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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
The Logan Daily News - February 21, 1969
Will Nelsonville-York Leave SEOL? No Immediate Action Planned By Board
Over 50 persons attended a meeting of Nelsonville-York school board members, coaches, parents and students last night to discuss the possibility of the Buckeyes withdrawing from the Southeastern Ohio League and joining the Tri-Valley Athletic Conference. An informal vote conducted among those present showed 12 in favor of remaining in the SEO league and 34 for going into the TVAC.
Richard Hubbard, school board president, stressed today, however, that the board will make no immediate decision. "We're not rushing the issue," he said. "We want to explore all the ramifications before we take any action."
The board will discuss the issue again at its next regular meeting March 11. Hubbard said school officials want to attend the next Tri-Valley Conference meeting before reaching a decision.
Hubbard conducted last night's session and stated that the purpose of the meeting was to give the board an idea about the feelings of school officials, parents and students before any action is taken on a letter inviting Nelsonville-York to join the TVAC.
He stressed the board must determine what is best for the school concerning athletics and what is best for the students and athletes themselves.
Nelsonville was a charter member when the SEO League was founded in 1924, Hubbard reported, but times have changed in recent years with schools consolidating. Nelsonville, even after its consolidation with York, is at the bottom of the SEOL list in enrollment, he said.
He displayed a chart showing 1968-69 enrollment figures in the upper three grades for members of both loops as follows:
Southeastern Ohio League -
Athens, 900 total and 374 boys;
Gallipolis, 814 and 278;
Jackson, 700 and 406;
Ironton, 700 and 339,
Logan, 700 and 325;
Meigs, 668 and 356;
Wellston, 483 and 350;
Nelsonville-York, 420 and 205 (now under 200).
Tri-Valley Conference -
Vinton County, 575 total and 271 boys;
Warren Local, 525 and 249;
Belpre, 450 and 213;
Federal-Hocking, 352 and 158;
Fort Frye, 295 and 162.
Hubbard said Nelsonville-York had beaten Vinton County, Warren Local and Fort Frye in football in recent seasons.
Bob Sheskey, head basketball coach and N-Y athletic director, said after 13 years in the SEO League, he feels that N-Y teams cannot win and urged that the school accept the invitation to join the Tri-Valley Conference.
Supt. Jack Hillyer and the other coaches on the N-Y staff agreed they feel it would be best to go into the younger league. Hillyer, who coached four years before going into administration, said he could look at it from both sides. "The most important part is to consider the boys," he said.
Dave Boston, football coach, said he conducted a survey of students and found only six in favor of staying in the SEOL while 59 were for getting out.
A letter was read from Dude Howe, along with a petition carrying the names of 50 Nelsonville boosters who want to stay in the SEOL.
Lowell Cole, former Nelsonville coach, said he would like to see the consolidation in effect a while longer before making a decision. His statements were echoed by several others.
Jim Lee said he feels the school should develop its athletic program better, stressing fundamentals from the seventh grade up.
Coaches and citizens alike were concerned about the decreasing number of boys participating in school athletic programs and the reasons behind it.
Jack Osborne said he thought when Nelsonville and York consolidated, the school could compete in the SEO League, but now the kids get the attitude they can't win. He said the school is in athletics for the kids and they would get more recognition in the other league. He also mentioned the injury factor, that fewer are getting scholarships and that good coaches won't stay under existing conditions.
Will Nelsonville-York Leave SEOL? No Immediate Action Planned By Board
Over 50 persons attended a meeting of Nelsonville-York school board members, coaches, parents and students last night to discuss the possibility of the Buckeyes withdrawing from the Southeastern Ohio League and joining the Tri-Valley Athletic Conference. An informal vote conducted among those present showed 12 in favor of remaining in the SEO league and 34 for going into the TVAC.
Richard Hubbard, school board president, stressed today, however, that the board will make no immediate decision. "We're not rushing the issue," he said. "We want to explore all the ramifications before we take any action."
The board will discuss the issue again at its next regular meeting March 11. Hubbard said school officials want to attend the next Tri-Valley Conference meeting before reaching a decision.
Hubbard conducted last night's session and stated that the purpose of the meeting was to give the board an idea about the feelings of school officials, parents and students before any action is taken on a letter inviting Nelsonville-York to join the TVAC.
He stressed the board must determine what is best for the school concerning athletics and what is best for the students and athletes themselves.
