Playoffs: D4 #7 New Lexington (8-2) @ #2 Westfall (10-0)

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Post by mstangmom »

Just read this on the other forum

Posts: 48
(11/1/07 7:23 pm)
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New Post SEATING They have brought in more seating. the put some behind both gaol posts, and 2 sets on the visitor side. Heard the may be bringing in more.

YES I knew they would come through for us, I hope they bring in a little more

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Post by mstangmom »

Steely Dan wrote:NOPE. Not what I was referring to. I was talking about some of the other poison that has been floating around in PM's about the program, and the QB. I saw some of it, and it was shameful. No, a better description is REPREHENSIBLE. Why tear down such a wonderful thing? The team is undefeated, yet some people find it necessary to say disparaging things about the kids and team, and this is coming from "supporters" of the program.

Why do some have an axe to grind? The program is on the brink of success, that it has never enjoyed, yet there is poison being spewed that is potentially detrimental, and devisive to the program. At 10-0, WHY???

PM's can be printed, and shared amongst many people. I'll leave it at that.

Steely Dan I am a bit disgusted by this post for a couple of reasons.
1. the person(s) that shared thos Pm's Never should have shared them to begin with.
2. the person(s) who did see those PM's never should have shared it in a public forum that they did see them.

That being said, I will say this. I for one and it is no secret posted on this forum that I did not think Cain deserved to be QB over Keller and was not impressed with him or his abilities during the previews or the first game. Since then I have said though I do not think on here, that DJ has NOW adapted to our offense quite well and has had some impressive moments, I figure next year no one will come close to him and he will outdo anything that smith ever did. unfortunately this year he is out shined by our defense. Anyone who has watched this program play this year would have to agree that the defense is the star of the show.
As for the other stuff in your post I know some of what you are referring to, But it has no place on this forum, and if it is shared in a PM that is where it should have stayed. and never should have been brought up here.


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Post by Roughriderpride »

Like I said after I seen Westfall in their passing scrimmage in July of this year, I said that they was the best team there and they would be very good this year and probably win their league.
People said you can't judge nothing on a passing scrimmage, I said that Westfall & West Jeff were the best 2 teams there and I don't think I was off that bad?
I also said that DJ Cain would probably win the QB spot after coming in from Harvest Prep and he got that to, not to bad for RRP.
Anyways, WF is avg. 42 a game and only giving up 7, amazing. New Lex is not the team that they were the past few years and this is a mighty task at hand. People are right that this is the 1st round and anything can happen, but no surprises on Sat. night, Westfall by 3 TD's.

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Post by mstangmom »

RoughriderprideI think you are pretty close on the score.I think Westfall will come out in the typical fashion and play the game hard then come 3rd quarter explode ond NL won't know what Hit them.

I think we just open the first half wearing a team down to the point of exhaustion and that half time break is just not long enough for them to recover. but our boys are just ready to get going.

Steely Dan
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Post by Steely Dan »

Anything communicated electronically can be viewed by anyone. There is nothing on this website to prevent copying of PM's and electronic distribution of such. I don't need a lecture about the ethics of sharing information. This is a public forum, and once a message is sent, or posted, what happens to it is out of the sender's control.

The fact that PM's can be printed, or electronically forwarded, should have already been understood by anyone that uses this site. What that means is that even with the PM function, you need to be just as responsible as you would be if you were posting anything on a thread, as anyone can read it, once it is printed or forwarded.

A good rule of thumb is that you should not say anything in a PM, or on a thread, that you would not say to a coach, player, parent, or other prepster's face. :? I've followed that mantra, and it has pretty much worked for me.

Doing someone else's Dirty Work....
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Post by mstangmom »

Seems to me That YOU are the one that wants these things brought out on this public forum to deface the westfall program. Otherwise it would never have been brought up by you. T bad you view PM's the way you do kind of takes the meaning away from PRIVATE MEASSAGE. Guess everyones ideology on ethics is different though.
ANYWAYS this thread is about the game and not yours and others ethics. if you wish to discuss it more you can PM me though I doubt you would get a response from me because your idea of a PRIVATE MESSAGE is to make it a PUBLIC MESSAGE
Please do not bring it up again in this thread or any other thread because when you do you are in violation of rules 5 and 6 of this message board.

