Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by ironman02 »


I don't know what the post you quoted has to do with football knowledge. I was just telling someone what I knew about the situation that was being discussed and asking for him to explain to me what he actually meant because I was confused.

I did see your post on the other thread before it was deleted. I have never claimed to have some type of infinite football knowledge on here. I know a lot about the Jackson football program and its history, but I'm not some Xs and Os expert. I come here to talk about high school football as a fan. I'm not capable of coaching a football team and I'll be the first to admit that. This site is for people to state their opinion about high school sports and I do that. However, I don't think for one second that I could do a better job coaching than anyone. I have commended Shane for the job he did at Jackson and stated that I don't blame him for wanting to leave coaching and spend time with his family. The only thing that I have said is that I hope Jackson does look for a coach from the outside with more experience. I would not want to see anyone on the current staff go through the same thing that Shane has apparently gone through. Someone that has been around the block a time or two, and doesn't have the pressure of being one of Jackson's own, might have an easier time dealing with all the scrutiny.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by ocho stinko »

You seem to be the perfect example of why jackson will never make it to the next level. If you have coached for him then you should discuss this with him. Normally coaches that have coached together do not blast another coach on website forum.Of course this shows your lack of class and intlelligence. Of course you probably do not have the guts to say anything to his face. If you played for him then you probably were not very good and did not get to play alot, because to say shane was only out for himself is absolutely an idiotic, moronic, statement. Question his play calling that is fine, question his offensive schemes that is fine, that is part of coaching, but to say he was out for himself is absolutetly ignorant. I bet you were probably one of the high class potty mouth fans that stood in the end zone.

I love Jackson and want them to do well. I would prefer to keep my children in the district, but it is hard. Why can't Jackson get to the next level (in any sport consistently)? I think the fans and parents need a mirror. My suggestion to them is to let the coaches coach the sport, let the the players play. I get sick of coaches pushing the kids and parents getting in the way. I don't care how tough a coach is bottom line soft parent, soft child! Stupid negative fans equal a cancer that grows through the community gets bback to a spineless board and then they are looking for a new coach. Every coach that has been listed as a candidate run, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Listening to parents and fans we have a lot of kids running 4.3 40's. I mean 5.3 40's. Remember been through a lot of coaches in many sports what is the common denominator?

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Do-Your-Job »

Few observations after reading this thread...

-- It's not alright to say you want to spend time with your family if you resign from a head coaching position. Some people on SEOPS demand a better reason than that! And by-golly they deserve it!

-- Jackson isn't a football school I guess despite having well more than 500 all-time wins and 20 SEOAL titles and only a couple losing seasons in nearly 20 years.

-- All Jackson fans are morons who think the high school football world revolves around Alumni Stadium and 15-0 seasons are expected every season!! So don't take this coaching job unless you're going to bring state titles to Jackson!!!

-- Friday nights at Alumni Stadium the last four seasons meant a chance for the community to get out and yell at coach Wolford! It was just an unruly, unsafe environment as thousands of people snuck pitch-forks into the stadium and went after the coaching staff afterwards!

Seriously here, I didn't realize so many people disliked Jackson to this level. I think many posters on this thread feel a great deal of satisfaction that Jackson is down right now. Just about every Jackson fan I know the past few years has realized that the talent has been a little down and 8 and 9 win seasons are going to be a lot harder to come by. I guess a few bad apples spoil the bunch. How many football teams don't have any bad apples among their fans?

Keep in mind too the amount of kids who have gotten themselves into trouble. That's not the coach's fault. You can't put a leash on all the players and follow them around 24-7. Shane might've been in the second round of the playoffs in 2006 if 3 of his starting offensive lineman were eligible to play in the first round. Maybe this mole fella that's posting on here should be critical of the players who let the coaches, the community and the other players down instead of trashing the head coach who had to pick up the pieces time and time again when the players showed how immature they are.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

Hmmm......sounds like a mess over there. This old Wellston Alum couldn't be more chipper.

