Best QB's in SEOPs Coverage Area History

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by chilltown »

Chilly has had some great ones over the years .

Obviously Cook ,but that was longer than 25 years ago.

I'd have to mention these 4 in no particular order .

Knights - Enuff said
Porter- Even more athletic than Knights
Kidnocker- 3 year starter when sophs just didn't start :)
Skinner- BesT Arm and actually played at Marshall

Best I've seen in SVC hands down Todd Shoemaker .. Shoe was unstoppabe :)

Outside the county would have to be Nate Davis

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by falcon1 »

I knew there was one other from the Burg I couldn`t rember, Kaskey !
Really great at carrying out the fake.

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Bret Wrightsel »

A little more than 25 years at Chilli. besides Cook, how about Mike Ratzlaff, a 3 year starter 71 thru 73. Geoff Duncan and Jemar Harris in the 80's and Adam Porter in the late 90's. Skinner and Knights the last 7 years. Go Cavs!

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by OVCfan32 »

andy clark from peake definately makes the list. . .98' 99'

McComas from peake would be just out of the top 25 but the best I got to play with in highschool, a college qb so. . yah

qb from waverly in 02' and 03' was one of the best I've played against along with kaskey from burg

Micheal Hill from fairland was pretty dangerous in 03' with that playoff team. . he had the skills anyone would want from a big time qb. . just never turned out that way, what a cannon too, 90 something fastball

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by fanoftigers »

:lol: :lol: :lol: Mike Tipton: West 1984. Scott York would have been except for favorites. :!: :!:

Smith Kid (South Point) was an awsome arm. He would throw from 1 knee through the goal post in pre-game.

Howell from West 1990 was not bad.

How about Randy Jewell (Northwest 1983)

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by footballfan23 »

y is mark lutz from ironton not on here a lot more?
i mean the dude took the fighting tigers all the way to the state championship in 88 and played most of the game on a broken ankle! they lost the game... but he very much diserved a state championship ring. he had a messed up shoulder since he was young and still played thru jr high and high school with it and was still one of the best qb's to ever pass thru ironton. then after high school the guy went to marshall and was reconized by coaches as a freshman, before he just completly thru out his arm freshman year and could no longer play college ball. And i heard that he even plays qb for the ironton scout team and can still thro a mean ball. i am putting his on here for one of the best qb's to in the past 25 yrs

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Siders_R_#1 »

Jr Mosley from Portsmouth West is worth mentioning....

Best at running the option.....
Back of the Year in 1982

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?


Speaking of option, how many remember t.shoemaker-PValley-90-91, he made me look foolish at DE, but that's not saying much,lol...He was nasty!! Did he play anywhere? Thanks

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Winchell »

Hey Fighting Tiger Fans, what about Ryan Guthrie and Travis Wiley? Played against Guthrie in Jr High at South Point and then in basketball in high school. He was a phenomenal athlete. The combo of him and Jermon on the option was scary for db's. Wiley was one of the best all around athletes I have ever played against. Had the opportunity to compete against him on all three levels in all three sports, Little League Baseball, Junior High and High School Football and Basketball.

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by hbk2016 »

I don't think Shoe played anywhere. I remember he and Bud Thacker from Piketon were heavily recruited by Miami of Ohio, I think Thacker ended up getting the scholarship.

Shoe was a good one. Decent roundballer also.

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by EAST 2005-2008 »

footballjunky wrote:NATE HOOD EAST 2008

Jonathan Eaton is the best high school QB I have ever seen.With that being said I will add Nathan is my grandson.I watched him play as a QB for the first time against NW.The next night I watched Burg, Ironton play.The thing that amazed me on Friday nite was how good Nay really was as a QB.I watched the West,Burg game.Same realization.It wasn't only his athletic ability that was impressive but his overall influence on the team.He has a calming ,take charge attitude. Most posters on here didn't get to see him at his best because his shoulder was separated in first game and never had the chance to heal completely the entire season.Since this is the last post I will ever make about him I want to add he is just as good defensive player as he was offense.He played as free safety his sophomore and junior years.The only TD that got past him was at Oak HIll 2007 when his ankle was the size of a softball from an injury the previous week. :lol: :lol: I asked him about that just last week answer"the best I could do was try to make him fumble".In his sophmore year Oak Hill was vying for the SOC title.He made the tackle on 1 yard line seconds before half to prevent tie game.Tipped ball on last play for Mault to intercept in end zone to prevent a tied game.This was the first of East's SOC's titles.He was the one, in play off game this year, that made the open field tackle that left the receiver on ground for ten minutes and out for the next game.So yes he is a good QB and good football player and I hope I get a chance to watch him on Saturdays in a year or two.He has had several offers.He is a fine young man and an excellent grandson who has made his granny smile more that once these last 3 years. This site was just an added bonus this year. I have enjoyed reading and posting almost as much as I enjoy football.Now I can return to my beloved Burg and watch my nephew Tyler Craigmiles shine in his senior year.

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by nobodyspecial »

Sawdust wrote:SP's Smith, Eaton from 'Burg and Walls from Waverly.
On a side note: I read the thread from West_Sider and I can only hope that you NEVER have kids or are in anyway allowed to be affiliated with a sports organization where you can influence a child. What type of twisted mentality enables you to think that injuring an opponent because you can't beat them straight up is funny? This is why the West side has gotten such a bad rap over the last 30-40 years. Flame me if you want, I don't care. I am just saying what most of Southern Ohio has thought for a long time. Tell me I mis-read your post and I will humbly apologize.

Sawdust if all football players posted what really goes on at the bottom of the pile I am sure we all would have a gaping mouth.Not defending but being realistic.Every team does it not just the Siders.

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Pringles105 »

where did trever walls go to college i heard it was a d1 school

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by The Riepo Man »

Pringles105 wrote:where did trever walls go to college i heard it was a d1 school

Trevor went to New Mexico State. Here is a link the his profile: ... EASON=2008

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Pringles105 »

awsome i remember watchin him play he was very good

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by The Riepo Man »

Pringles105 wrote:awsome i remember watchin him play he was very good

He was hard to tackle and had a nice arm but he was quite slow on the field.

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Pringles105 »

yeah but he got the job done and i wouldnt be surprised if we see him on sundays

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by Direct Hit »

I would have to say Joe Ferguson from SV. I watched this guy and played against him. He was unbelievable.


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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by mattash »

Joe Burrow

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

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Re: best qb's past 25 years?

Post by wrestlefan »

jimmy skinner chillicothe- it was pretty cool watching him play on espn - marshall univ.
adam porter -chilli- full ride to ou

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