Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 58
- Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:01 pm
Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
now i no a few of you have all ready responded on an alike subject but i think its a bunch of B.S that our fans don't make any frekin noise for our team its a bunch of crap and our cheer leaders are no better cos they dont want to be there and our poor pep club they trie but at no avail
post on this and on ways to get them up!
post on this and on ways to get them up!
- Posts: 2629
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Crazy idea here, but a few years ago Harding Avenue on your way to the field was covered with signs on telephone poles, light poles, Jenkins Cheveron, Scioto Shoe mart, Millhuffs(what is now first stop)....also give students discounts on tickets for games during the regular season since it can't be done for playoffs. I know they do for kids with blue, white, or grey cards....but do it for all kids not just those.
- All Conference
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Remember people sitting on their roofs? Pep rallies? etc.. But there were alot more fans coming to our games then.
- Posts: 2629
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
East had big crowd the first game of the year against Northwest with it being on thursday. After that game the only big/decent crowd we have had were against Oak Hill and Symmes Valley. I think we might have had more fans at Buffalo than we did this past friday against South Gallia.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
no kidding i dident here a soul last game it was horible! but this next game is the green east game a confrence in its own ! so may bey we will fill the crapyest away blechers in scioto county
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Tartan34boy wrote:no kidding i dident here a soul last game it was horible! but this next game is the green east game a confrence in its own ! so may bey we will fill the crapyest away blechers in scioto county
Fill those bleachers, I doubt it...unless they make everyone standing on the fence so they don't get splinters sit in the bleachers.
- Waterboy
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
I was at the East v SG game. When we were trying to find a parking place, I thought that East must really have a great fan base. But then i remembered that you have a really good record this year and that may be the reason why. But after we entered the stadium, I saw that SG had brought as many fans with them down the river as what you had. They doesn't say alot for the community. They should really be behind the kids right now. Don't wait until playoffs to show your pride. That's just jumping on the band wagon!
- JV Team
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
East never really draws a big crowd unless its a good SOC game.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:How many folks live in Sciotoville nowadays?
It's not exactly a thriving Metropolis.
I say go to Highland Bend and get a few people to fire the crowd up.
They were a rowdy bunch back in the day.![]()
lmao! hahahaha

- Axe N Shield
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Highland Bend! I use to walk from Highland Bend on Marne Ave. to Allard Park to go to Pee-Wee football practice! We were called the Blue Devils then! That was '71 or '72! Use to have to walk down the hill and across the old Highland Bend bridge and back up the other side! Man, I miss those days!
On the way home; me and a couple of the King boys use to stop and get apples from a lady who lived across from Harding School! She would let us get all of them on the ground and even sometimes knock a few out of her tree! We would feel our helmets up with them!
On the way home; me and a couple of the King boys use to stop and get apples from a lady who lived across from Harding School! She would let us get all of them on the ground and even sometimes knock a few out of her tree! We would feel our helmets up with them!
Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
With success comes comfort, with comfort comes sleepiness, with sleep comes quietness,quietness becomes stillness ,stillness becomes immobility, immobility becomes DEATH!!!!! Case in point the EAST TARTAN FANS. If you were to reflect on last weeks game the South Gallia fans were on their feet until the last whistle despite the fact they could not hold a candle to Manchesters fans who were in for the long haul known as the season. The East fans remind me of a bad union member if it don't affect me why grieve it? I guess im saying everyone is out to support the kids but if your kid is a major superstar each game racking up the stats or getting the pine wedgie they both went through the same torture known as the BOTTOMS! So if first team or second is on the field get on your feet and prevent the wedgie from attacking you! Or maybe you have not been fortunate enough to experience the BOTTOMS! Well just sit on your butt and watch the possibility of defeat. And if that was to happen be sure not to GRIEVE about it SCAB!!!!! GO GET EM BOYS!!!!!!
- Axe N Shield
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:Axe N Shield wrote:Highland Bend! I use to walk from Highland Bend on Marne Ave. to Allard Park to go to Pee-Wee football practice! We were called the Blue Devils then! That was '71 or '72! Use to have to walk down the hill and across the old Highland Bend bridge and back up the other side! Man, I miss those days!
On the way home; me and a couple of the King boys use to stop and get apples from a lady who lived across from Harding School! She would let us get all of them on the ground and even sometimes knock a few out of her tree! We would feel our helmets up with them!
We walked the same patch during the same time.![]()
Which side of the tunnel did you live on?
I lived on both sides of the tunnel at one time or another! I also, lived over behind the Kings old home place up by the Kennison's and across from the Cooley's! That house is not there no more! My mom's family are from there and my grandpaw lived right behind Burke's Store on the corner when he died!
- fedupcheerleader08
- Waterboy
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Tartan34boy wrote:now i no a few of you have all ready responded on an alike subject but i think its a bunch of B.S that our fans don't make any frekin noise for our team its a bunch of crap and our cheer leaders are no better cos they dont want to be there and our poor pep club they trie but at no avail
post on this and on ways to get them up!
I do want to say that SOME of the cheerleaders have no problem with being at the games. I actually enjoy going to the games and cheering for the boys! If you had to go through some of the things that have recently happend on the EHS cheerleading squad, then you would feel a little lost yourself! I cheer my heart out at the games, freezing just as much as anyone else and I think that I deserve a little respect. So next time you mention the cheerleaders, you need to stop and think.. SOME OF US ARE DIFFERENT!
- fedupcheerleader08
- Waterboy
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:Hopefully, there won't be any more comments directed at the cheerleaders from this point forward.
Aside from Valley, East is by far one of my favorite teams. I find it disappointing we want to blame our cheerleaders for a lack of community/school spirit.
