, but I'm just happy to be playing. I know Marietta hasn't been successful in the past but I believe teams go through cycles of being up and down, and right now in my opinion we are coming out of a slump. This team is much different than past years teams and I hope that we can set an example for the younger kids in Marietta so that they too will continue to build up the program. Of course most teams want what Logan has right now but the past two seasons I've been happy just to be playing football. Even for having down seasons Marietta has had their upsets and highlights that people will remember for a long time. They broke some ridiculous SEOAL win streak of Logans, upset Chillicothe my sophomore season, upset a Parkersburg South team that went on to win state before I got into highschool, also beat Jackson in a 2 or 3 overtime shootout. My freshman year we played Logan tough I believe it was 24-14 near the end of the game but they might've ended up scoring again. So yeah, it would've been nice to catch Marietta in it's up years but I really hope this season is changing things. Coach Schob and his staff are doing a good job in changing the attitudes of players, teaching to play hard until the end, despite the score sometimes. Most teams have weaknesses so I have honestly gone into every game thinking if we execute our game plan we have a chance to win. Zanesville showed that against Logan last week that anybody can compete with a well carried out game plan. Look at USC Oregon St., or Florida losing also. There is no way those teams should've been able to compete but yet upsets happen every single year. So, no matter what the score is, I'll be happy to be playing football. Of course after the game I'll be mad about losing but in the long run I don't care about the score. I just know that football is winding to an end and I want to make the most out of it that I can. A lot of kids at Marietta say they don't want to play football because of our losing record and all that crap, and that is what makes me mad. Why would you want to miss out on playing football? I'm sure many posters on this site can talk forever about how much they miss being on the field, and that's why I don't want highschool to be over. I'm going to really miss it.

Great post, very honest and heartfelt.

You have always been a class act. I agree that Coach Schob and staff, as well as this year seniors, are laying the building blocks that the Tigers can build on for the future.

Go out and enjoy these last 4 weeks. Prepare, play hard, and do your thing.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by noreply66 »

westbrook18 wrote:It sucks to think that it's week 7 of my senior year. A lot of kids talk about how they want highschool to be over and how they can't wait, but if it was up to me I'd rewind a few years. It has gone by fast and football for me is almost completely over. All the kids have put in so much time to be successful at the best game there is. Of course everybody loves to win, but I'm just happy to be playing. I know Marietta hasn't been successful in the past but I believe teams go through cycles of being up and down, and right now in my opinion we are coming out of a slump. This team is much different than past years teams and I hope that we can set an example for the younger kids in Marietta so that they too will continue to build up the program. Of course most teams want what Logan has right now but the past two seasons I've been happy just to be playing football. Even for having down seasons Marietta has had their upsets and highlights that people will remember for a long time. They broke some ridiculous SEOAL win streak of Logans, upset Chillicothe my sophomore season, upset a Parkersburg South team that went on to win state before I got into highschool, also beat Jackson in a 2 or 3 overtime shootout. My freshman year we played Logan tough I believe it was 24-14 near the end of the game but they might've ended up scoring again. So yeah, it would've been nice to catch Marietta in it's up years but I really hope this season is changing things. Coach Schob and his staff are doing a good job in changing the attitudes of players, teaching to play hard until the end, despite the score sometimes. Most teams have weaknesses so I have honestly gone into every game thinking if we execute our game plan we have a chance to win. Zanesville showed that against Logan last week that anybody can compete with a well carried out game plan. Look at USC Oregon St., or Florida losing also. There is no way those teams should've been able to compete but yet upsets happen every single year. So, no matter what the score is, I'll be happy to be playing football. Of course after the game I'll be mad about losing but in the long run I don't care about the score. I just know that football is winding to an end and I want to make the most out of it that I can. A lot of kids at Marietta say they don't want to play football because of our losing record and all that crap, and that is what makes me mad. Why would you want to miss out on playing football? I'm sure many posters on this site can talk forever about how much they miss being on the field, and that's why I don't want highschool to be over. I'm going to really miss it.

