The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by theassassin »

he aint gonna tell you anything on here.... are you that naive??? come on 02 get real

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ironman02 »

Then why would he post at all? What would be the point of getting on here, revealing his identity, and then posting false information? It's simple...He wouldn't do that.

Don't tell me to get real.

I'm done with this. Someone tell me when Jackson hires a coach.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Do-Your-Job »

I don't know, after seeing theassassin quote that post from Ironmanfan01, I'm convinced that Jackson already hired their coach. What more do you want? He must be pretty naive to believe a poster who started a thread about a month ago that Jackson had already hired their head coach. Come on assassin, why don't you get real.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Phil_Howard »

Here are the FACTS to date.

Obviously no one has been hired, but even more importantly no one has been told they have the job. Contrary to what some are saying no one has been offered the job. We have not even had a face to face conversation with any candidate yet. We did earlier contact 2 individuals by phone that did not apply because we thought they would be very strong candidates and they were people that we already knew a lot of good things about. We simply asked those people if they would be interested in at least sitting down and talking to us. During this requested face to face discussion we would have decided if this was a person we wanted to pursue and they could have decided if this was a job that they wanted. At this meeting it could have been decided by us that this was not really the person we wanted. We might have decided or they may have decided after talking face to face that this particular job was not a good fit for them. At any rate, both of these individuals currently have great jobs and each has tremendous loyalty to the people they are currently serving and that was about as far as that went. I would be willing to bet that these individuals will get calls from other places that have vacancies because they have proven themselves over time and are highly respected in the coaching profession.

There is no one "in the know" except myself and Bob Kight. I know what I have told people and I trust that Bob has probably said even less. We have not even contacted the people that are being interviewed yet because we have been finishing background checks. Those people will be contacted and interviews will be set up and begin soon.

The reason I decided to post on here is because some people were all over the place with rumors, and unfortunately a lot of people believe everything they read on here. I wanted to set the record straight, because I know that people who are really passionate about this job are reading this. People from everywhere check this site out including the people who have applied. A local press release would not reach those individuals who are not from here. I didn't want what was being said on here to affect our ability to get the best person for the job. I know from being a head coach for 16 or 17 years myself, that if I applied for another job and I thought that they had really already decided who was going to get it and they called me for a "token " interview I would decline. Believe it or not, that does happen at some places, but it won't here, at least not under my watch. I felt like some of the rumors could end up negatively impacting our pool of candidates. I was looking out for the best interest of our kids when I came on here. A lot of coaches don't like to apply and not get the job and I was fearful that some may withdraw their candidacy before we announced the final candidates if they believe we already have picked someone.
My guess is that the only people who would be upset with me posting on here are people who are telling lies.
I may not post on here again, but this is the long and short of where we have been with this, what has occured to this point, and where we currently are with regard to the coaching position.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ironman02 »

Phil_Howard wrote:Here are the FACTS to date.

Obviously no one has been hired, but even more importantly no one has been told they have the job. Contrary to what some are saying no one has been offered the job. We have not even had a face to face conversation with any candidate yet. We did earlier contact 2 individuals by phone that did not apply because we thought they would be very strong candidates and they were people that we already knew a lot of good things about. We simply asked those people if they would be interested in at least sitting down and talking to us. During this requested face to face discussion we would have decided if this was a person we wanted to pursue and they could have decided if this was a job that they wanted. At this meeting it could have been decided by us that this was not really the person we wanted. We might have decided or they may have decided after talking face to face that this particular job was not a good fit for them. At any rate, both of these individuals currently have great jobs and each has tremendous loyalty to the people they are currently serving and that was about as far as that went. I would be willing to bet that these individuals will get calls from other places that have vacancies because they have proven themselves over time and are highly respected in the coaching profession.

There is no one "in the know" except myself and Bob Kight. I know what I have told people and I trust that Bob has probably said even less. We have not even contacted the people that are being interviewed yet because we have been finishing background checks. Those people will be contacted and interviews will be set up and begin soon.

The reason I decided to post on here is because some people were all over the place with rumors, and unfortunately a lot of people believe everything they read on here. I wanted to set the record straight, because I know that people who are really passionate about this job are reading this. People from everywhere check this site out including the people who have applied. A local press release would not reach those individuals who are not from here. I didn't want what was being said on here to affect our ability to get the best person for the job. I know from being a head coach for 16 or 17 years myself, that if I applied for another job and I thought that they had really already decided who was going to get it and they called me for a "token " interview I would decline. Believe it or not, that does happen at some places, but it won't here, at least not under my watch. I felt like some of the rumors could end up negatively impacting our pool of candidates. I was looking out for the best interest of our kids when I came on here. A lot of coaches don't like to apply and not get the job and I was fearful that some may withdraw their candidacy before we announced the final candidates if they believe we already have picked someone.
My guess is that the only people who would be upset with me posting on here are people who are telling lies.
I may not post on here again, but this is the long and short of where we have been with this, what has occured to this point, and where we currently are with regard to the coaching position.