Nelsonville was a charter member when the SEO League was founded in 1924, Hubbard reported, but times have changed in recent years with schools consolidating. Nelsonville, even after its consolidation with York, is at the bottom of the SEOL list in enrollment, he said.
He displayed a chart showing 1968-69 enrollment figures in the upper three grades for members of both loops as follows:
Southeastern Ohio League -
Athens, 900 total and 374 boys;
Gallipolis, 814 and 278;
Jackson, 700 and 406;
Ironton, 700 and 339,
Logan, 700 and 325;
Meigs, 668 and 356;
Wellston, 483 and 350;
Nelsonville-York, 420 and 205 (now under 200).
Tri-Valley Conference -
Vinton County, 575 total and 271 boys;
Warren Local, 525 and 249;
Belpre, 450 and 213;
Federal-Hocking, 352 and 158;
Fort Frye, 295 and 162.
Hubbard said Nelsonville-York had beaten Vinton County, Warren Local and Fort Frye in football in recent seasons.
Bob Sheskey, head basketball coach and N-Y athletic director, said after 13 years in the SEO League, he feels that N-Y teams cannot win and urged that the school accept the invitation to join the Tri-Valley Conference.
Supt. Jack Hillyer and the other coaches on the N-Y staff agreed they feel it would be best to go into the younger league. Hillyer, who coached four years before going into administration, said he could look at it from both sides. "The most important part is to consider the boys," he said.
Dave Boston, football coach, said he conducted a survey of students and found only six in favor of staying in the SEOL while 59 were for getting out.
A letter was read from Dude Howe, along with a petition carrying the names of 50 Nelsonville boosters who want to stay in the SEOL.
Lowell Cole, former Nelsonville coach, said he would like to see the consolidation in effect a while longer before making a decision. His statements were echoed by several others.
Jim Lee said he feels the school should develop its athletic program better, stressing fundamentals from the seventh grade up.
Coaches and citizens alike were concerned about the decreasing number of boys participating in school athletic programs and the reasons behind it.
Jack Osborne said he thought when Nelsonville and York consolidated, the school could compete in the SEO League, but now the kids get the attitude they can't win. He said the school is in athletics for the kids and they would get more recognition in the other league. He also mentioned the injury factor, that fewer are getting scholarships and that good coaches won't stay under existing conditions.
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
Note that the above article referenced Fort Frye as a member of the TVC. I'm still on the hunt for what happened that Fort Frye didn't end up in the TVC.
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
The Logan Daily News - February 12, 1969
Withdrawal From SEO League Studied By N-Y School Board
The Nelsonville-York school board is seriously considering withdrawal from the Southeastern Ohio League and joining the new Tri-Valley Athletic Conference.
An invitation to join the Tri-Valley loop was read at last night's school board meeting by President Richard Hubbard.
Hubbard said many school district residents have expressed the opinion that Nelsonville-York is not large enough to compete in the SEO League.
Principal Robert Sheskey reported that there were 205 boys in the upper three grades last October and now there are 195.
After much discussion, the board decided to hold an open meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, in the Nelsonville-York High School cafeteria.
Members of the N-Y Athletic Boosters and coaches will be present along with board members. All interested persons are invited to attend.
The board also asked Sheskey to attend a meeting of the Tri-Valley Conference. Other league members are Federal-Hocking, Vinton County, Warren Local, Belpre and Fort Frye.
Withdrawal From SEO League Studied By N-Y School Board
The Nelsonville-York school board is seriously considering withdrawal from the Southeastern Ohio League and joining the new Tri-Valley Athletic Conference.
An invitation to join the Tri-Valley loop was read at last night's school board meeting by President Richard Hubbard.
Hubbard said many school district residents have expressed the opinion that Nelsonville-York is not large enough to compete in the SEO League.
Principal Robert Sheskey reported that there were 205 boys in the upper three grades last October and now there are 195.
After much discussion, the board decided to hold an open meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20, in the Nelsonville-York High School cafeteria.
Members of the N-Y Athletic Boosters and coaches will be present along with board members. All interested persons are invited to attend.
The board also asked Sheskey to attend a meeting of the Tri-Valley Conference. Other league members are Federal-Hocking, Vinton County, Warren Local, Belpre and Fort Frye.
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
The Logan Daily News - April 16, 1969
N-Y Board Votes to Leave SEO League, Join Tri-Valley
The Nelsonville-York school board, meeting in regular session last night, voted to withdraw from the Southeast Ohio Athletic League. At the same time, a decision was made to apply for admission into the Tri-Valley Athletic League.
