2009 Warren Football

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by WHSwarrior »

What's the attendance look like at after-school lifting?

I have little doubt the seniors-to-be are working hard, how are the underclassmen doing? We're going to need some of them to really step up and take on some starting jobs. The talent's there, it just needs developed.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by warriorfootballer »

Last edited by warriorfootballer on Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by Whs95fan »

warriorfootballer wrote:most of the senior to bes are in the weight room almost daily and are working very hard. MOST of them. one VERY important senior to be (not dropping any names) has been skipping a few days here lately and needs to get his butt back in the weight room where it belongs. as for the underclassmen, there have been quite a few showing up working very hard and some are already showing improvement. but they need to devote themselves a little more, because on fridays there is a drastic drop in attendance that shouldnt be happening.

You cant blame the kids for taking Friday off, most people have more important things to do besides lift weights.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by westbrook18 »

WHS95FAN wrote:
warriorfootballer wrote:most of the senior to bes are in the weight room almost daily and are working very hard. MOST of them. one VERY important senior to be (not dropping any names) has been skipping a few days here lately and needs to get his butt back in the weight room where it belongs. as for the underclassmen, there have been quite a few showing up working very hard and some are already showing improvement. but they need to devote themselves a little more, because on fridays there is a drastic drop in attendance that shouldnt be happening.

You cant blame the kids for taking Friday off, most people have more important things to do besides lift weights.

That's like saying they have more important things to do than win games.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by grizzlynatural »

I hope he wasnt being serious.

If he was, its a direct reflection of their football program.

Seriously, school ends between 2:30-3 for all the schools in the league (im assuming), you lift for 1-2 hours, get home and shower and its 6:00. Just HOW MUCH do you need to do on a Friday night as a High Schooler? lol

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by warriorfootballer »

Last edited by warriorfootballer on Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by schenk11 »

An hour is better than none.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by Whs95fan »

westbrook18 wrote:
WHS95FAN wrote:
warriorfootballer wrote:most of the senior to bes are in the weight room almost daily and are working very hard. MOST of them. one VERY important senior to be (not dropping any names) has been skipping a few days here lately and needs to get his butt back in the weight room where it belongs. as for the underclassmen, there have been quite a few showing up working very hard and some are already showing improvement. but they need to devote themselves a little more, because on fridays there is a drastic drop in attendance that shouldnt be happening.

You cant blame the kids for taking Friday off, most people have more important things to do besides lift weights.

That's like saying they have more important things to do than win games.

I was merely basing it upon the principles Marietta follows......

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by warriorfootballer »

Last edited by warriorfootballer on Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by Whs95fan »

warriorfootballer wrote:and what would those principles be?

While speaking of principles i've also noticed a decline in Tim Morrison's work ethic in the weight room.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by warriorfootballer »

Last edited by warriorfootballer on Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by WHSwarrior »

Morrison always has seemed like he has a pretty good work ethic to me.

Look, an hour on a Friday is just an hour. These kids have taken a big step from the attitudes that surrounded the program five years ago. I don't know what kind of principles Marietta FB is built on, but I know Pifer's trying to reward ethic and hard work. Kids that could show in the weight room and don't will notice it come camp.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by warriorfootballer »

Last edited by warriorfootballer on Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by BigBlueinsider »


before you start calling people out for not being in the weight room stand back a second

i too am in the weight room on frequent occasions and you arent always in here. and when you are in there you arent exactly killing yourself...unless of course yo are being watched closely by the coach.

dont know people for not being in the weight room when yo dont exactly work your butt off when you are in there.

oh and its not only after school lifting...your work ethic during weight training isnt exactly the best either. im pretty sure mrs. coffman would back that up

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by darKnight »

WOW from the sound of it nobody works hard for the warriors, thats why were a mediocre team and a bottom feeder in the SEOAL especially the the people calling each other out.....

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by air4ce1 »

if there is one problem with warren football and one BIG issue i can see that is a factor for them not being able to compete year in and year out with many of the SEOAL schools is this...

From what i can see, the people in the weight room are working hard. The bulk of the kids in there are up coming juniors and seniors that either will, or are close to being starters or playing varsity. This is where the problem lies. Where are all of the other kids??? The ones that need to most improvement are not there. This makes for a huge cut off between the starters and the rest of the team. Which leads me to this point, during practice...there is NO COMPETITION for the starters. How is the first team defense supposed to get better if the offense they are practicing against is weak, and does not go 100% an vice verse. If you think that just because you are not going to play varsity that you don't need to be in the weight room you are very wrong. Get in there, get better and maybe you will have a shot. And if not when it comes time to practice against the big boys maybe you can show them up, give them a challenge, impress the coaches and see what you got

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by westbrook18 »

westbrook18 wrote:
WHS95FAN wrote:
warriorfootballer wrote:

You cant blame the kids for taking Friday off, most people have more important things to do besides lift weights.

That's like saying they have more important things to do than win games.

I was merely basing it upon the principles Marietta follows......

Excuse me? Currently Marietta lifts I believe 4 days a week. If you want to think that because your team may lift for more days than us, that they are more dedicated, I beg to differ. We have a good staff of guys who advise the lifting and who create the lifting programs. If you honestly think that the kids have something better to do than lift on a Friday, you are not a football fan. Our kids go in on Saturday morning at 8 o'clock to workout. You shouldn't refer to Marietta's principles when you are just blindly trying to stab back at me for showing how bad of an influence your opinion on a football program could potentially be. But since you know what you are talking about, please explain the principles that Marietta follows.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by k k ann »

Seems to me, everyone has missed the point once again...the lifting is to be held year around to strengthen the boys for Warrior football, not to only do as much as your rivals and not a bit more. It also sounds to me that instead of watching others you could be increasing your own goals...

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by warrnwarriorfan »

Just had a chat with someone who knows . . . a "grown-up" who says that our lifting is going great. In general the players are making excellent gains. They even have 15 7th graders lifting. But, I'm sure there are players missing that need to be there.

Try leading by example instead of with your keyboards and see what happens.

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Re: 2009 Warren Football

Post by westbrook18 »


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