Great post. Thank you.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Pavilion »

It makes perfect sense to me why the Supt would come on here, especially after reading his last post. It's not like he was on here stirring up crap or shooting the bull. He was protecting the pool of candidates. Some coaches may have called and had their name removed from consideration rather than face being embarassed by not getting the job if they are convinced someone has already "unofficially " been hired. I for one am glad to see that he has the guts to come on here under his own name, and I think his reasoning makes good sense. Who knows how many coaches, principals, AD's, and other school administrators are on here under a hidden identity.

Remember, NO ONE can be HIRED without the recommendation of the Supt ( Jackson has been through that, with the fiasco a couple of years ago with the girls basketball coach). So, if someone has promised the job to someone, unless it was done by the Super himself ( he says it hasn't and there is no reason to not believe him) that person could not be hired without his recommendation. A vote can not even be taken by the board unless the Supt recommends the person. I hope it doesn't come down to that situation! Does this board have a better working relationship with Howard than the previous Supt.?

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironman92 »

Ahhh Yes. ^^^^^

In other news:

I love how people get on here and guess things about a person they don't even know.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by theassassin »

i love how people sit in the stands at games and question coaches decisions and officials calls about things they dont even know :(

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Jacksonite »

Hey Assassin,

That is allowed when you hold a Physical Education certificate, after all, your able to teach all sports. All Phys. Ed. teachers please don't take offense, unless your the one that always has the RIGHT answers to a team's misques from the bleachers. I like your style I-92 :lol:

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironman92 »

My current record form the bleachers over the past 20 years is somewhere around 129-3,264.....but I'm at nearly a .300 clip this basketball season.

I have to act as if I know everything....because everyone else knows I know very little.

I'm starting not to like that everyone knows who I am and I know only 2 others on this entire thread. Oh well.

Go Ironmen!

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by theassassin »

Ironman92 wrote:My current record form the bleachers over the past 20 years is somewhere around 129-3,264.....but I'm at nearly a .300 clip this basketball season.

I have to act as if I know everything....because everyone else knows I know very little.

I'm starting not to like that everyone knows who I am and I know only 2 others on this entire thread. Oh well.

Go Ironmen!

but can be lot of fun if they think you are someone else... :122246 :122246

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ocho stinko »

Wow. I think if you want to coach in Jackson you need your head examined! There is no way I would want this job I don't care how much it pays or how great the facilities are. Dysfunctional community to say the least. Especially when school board meetings make youtube.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by theassassin »

youtube???????????? you are kidding me

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ocho stinko »

Not kidding at all. I had three friends that found the one meeting where the crazy remarks were made that made the headlines in both papers. I think they went to youtube and typed in jackson city schools schoolboard meeting or something like that and watched the meeting. I will see if I can find it and give the link. If it is still on there.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ocho stinko »

Type in the search Jackson city school and it should come up. The crazy comment came up at about the 5:40 mark.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironman92 »

What I find funny/ironic is that the same board member that said that crap is the same one who I have seen at 1 ballgame in my lifetime and she watched the Jackson student section turn their backs when Gallia starters were announced. She got up and left to go rip the Super about the student's behavior and then left stage left.

Tell me how what she did is not completely worse than the traditional and generic student section action.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Ironman92....This same board member you are taking about should not be taken seriously. I mean she is waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there. She knows what I think of her so I could care less.

Let's just say that had Steve Anderson, when he was Superintendent, voted to plant a bomb to detonate inside Jackson High School, she would have voted for it!

She should do the honorable thing and resign from the board.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Pavilion »

Is this the same lady that voted against Supt. Howard's recommendation to accept a free athletic field at one of the elementaries? I hope so! Ater watching and listening to her comments at that board meeting ( yes it is on Youtube and 482 people have checked i out!), I would hate to think there are 2 people on that board that crazy! I feel sorry for the Supt. I bet he just loves dealing with her! How much time is left on her term?
Maybe she is upset because the former Supt is no longer there?

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by ocho stinko »

Amen 92, and Keyser! pavilion she did vote no on a FREE athletic field. Two reasons one her only friend is a building principal at one of the elementaries and the field was not going to be built at her only friends school. Two she has stated she would like to do away with athletics. People may think this is off topic,but this is one obstacle the new football coach may have to deal with.

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Re: The Official "Who's Next at Jackson Thread"

Post by Ironmanfan01 »

Hey, I was told by someone that Phil Howard said he doesn't even read this website and has definitely never posted on this website. If that's so, it looks like somebody has been having a little fun with all of us. Very funny, "Phil Howard".

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