Dick Hubbard, board president, noted that the Nelsonville-York board had promised to give the Tri-Valley officials a definite answer by April 15. "The time has now arrived to make our choice," he said, "but this is one of the most momentous decisions I've ever had to make."
Bob Sheskey, N-Y principal, pointed out that the Buckeye's are committed to finish out whatever athletic events they have scheduled in the SEOAL during 1969.
There has been a lot of controversy concerning the proposed move, both pro and con, since it was first mentioned as a possibility several weeks ago. Perhaps the feeling of most could be summed up in a statement made by Sheskey at the close of the meeting. "It's a very sad decision to have to make," said the veteran Nelsonville coach and teacher.
N-Y Board Votes to Leave SEO League, Join Tri-Valley
The Nelsonville-York school board, meeting in regular session last night, voted to withdraw from the Southeast Ohio Athletic League. At the same time, a decision was made to apply for admission into the Tri-Valley Athletic League.
Dick Hubbard, board president, noted that the Nelsonville-York board had promised to give the Tri-Valley officials a definite answer by April 15. "The time has now arrived to make our choice," he said, "but this is one of the most momentous decisions I've ever had to make."
Bob Sheskey, N-Y principal, pointed out that the Buckeye's are committed to finish out whatever athletic events they have scheduled in the SEOAL during 1969.
There has been a lot of controversy concerning the proposed move, both pro and con, since it was first mentioned as a possibility several weeks ago. Perhaps the feeling of most could be summed up in a statement made by Sheskey at the close of the meeting. "It's a very sad decision to have to make," said the veteran Nelsonville coach and teacher.
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
This article is regarding the State Board of Education Meeting that related to the mass consolidations of the time period..........
The Logan Daily News - March 12 1963
"In other business, the board formally adopted a list of 11 educational goals for Ohio which it hopes may be achieved by 1970. One specific objective called for an increase from 240 to 500 in minimum enrollments for high schools with grades 9 through 12."
The Logan Daily News - March 12 1963
"In other business, the board formally adopted a list of 11 educational goals for Ohio which it hopes may be achieved by 1970. One specific objective called for an increase from 240 to 500 in minimum enrollments for high schools with grades 9 through 12."
- Posts: 7423
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
The Logan Daily News - October 23, 1963
York School Board Opposed To Merger
At Saturday's meeting of the York school board it was decided by members that the board go on record as opposed to the proposed consolidation of Nelsonville, Glouster, Jacksonville-Trimble and York school districts.
Board members discussed consolidation effects, should it pass, and decided that many important details had not been worked out and studies had not included these factors.
The board as a whole, in a prepared statement, pointed out that: "(a) The Consolidation Plan, as it will be presented on the ballet, has not been completely explained to the general public. (b) The amount of increase in taxes has not been presented. (c) The effect of this merger on the pupil transportation program has not been explained. The hazards and additional expense of the transportation program have not been presented. (d) The existing buildings, for the most part, would still be maintained plus additional costs of alteration to these buildings. (e) There would be an immediate problem relating to the course of study. This would involve the purchase of textbooks and other teaching aids, as all schools involved in this plan are not using the same materials."
Executive head Jack Hillyer and board members felt that the present buildings used in all districts would continue to be used and there would be no savings in this respect. They felt that there would be added costs, since some of the buildings would require changes to meet the new needs. Since the enrollment at York would be increased, the present buildings would require alterations.
It was pointed out that according to tax figures, there would be an increase of 3 mills for the York district operation. State funds would continue for three years, at which time the $122,000 per year would stop, following consolidation. Members said there is no objection to taking more students or areas into the York district, but there are too many other problems left unsolved and York officials feel these will be very costly to correct.
York School Board Opposed To Merger
At Saturday's meeting of the York school board it was decided by members that the board go on record as opposed to the proposed consolidation of Nelsonville, Glouster, Jacksonville-Trimble and York school districts.
Board members discussed consolidation effects, should it pass, and decided that many important details had not been worked out and studies had not included these factors.
The board as a whole, in a prepared statement, pointed out that: "(a) The Consolidation Plan, as it will be presented on the ballet, has not been completely explained to the general public. (b) The amount of increase in taxes has not been presented. (c) The effect of this merger on the pupil transportation program has not been explained. The hazards and additional expense of the transportation program have not been presented. (d) The existing buildings, for the most part, would still be maintained plus additional costs of alteration to these buildings. (e) There would be an immediate problem relating to the course of study. This would involve the purchase of textbooks and other teaching aids, as all schools involved in this plan are not using the same materials."