That's kind of silly if you ask me.
I agree with you. I think that blaming the cheerleaders is just a bias, and that its not our fault that the community/school won't show their spirit. We try very hard, hosting Spirit Week(s), and having pep rallies. I do believe that if some students and community members would be more spirited then they could inspire others and we would have more noise and fans then ever before! Good luck boys! Let's show the Titans how to really play some ball!
Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
fedupcheerleader08 wrote:FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:Hopefully, there won't be any more comments directed at the cheerleaders from this point forward.
Aside from Valley, East is by far one of my favorite teams. I find it disappointing we want to blame our cheerleaders for a lack of community/school spirit.
That's kind of silly if you ask me.
I agree with you. I think that blaming the cheerleaders is just a bias, and that its not our fault that the community/school won't show their spirit. We try very hard, hosting Spirit Week(s), and having pep rallies. I do believe that if some students and community members would be more spirited then they could inspire others and we would have more noise and fans then ever before! Good luck boys! Let's show the Titans how to really play some ball!
I agree with both of you here! It is silly to blame eight girls for the lack of community/school spirit! If only the current people could see what it was back in the 70's and 80's then would they ever be ashamed. We need to get some of the old crowd together and show them what rowdy is all about!

- Axe N Shield
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Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:The 70s and 80s rocked cheermom. It was a different era. There wasn't nearly as much entertainment as adults/kids have today. Friday night football was it in the fall during that time. Now, only the faithful football lovers are there every weekend.
No One is to blame. People can make their own choices in life. Just don't point fingers of blame on those who have absolutely no control over who does what, when, and where. After All, they are students and competitors like the players but on a different platform.
FYI: Our cheerleaders do not compete! I don't think they ever have in any official competition; although they do go to cheer camps every year! That's not a dig at them or anything; just the facts! If they all would get along with each other; they might be able to start competing though! To be honest, I've never seen so much drama amoung a group of kids; it appears to happen every year for some reason or another! This doesn't apply to all of the cheerleaders though! The ones that it might apply to could be the ones posting on this forum though!
- Waterboy
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- Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:41 pm
Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Ok, I do agree that some of our fans are not as into the games as some teams I've seen come into Allard park. But alot of the students show up to theses games for social purposes only. I do know that the band cheers just as loud as the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders can cheer their hearts out but they can't make the crowd respond. Trust me I know. I was one of them. The band cheers right along with the cheerleaders. I know there are people in the community that think the band is a joke this year because of their size but that's not true. I'm not even going to get into that aspect of it at all.
But I do notice the lack of fans at the games. Even in the march up to the school, which has been downsized due to lack of parade permit. But even the homecoming parade which is usually filled with crowd was low this year. I just think that people want their kid to be a star and if their kid isn't being played up to that star, the parent won't support. And when people think that the game is just less because our 2nd or maybe 3rd string is being played that's ridiculous. Those boys would normally not even see game time if the streak the team has this year didn't exist.
But I do notice the lack of fans at the games. Even in the march up to the school, which has been downsized due to lack of parade permit. But even the homecoming parade which is usually filled with crowd was low this year. I just think that people want their kid to be a star and if their kid isn't being played up to that star, the parent won't support. And when people think that the game is just less because our 2nd or maybe 3rd string is being played that's ridiculous. Those boys would normally not even see game time if the streak the team has this year didn't exist.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 12:14 am
Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
hammerdown wrote:what in the heck is a "parade permit"?
if you want to get your crowd fired up get ole tiger bait down there. i hear he can get a crowd going.
First time I have every heard of a "parade permit" also I was shocked when I traveled to Sciotoville the first week of the season to not see them come to the field from the school. I remember running late to a game and having to take back roads to just get by their band.
etrguardboss wrote:Ok, I do agree that some of our fans are not as into the games as some teams I've seen come into Allard park. But alot of the students show up to theses games for social purposes only. I do know that the band cheers just as loud as the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders can cheer their hearts out but they can't make the crowd respond. Trust me I know. I was one of them. The band cheers right along with the cheerleaders. I know there are people in the community that think the band is a joke this year because of their size but that's not true. I'm not even going to get into that aspect of it at all.
But I do notice the lack of fans at the games. Even in the march up to the school, which has been downsized due to lack of parade permit. But even the homecoming parade which is usually filled with crowd was low this year. I just think that people want their kid to be a star and if their kid isn't being played up to that star, the parent won't support. And when people think that the game is just less because our 2nd or maybe 3rd string is being played that's ridiculous. Those boys would normally not even see game time if the streak the team has this year didn't exist.
I have been to two games in Sciotoville this year against Northwest and also Manchester...against Northwest the crowd I seen was not bad against Manchester you could have heard a pin drop it was so silent even at the beginning of the game and when it looked like 3rd and 4th string players made plays...."I know there are people in the community that think the band is a joke this year because of their size but that's not true. I'm not even going to get into that aspect of it at all." I do not know about numbers but one thing I think could be the problem on peoples thought could also be on how they play the national anthem...between game one that I seen and game two it got no better...actual thought to myself they would have been better off letting someone sing it...no matter the number of people in it, the national anthem should not be butchered like that by anybody if anything practice that more than anything even if it takes a week to get it right.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:51 pm
Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
Another one bites the dust!A cheer leader KASH has quite the squad due to so much crap! and i wanna say the group of tartan fans i saw at the EAST V.S GREEN game is the same group i wanna see this sat-day in p town i was very shocked at the loud tartan fan's lets make this happen tartans!
- JV Team
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- Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:56 pm
Re: Have East Tartans Lost There Team Spirit?
There will be some of us tailgating this Sat... I suggest others do the same and celebrate another SOC title.