Time has really gone fast.
It just seems like yesterday that Marietta's 9th grade was coming to Logan to play for the 9th grade championship. You guys were on the bus along time that day and don't know if that took anything out of you guys or not.

Hope the best for you in the future. Like Loco said you have always been a class guy.Can't wait to see you go to new heights next spring.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by westbrook18 »

That was a long bus ride. The teams are a little different this year than they were my freshman year but I'll agree to this Friday as being a double or nothing. Sitting in a bus for near 5 hours or whatever it was took a lot out of us, but I think we will be more ready this Friday night.

I'm excited for Marietta football. Sometimes I even wish I could be a coach next year just to help out. Hopefully we can start to compete with Logan or whoever may be at the top of the league in the future. It'll just help to improve the SEOAL. What I'd like to see is for the SEOAL to be a place where colleges will recruit, instead of ignoring all of southeastern Ohio.

I hope this Friday is a close game and injury free for both sides.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by schenk11 »

westbrook18 wrote:It sucks to think that it's week 7 of my senior year. A lot of kids talk about how they want highschool to be over and how they can't wait, but if it was up to me I'd rewind a few years. It has gone by fast and football for me is almost completely over. All the kids have put in so much time to be successful at the best game there is. Of course everybody loves to win, but I'm just happy to be playing. I know Marietta hasn't been successful in the past but I believe teams go through cycles of being up and down, and right now in my opinion we are coming out of a slump. This team is much different than past years teams and I hope that we can set an example for the younger kids in Marietta so that they too will continue to build up the program. Of course most teams want what Logan has right now but the past two seasons I've been happy just to be playing football. Even for having down seasons Marietta has had their upsets and highlights that people will remember for a long time. They broke some ridiculous SEOAL win streak of Logans, upset Chillicothe my sophomore season, upset a Parkersburg South team that went on to win state before I got into highschool, also beat Jackson in a 2 or 3 overtime shootout. My freshman year we played Logan tough I believe it was 24-14 near the end of the game but they might've ended up scoring again. So yeah, it would've been nice to catch Marietta in it's up years but I really hope this season is changing things. Coach Schob and his staff are doing a good job in changing the attitudes of players, teaching to play hard until the end, despite the score sometimes. Most teams have weaknesses so I have honestly gone into every game thinking if we execute our game plan we have a chance to win. Zanesville showed that against Logan last week that anybody can compete with a well carried out game plan. Look at USC Oregon St., or Florida losing also. There is no way those teams should've been able to compete but yet upsets happen every single year. So, no matter what the score is, I'll be happy to be playing football. Of course after the game I'll be mad about losing but in the long run I don't care about the score. I just know that football is winding to an end and I want to make the most out of it that I can. A lot of kids at Marietta say they don't want to play football because of our losing record and all that crap, and that is what makes me mad. Why would you want to miss out on playing football? I'm sure many posters on this site can talk forever about how much they miss being on the field, and that's why I don't want highschool to be over. I'm going to really miss it.

Refreshing words to hear!!!!

Just a few days ago we loaded up to head to Nelsonville for the 7on7 didn't Westbrook18?

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by grizzlynatural »

Great post Cody.

Your going to excell at the next level. Keep working hard, i'll be at state watching you (again)