Executive head Jack Hillyer and board members felt that the present buildings used in all districts would continue to be used and there would be no savings in this respect. They felt that there would be added costs, since some of the buildings would require changes to meet the new needs. Since the enrollment at York would be increased, the present buildings would require alterations.
It was pointed out that according to tax figures, there would be an increase of 3 mills for the York district operation. State funds would continue for three years, at which time the $122,000 per year would stop, following consolidation. Members said there is no objection to taking more students or areas into the York district, but there are too many other problems left unsolved and York officials feel these will be very costly to correct.
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- Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:49 pm
Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
At some point, Chauncey-Dover was in the mix to become part of this school district as well...............
The Logan Daily News - June 18, 1963
Five Athens County Schools Discuss Consolidation At Nelsonville Meeting
Ohio Department of Education officials met with representatives of five Athens County school systems at the Nelsonville elementary school Monday night to discuss consolidation of the systems.
Representatives of Nelsonville, York, Chauncey, Glouster and Trimble schools were present to state their views on a proposed consolidation of their schools with Byron Morton, Ohio assistant superintendent of public education.
William Fraedrich, representing Nelsonville schools, said board members feel that Plan "A", a plan to consolidate the upper three grades of the five schools, will meet requirements with a few modifications and should be placed on the ballot for public opinion.
Eugene Edwards, representing York schools, told Morton that York board members feel they aren't financially able to undertake any reorganization as Plan "A" stipulates. Edwards added that York has just finished a consolidation program.
A representative from the Trimble school board stated it would favor a new school for Glouster, Trimble and Chauncey built in the Sunday Creek valley.
A Glouster school board member stated that he represented school board members who want a reorganization. The member added that most of the town's people would favor reorganization since their children aren't getting a sound enough education at the present time.
Chauncey officials told Morton that an annexation with the Athens city school system is desired by Chauncey board members since it is their duty to provide the best possible education for the pupils.
Three reasons given for the proposed annexation were fewer transportation problems, a better line of sports is offered and Chauncey pupils would have a better opportunity scholastically in Athens.
He stated that Chauncey board members have had four meetings with the Athens school board and that Athens wants to accept Chauncey as a part of the Athens city school system. The Chauncey representative added that Chauncey citizens do not want to consolidate with Glouster and Trimble since Chauncey has the most wealth of the three schools. He concluded by telling Morton that Chauncey board members want to place the annexation with Athens on the ballot for Chauncey voters.
After hearing views of the five school systems represented at the meeting, Morton told the school officials that he would place each system's proposal before the Ohio Board of Education for its study and decision.
The Logan Daily News - June 18, 1963
Five Athens County Schools Discuss Consolidation At Nelsonville Meeting
Ohio Department of Education officials met with representatives of five Athens County school systems at the Nelsonville elementary school Monday night to discuss consolidation of the systems.
Representatives of Nelsonville, York, Chauncey, Glouster and Trimble schools were present to state their views on a proposed consolidation of their schools with Byron Morton, Ohio assistant superintendent of public education.
William Fraedrich, representing Nelsonville schools, said board members feel that Plan "A", a plan to consolidate the upper three grades of the five schools, will meet requirements with a few modifications and should be placed on the ballot for public opinion.
Eugene Edwards, representing York schools, told Morton that York board members feel they aren't financially able to undertake any reorganization as Plan "A" stipulates. Edwards added that York has just finished a consolidation program.
A representative from the Trimble school board stated it would favor a new school for Glouster, Trimble and Chauncey built in the Sunday Creek valley.
A Glouster school board member stated that he represented school board members who want a reorganization. The member added that most of the town's people would favor reorganization since their children aren't getting a sound enough education at the present time.
Chauncey officials told Morton that an annexation with the Athens city school system is desired by Chauncey board members since it is their duty to provide the best possible education for the pupils.
Three reasons given for the proposed annexation were fewer transportation problems, a better line of sports is offered and Chauncey pupils would have a better opportunity scholastically in Athens.
He stated that Chauncey board members have had four meetings with the Athens school board and that Athens wants to accept Chauncey as a part of the Athens city school system. The Chauncey representative added that Chauncey citizens do not want to consolidate with Glouster and Trimble since Chauncey has the most wealth of the three schools. He concluded by telling Morton that Chauncey board members want to place the annexation with Athens on the ballot for Chauncey voters.
