SEOAL Sport Trophy
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
we don't have the numbers, and frankly i don't think ironton has the interest in soccer, but i wish we would bring back wrestling, it's such a core sport for football players , especially linemen, with balance , feet and hand coordination, and weight distrubution. i think it's great for all positions , but esp. linemen , and backs.
- Riding the Bench
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
Overall Warren's Fall athletics were slightly down, but the Boys Cross Country team pulled off the upset winning the league championship. Marietta was definitely the heavy favorite.
- Waterboy
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- Riding the Bench
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
I think girls soccer finished Marietta, Chilly, Jackson, Warren, Logan, Z'ville.
- All State
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
Winter sports around the corner look for Chilly to load up on points in Girls and Boys Bball as well as Wrestling

- All State
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
I'm not sure about the girls situation but I think that Marietta boys will be the team to beat this year in track. They return a lot of points from last years league meet. This will only improve their chances of winning the very familiar All-Sports Award.
- Freshman Team
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
Are you just going to give them your 10 pts, Westbrook, then go to the house, or are you going to lend your services elsewhere??? A good 4X8 could get you good and "loose" for the high jump! LOL
I would have to say Mtta should be right in the mix for the title, Logan will battle, and you know Warren will not 'go quietly into the night'. Should be a fun spring, hope the weather is as good as it was last spring, but I doubt that we can get that lucky.
I would have to say Mtta should be right in the mix for the title, Logan will battle, and you know Warren will not 'go quietly into the night'. Should be a fun spring, hope the weather is as good as it was last spring, but I doubt that we can get that lucky.
- All State
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
If it was up to me I'd just high jump, lol. But I'm sure Coach Mayer will have me in an extra event or two.
- All State
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Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
I don't think I have a guaranteed 10 points either, Lukas Morris from Ironton will be very competitive. High jump in the state has improved so much in even the past 2 or 3 years. My sophomore year I jumped 6'6 at the state meet and placed 6th. Last year I jumepd 6'8 and got 6th. There should be quite a few around 7' this year.
- Riding the Bench
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- Freshman Team
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- Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:46 am
Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
Easy MH!
Marietta's guys did not crow on here, when they upset you guys the year before at league, and believe me that was an even bigger upset!
Let that go!
Marietta's guys did not crow on here, when they upset you guys the year before at league, and believe me that was an even bigger upset!
Let that go!
Re: SEOAL Sport Trophy
4ever, I would think that the GA girl's XC team has held their own in the last 4 years.....2 league titles and 2 runner-up finishes.