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by dazed&confused »

westbrook18 wrote:It sucks to think that it's week 7 of my senior year. A lot of kids talk about how they want highschool to be over and how they can't wait, but if it was up to me I'd rewind a few years. It has gone by fast and football for me is almost completely over. All the kids have put in so much time to be successful at the best game there is. Of course everybody loves to win, but I'm just happy to be playing. I know Marietta hasn't been successful in the past but I believe teams go through cycles of being up and down, and right now in my opinion we are coming out of a slump. This team is much different than past years teams and I hope that we can set an example for the younger kids in Marietta so that they too will continue to build up the program. Of course most teams want what Logan has right now but the past two seasons I've been happy just to be playing football. Even for having down seasons Marietta has had their upsets and highlights that people will remember for a long time. They broke some ridiculous SEOAL win streak of Logans, upset Chillicothe my sophomore season, upset a Parkersburg South team that went on to win state before I got into highschool, also beat Jackson in a 2 or 3 overtime shootout. My freshman year we played Logan tough I believe it was 24-14 near the end of the game but they might've ended up scoring again. So yeah, it would've been nice to catch Marietta in it's up years but I really hope this season is changing things. Coach Schob and his staff are doing a good job in changing the attitudes of players, teaching to play hard until the end, despite the score sometimes. Most teams have weaknesses so I have honestly gone into every game thinking if we execute our game plan we have a chance to win. Zanesville showed that against Logan last week that anybody can compete with a well carried out game plan. Look at USC Oregon St., or Florida losing also. There is no way those teams should've been able to compete but yet upsets happen every single year. So, no matter what the score is, I'll be happy to be playing football. Of course after the game I'll be mad about losing but in the long run I don't care about the score. I just know that football is winding to an end and I want to make the most out of it that I can. A lot of kids at Marietta say they don't want to play football because of our losing record and all that crap, and that is what makes me mad. Why would you want to miss out on playing football? I'm sure many posters on this site can talk forever about how much they miss being on the field, and that's why I don't want highschool to be over. I'm going to really miss it.

Great post Mr. Westbrook. I'm sure a lot of kids feel just the way you do at the end of their career. Thing is, it's fine to miss it but don't keep looking back. Life goes on and bring's other challenges. If you take on life like you do football, you'll do fine. Find some way to stay with the game. If you somehow don't go to the next level, volunteer to help coach. Without knowing you, it is hard to counsel but you may want to go into education and go on to coach one day. You may be the spark that helps some future athlete achieve his dreams and aspirations. Remember what Woody said.......you can't pay back, you can only pay forward.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by ironman02 »

As many others have said, great post westbrook18. It's nice to see a well-spoken young man on here who cares so much about his team and the game of football. Good luck to you the rest of the season.

Good luck to both teams on Friday night. Marietta has a lot of weapons on the offensive side of the ball. If the Tigers can slow down Angle and the Logan offense, they could really make a game of this. I think Logan will be much sharper than they were against Zanesville this week, but Marietta can put the points up in a hurry, so Logan will have to be on top of its game. I'll take the Chiefs to get the win.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by Army »

westbrook18 wrote:That was a long bus ride. The teams are a little different this year than they were my freshman year but I'll agree to this Friday as being a double or nothing. Sitting in a bus for near 5 hours or whatever it was took a lot out of us, but I think we will be more ready this Friday night.

I'm excited for Marietta football. Sometimes I even wish I could be a coach next year just to help out. Hopefully we can start to compete with Logan or whoever may be at the top of the league in the future. It'll just help to improve the SEOAL. What I'd like to see is for the SEOAL to be a place where colleges will recruit, instead of ignoring all of southeastern Ohio.

I hope this Friday is a close game and injury free for both sides.

Great Post :!:

Good Luck Tigers

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by BigMcCauley55 »

thanks great westbrook. i totally agree.

I remember alot and wish it didnt go by so fast. I remember the first time I played with cody westbrook on the same team boy that was funny, he was thrown in the game at logan for a simple pass play instead cody rolls out and bombs it down field. I mean that young i thought he looked like a nfl qb running around making big throws on the run. and ever since its been a pleasure to play with him and I m sure Mr. Munfield will miss it the most.