After hearing views of the five school systems represented at the meeting, Morton told the school officials that he would place each system's proposal before the Ohio Board of Education for its study and decision.
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- Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:49 pm
Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
The Logan Daily News - October 4, 1966
Proposed Nelsonville-York School Merger Is Discussed
.......The new school organization would not be effected until the 1967-68 school year, and the schools would operate as they are at present for the rest of the 1966-67 school year. With consolidation, grade school pupils would continue to attend the grade schools now in use at Murray City, Buchtel, Poston, and Nelsonville.
No new buildings are contemplated in the merger. Pupils in grades 7, 8 and 9 would attend unior high school in what is now the Nelsonville High School building. High school pupils (grades 10-11-12) would attend a senior high school at what is now York Local High School.
Based on present enrollment, the approximate total enrollments for the consolidated school district would be: kindergarten through grade 6, 1,200; junior high (7, 8, 9) 525; senior high (10-11-12) 425; total enrollment, 2,150.
Proposed Nelsonville-York School Merger Is Discussed
.......The new school organization would not be effected until the 1967-68 school year, and the schools would operate as they are at present for the rest of the 1966-67 school year. With consolidation, grade school pupils would continue to attend the grade schools now in use at Murray City, Buchtel, Poston, and Nelsonville.
No new buildings are contemplated in the merger. Pupils in grades 7, 8 and 9 would attend unior high school in what is now the Nelsonville High School building. High school pupils (grades 10-11-12) would attend a senior high school at what is now York Local High School.
Based on present enrollment, the approximate total enrollments for the consolidated school district would be: kindergarten through grade 6, 1,200; junior high (7, 8, 9) 525; senior high (10-11-12) 425; total enrollment, 2,150.
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- Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:49 pm
Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
So when NY first consolidated, there were around 175 kids per grade in every grade from K-9, with around 142 kids per grade in 10-12 (I'm guessing drop out rates maybe is why it is lower?)
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
Think the same thing here...Totally agree with trencher and osu22...Schools without soccer programs ought be happier than a deer in a cornfield...TRENCHFOOT wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:48 pmNot having soccer is a good thing IMO. More young men seem to go out for football without it. Save on gas and wear and tear on bus transportation too.![]()
Gotta go with OSU22 on this Moon. Sorry buddy. NEXT.
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
I was always surprised Dover Township went to Athens and not Trimble. Athens school district line is maybe 3 miles from Trimble High School
Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
I know most of this is due to the Poston plant shutting down. probably some other jobs shutting down as wellNYBuckeye96 wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:29 pm So when NY first consolidated, there were around 175 kids per grade in every grade from K-9, with around 142 kids per grade in 10-12 (I'm guessing drop out rates maybe is why it is lower?)
- Posts: 7423
- Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:49 pm
Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
Poston Power Plant shutting down definitely contributed to it, but many school districts in southeastern Ohio are much smaller today than they were 50 years ago. Check out my earlier post that listed the student head count for all SEOAL and TVC schools in the late '60s and compare those head counts to those same schools today.
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
Been hearing this back in mid 90sOrange and Brown wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:24 amPeople have been saying that since 2008. Still hasn't happened.LHS 72 wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:58 amThis will happen! The state will mandate this action in a few years. That this to the bank!NYBuckeye96 wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:47 pm I never knew this, but in 1963, the State of Ohio wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster, and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school district. It was voted on in November of that year by all voters in all four districts and defeated soundly.
In Favor:
Athens County - 982
Hocking County - 96
Athens County - 2,332
Hocking County - 426
Total For the Consolidation: 1,078 (28%)
Total Against the Consolidation - 2,758 (72%)
It was just a few years later when they consolidated into Nelsonville-York and Trimble.
Imagine how strong the sports teams would have been for that school over the past five plus decades!![]()
I eat pieces of s;”: like you for breakfast
- Posts: 7423
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Re: In 1963, the state wanted to consolidate Nelsonville, York, Glouster and Jacksonville-Trimble into one school distri
If the states original plan of consolidating all of York, Ward, Trimble and Dover Twps. into one school district had taken effect, that school would be about the same size as Athens because Chauncey-Dover would have went to Nelsonville instead of Athens, making Nelsonville bigger and Athens smaller. That would have really ramped up the rivalry even more if both schools were about the same size and competed in tournaments/playoffs against each other as well.
Good read
"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"
Michael Scott
Michael Scott