In all seriousness, when our sons team....the Chillicothe CAVS took the field this year against Jackson, I was totally surprised at the amount Jackson had in their stadium. Especailly compared to our 2006 game at Jackson. The stadium was almost empty on the Jackson side. Right there, I knew something was wrong.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Regulator »

Take a look at all sports and you will see Jackson is not the place to be right now. It may be the administration (Although new), it may be the community, or it may just be lack of talent, but something should throw up a flag for future coaches and make them wonder what the heck is going on there.

Football coach resigns (Wolford)
Girls Basketball coach forced out (McKinness)
Boys Basketball coach resigns (May)
Baseball coach resigns (Wright)
I know many of these happened with Snyder at the helm, but some truth to the community could be a big part of it.

Expectations are big and there is nothing wrong with that, however people need to see the picture and understand the talent level is down. And another thing that needs to happen is letting coaches coach!! Period!! Quit whining to the board, AD, principal and let them coach!! This society is sickening to watch as we raise a bunch of pansies and kids that are given anything they want!! This society needs to get back to the basics and the "old school" and start teaching responsibility and hard work!!

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by oubobcats12 »

I heard Phil Fulmer is interested about a prestigious high school coaching gig in SE OH do you think he will go for Jackson? maybe Ty Willingham? what are your thoughts?

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Ironman92 »


You could not be more pitiful.

I'm sure you'll try.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by BuckeyeCAV »

Regulator wrote:Take a look at all sports and you will see Jackson is not the place to be right now. It may be the administration (Although new), it may be the community, or it may just be lack of talent, but something should throw up a flag for future coaches and make them wonder what the heck is going on there.

Football coach resigns (Wolford)
Girls Basketball coach forced out (McKinness)
Boys Basketball coach resigns (May)
Baseball coach resigns (Wright)
I know many of these happened with Snyder at the helm, but some truth to the community could be a big part of it.

Expectations are big and there is nothing wrong with that, however people need to see the picture and understand the talent level is down. And another thing that needs to happen is letting coaches coach!! Period!! Quit whining to the board, AD, principal and let them coach!! This society is sickening to watch as we raise a bunch of pansies and kids that are given anything they want!! This society needs to get back to the basics and the "old school" and start teaching responsibility and hard work!!

Hey 92......can you read? :-D.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree :!: :-D

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by Ironman92 »

Yes, but my comprehension must be horrible as I don't see what any of that has to do with me.

I'm glad that made you laugh. It was really funny. I think I just peed myself a little.

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by TIGERS90 »

As a lifetime Ironton fan...I can remember back when Jackson and Ironton were HUGE RIVALS....I remember the old days when Ironton faced Jackson the week of the apple festival and we always looked foreward to the trips up there...I remember being at the game in 1980 when Ironton and Jackson tied 7-7...what a game...but as for coach Wolford....a few years ago when Ironton and played up at Jackson with it raining hard...Wolford was in his first game against Ironton...I had asked a couple of my friends from Jackson how good of a coach he was and they all told me he was a real smart coach...He proved himself to me that night...he outcoached us that night....I hate to see him get out of coaching...especially if it was over parents...or bad fans...who don't understand that you will have down years...I thought he was a great coach from all that I have seen of him....good luck on the search for a new coach...

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Re: Shane Wolford resigns as Jackson head coach

Post by JChipwood »

From a total outsiders perspective I am amazed at all the turmoil that still follows Coach rather than the debate regarding who will be next. Watching Jackson's "decline" recently has been hard as a fan of the SEOAL. A couple things to be considered are a much tougher league and also declining numbers and more importantly slightly declining talent. Every program goes through ups and downs and I am confident and hopeful that Jacskon football will endure this and in the end be a stronger program. Woolford stated his reason for resignation being family time and to me that seems like not only a valid reason but also the best reason of all, shame on those who hold a grudge for sighting that as his reason. Also after reading this, to think that his wife heard the comments is one thing but to think that his kids were hearing it as well is unbelievable. Every community has the "endzone yellers" but it doesn't make it right and in the end discourages kids from playing b/c at a critical point in their lives the scrutiny rather than support can be overwhelming. I look forward to seeing your community come together and your program turning the negative into a positive. Good luck from Gallia.

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