Its been great but lets make it the best and BEAT LOGAN! then of course dont stop there oh no lets win out! i know we all have it in us to do it. play as a team heck with stats and just go out and play. Stats dont matter i mean look at UM they won but if you look at the stats they got their butts kicked. Their Qb was the top passer (less than 100 yrds)96 some yards and top rusher(less than 100 yrds)80 some yards

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by westbrook18 »

dazed&confused wrote:Great post Mr. Westbrook. I'm sure a lot of kids feel just the way you do at the end of their career. Thing is, it's fine to miss it but don't keep looking back. Life goes on and bring's other challenges. If you take on life like you do football, you'll do fine. Find some way to stay with the game. If you somehow don't go to the next level, volunteer to help coach. Without knowing you, it is hard to counsel but you may want to go into education and go on to coach one day. You may be the spark that helps some future athlete achieve his dreams and aspirations. Remember what Woody said.......you can't pay back, you can only pay forward.

Do you remember what Woody said about passing? Haha I'm just kidding. During this football season I thought a lot about how much I would like to go on to be a coach. I hate to say it but highschool will be the end of my football career, because I'm planning on highjumping in college.

schenk11 wrote:Refreshing words to hear!!!!

Just a few days ago we loaded up to head to Nelsonville for the 7on7 didn't Westbrook18?

Haha yeah, I didn't realize how lucky I was. I mean I still had a whole ten games left. You can definitely count on me being back to help out as much as I can after this season.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by westbrook18 »

ironman02 wrote:As many others have said, great post westbrook18. It's nice to see a well-spoken young man on here who cares so much about his team and the game of football. Good luck to you the rest of the season.

Good luck to both teams on Friday night. Marietta has a lot of weapons on the offensive side of the ball. If the Tigers can slow down Angle and the Logan offense, they could really make a game of this. I think Logan will be much sharper than they were against Zanesville this week, but Marietta can put the points up in a hurry, so Logan will have to be on top of its game. I'll take the Chiefs to get the win.

Thanks ironman02. Your boys played a tough game last week. I'm glad that you are giving Marietta recognition. Good luck in your next game as well.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by dazed&confused »

westbrook18 wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:Great post Mr. Westbrook. I'm sure a lot of kids feel just the way you do at the end of their career. Thing is, it's fine to miss it but don't keep looking back. Life goes on and bring's other challenges. If you take on life like you do football, you'll do fine. Find some way to stay with the game. If you somehow don't go to the next level, volunteer to help coach. Without knowing you, it is hard to counsel but you may want to go into education and go on to coach one day. You may be the spark that helps some future athlete achieve his dreams and aspirations. Remember what Woody said.......you can't pay back, you can only pay forward.

Do you remember what Woody said about passing? Haha I'm just kidding. During this football season I thought a lot about how much I would like to go on to be a coach. I hate to say it but highschool will be the end of my football career, because I'm planning on highjumping in college.

It sounds like you have a plan and that's the main thing. I feel for the kids who at eighteen think that they have reached the high point of their life. It's not the destination, it's the journey. You'll do well.

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by BuckeyeAlum68 »

Logan is going deep in the playoffs this year they have the line the backfield to get the job done I am going to say Logan 50 Marietta 14 Just a too talented Logan team For the Marietta Tigers.


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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)


logan 5 marietta 3...

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by noreply66 »

Home runs by ^^^^^^^

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by 1987chieftains »

anyone got directions to Don Drumm Stadium? i haven't been there in sometime and i hate my wife's GPS!!!

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by schenk11 »

Follow Rt. 7 North across Washington Street Bridge. Turn Right at second light after the bridge (Third Street, Rt. 7 North) Take it all the way to the river and then turn left, go straight through the stop sign and stadium will be on the left.


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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by bird78 »

all LOGAN in this one........45........to..tigers14.....GO CHIEFS.......5....PETE.. :shock: :-D :!:

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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by 1987chieftains »


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Re: WK 7 Logan (6-0) AT Marietta (2-4)

Post by warrnwarriorfan »

Gotta wish our fellow Washington County residents the best! Go Tigers! Soften up the Cheiftains for the Warriors!!

Best of luck and no injuries to both teams!

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