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Post by mstangmom »


Didn't we already beat up on a team of PANTHERS

Riding the Bench
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Post by wing-t »

What's up with that??? Surely that couldn't mstangmom "bashing" another schools football team. This game will be tougher then you think........

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Post by mstangmom »

Wing-t I am glad you said:
This game will be tougher then you think........

Because evrytime you have said that about a westfall game we went out and not only beat them but beat the by a large margin.

I really didn't think you would take offense to that comment about beating up panthers but then I guess cause I said it you would. Bet you are picking us to lose too, rather than supporting a team in your own league.

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Post by 93mustang »

There's Good ole Wing t coming out of hybernation. As you told me a while back. What are you doing on a wf thread. Stick to SE. What time does SE play this weekend? She is just defending her posts'!!! The game will be close early, but we will wear New Lex down. Since they don't think much of our team, league, stadium. I think Westfall is the underdog according to New Lex, we don't belong on the same field. Good thing is we will see, come Sat. night. Go Mustangs, WJ, Circleville.

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Post by mstangmom »

93 I agree about go WJ, c-ville, and definatly GO MUSTANGS
but it sure seems weird not seeing acc on any list

Riding the Bench
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Post by wing-t »


The fact is I'm not picking anyone. I don't know that much about New Lex accept they played a tougher schedule ... As far as the beating Panthers comment don't flatter yourself, it would have been childish from anyone who would have posted it.....

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Post by mstangmom »

Childish is getting so upset over minute comments about a mascot.

GUESS what after we win this week and waverly wins this week I will make the comment did't we already bet some tigers. bet they won't care that I say it.

Riding the Bench
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Post by wing-t »


Explain to me how she was defending her post. She was just getting a jab in, just like you where too.

Maybe if some of the people from Westfall weren't so arrogant and cocky with their post, the other teams wouldn't think bad of the league and its teams. Besides it's a lot classier letting the team do its talking on the the field rather than some over zealous fans doing it on a message board...

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Post by mstangmom »

WING-T you are way to sensitive man.


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Post by RossCoBBfan »

do you really have over 13,000 posts? thats either real impressive or real

honestly mom dont think the comment about the panthers was needed do you? And you were the one that brought up the mascot angle, dont chastize when someone is offended.

Good luck to the Mustangs, I just think you are a little bit over the top, and before your wingman 93 steps in, thats just my opinion, not an attack, seems to me she can handle herself.

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Post by sickandtired »

Why is it that posters are continuing to beat a dead horse? (no pun intended) regarding the Mustang QB situation. I think I can speak for many people at Westfall who were excited to finally see the "Senior QB" step up out of the shadows of two stellar QBs ( Smith and Bartholomew). In fact, it was Coach Bart that stated as a Sophmore, "Keller would have been a starter on any other team. "

Just as the other posters have done, glowing reviews of his performances over the past several years and recent quotes and news paper articles can be found. And yes, even the "Senior QB", has been known to throw the "long ball" with accuracy over 50 yards. Both are quality atheletes, and as Coach Keller was quoeted , "Dj is a great runner, and Adam is a great passer. " Do any of us really know (other than Coach Keller) who would have been the starter?? And more importantly, why does it matter now?

Each QB had/has their fan base .... one QB got hurt; the other got the job. The competition ended 10 weeks ago with a 17 y/o Senior who suffered multiple broken bones, and a severe concussion.....Don't you think it's time to put this argument to rest?

Steely Dan, you seem to know more about the circumstances that lead to his accident, than even the kid can remember. Do you know enough about the events leading up to the accident to make the claim he "chose to do something stupid?" Are you saying that getting in a car, driving a motorcycle or dirt bike is "stupid"? Just watch the news.....accidents happen everyday-just like this one.

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Post by pantherfan1997 »

New Lexington will win this game 28- 21 and mstang mom i wasnt able to post here so i copied an pasted to our fourm

nickle back
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Post by nickle back »

I look for westfall to not only win this game but my pick to win the region. Best of luck.

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Post by pantherfan1997 »

mstangmom wrote:pantherfan1997 If you are going to copy something and paste it on your forum then have the gonads to copy the entire conversation, not just the parts that suit your need.

I can tell you have a future in wither reporting (only telling what you want to make the story good) or politics. Haven't quit figured out which is worse yet.

NO OFFENSE BMAN :lol: :lol:

i have the go nads just got on because of the email problem i was having

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