my book is full of gold stars, so give them to marshallman he might need

oldcoachb wrote:falconater wrote:West was the only team Minford did not match up well physically with last year. I am not sure if Minford was flat. West was pumped, West was a little stronger or what but give West the props/ This year Minford will improve again. I think there is plenty of talent that will fit together well in grades 7-10 eventually. Work ethic is what separates players eventually in high school and I think Minford has plenty.
Then why are we getting our butt handed to us at those levels?
rosemount rebel wrote:marshallman, wrote that about minfords pee-wee program. i just stated that the burg has been doing it for 30 years.
my book is full of gold stars, so give them to marshallman he might need![]()
Big Papi wrote:how are the numbers looking in the weight room ?
knowledge wrote:Should be another entertaining year put on by Coach Daniels and the kids out in falcon land. I look forward to friday nights this fall.
Redman wrote:It is tennativly set for May 27th.