F-4 Phantom wrote:You and some of your pals are blaming the loss on the officials. If it's the officials fault you didn't win, then you are saying your team isn't tough enough to overcome obstacles that occur during games. Personally, I feel West is more than capable, just not last night. We all have those days/nights. Valley took advantage of West's errors. The game is over. Valley needs to figure out how to score on the Burg. We no longer care about the West game. I'm just responding to help ease the pain. You know, give you a release.
Black@Orange wrote:F-4 Phantom wrote:You and some of your pals are blaming the loss on the officials. If it's the officials fault you didn't win, then you are saying your team isn't tough enough to overcome obstacles that occur during games. Personally, I feel West is more than capable, just not last night. We all have those days/nights. Valley took advantage of West's errors. The game is over. Valley needs to figure out how to score on the Burg. We no longer care about the West game. I'm just responding to help ease the pain. You know, give you a release.
Quit putting words in my mouth. Our team is as tough as any team around. I said in a earlier post that our coaching staff done a nice job, keeping our team under control. If it wasn't for Coach T, it would have gotten ugly.
And West as a team is not out of shape, yes you guys come back in the 4th but that don't mean that we're out of shape.
Enjoy your win now, because I don't see another one coming soon. Especially against West.
playa_44 wrote:Sis?What grade you make it to dude?
fanatic23 wrote:Playa44,
I'm as big of west fan as there is but the reason we lost the game last night was our own fault. Instead of blaming the officials lets start asking questions.
1. What do we do all week in practice it can't be much?
2. How do you use three timeouts in the first 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter?
3. Why do you practice certain plays all week and then forget about them during the game?
4. Why is your best cover corner on the bench?
5. Who calls the offensive plays?
6. Does he listen to the guys in the booth
7. Why do we run the ball to the short side of the field every single play?
8. Why do we wiat to pass on 3rd and 20?
9. What happened to play action on 1st down?
10. How long will the coaching staff wait before they realize what they are doing won't work against good teams?
11. Do we have more formations than play?
Now to me these are good questions that west fans should awnser before we blame anyone. We have been out played the last 2 weeks plain and simple. We are way to easy to scout and run first and if it don't work run the same play again. I hear the coaches on top of the press box saying try this or this is wide open why is the offensive coach not listening. To me the kids are playing hard it's just lack of preperation (3 timeouts in 5 minutes) and playcalling. So west fans until we turn the page in the playbook, get used to losing to well coached teams. I'm not saying we don't have good coaches they just need to remember thier a team also and listen to one another.Remember the key to having a good offense is keeping the defense on thier toes. It's hard for 7 guys to block 11 guys that knows where the ball is going.
OSU 77 wrote:fanatic23 wrote:Playa44,
I'm as big of west fan as there is but the reason we lost the game last night was our own fault. Instead of blaming the officials lets start asking questions.
1. What do we do all week in practice it can't be much?
2. How do you use three timeouts in the first 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter?
3. Why do you practice certain plays all week and then forget about them during the game?
4. Why is your best cover corner on the bench?
5. Who calls the offensive plays?
6. Does he listen to the guys in the booth
7. Why do we run the ball to the short side of the field every single play?
8. Why do we wiat to pass on 3rd and 20?
9. What happened to play action on 1st down?
10. How long will the coaching staff wait before they realize what they are doing won't work against good teams?
11. Do we have more formations than play?
Now to me these are good questions that west fans should awnser before we blame anyone. We have been out played the last 2 weeks plain and simple. We are way to easy to scout and run first and if it don't work run the same play again. I hear the coaches on top of the press box saying try this or this is wide open why is the offensive coach not listening. To me the kids are playing hard it's just lack of preperation (3 timeouts in 5 minutes) and playcalling. So west fans until we turn the page in the playbook, get used to losing to well coached teams. I'm not saying we don't have good coaches they just need to remember thier a team also and listen to one another.Remember the key to having a good offense is keeping the defense on thier toes. It's hard for 7 guys to block 11 guys that knows where the ball is going.
First thing I would say, if you can hear the Coaches calling the plays then you need to get back in the bleachers where you belong.
Please keep in mind that more than half the Coaching staff for West don't even get paid to Coach these kids. What are you doing about this? “NOTHING†By the way where were you last year when they won the league outright and made it to the playoffs.
The Kids don't need to hear adults complaining about football games and Coaches. Get a life and quit living your life through football and start teaching the kids there is more to life than football. Like sticking together when things go wrong and being a productive adult when you become one.
I think this is what the Coaching staff is trying to do with these kids but I guess some fans will never get it.
playa_44 wrote:Well, I seldom post on any thread, just read. This is the exception. First of all, if I were fanatic23 and thought I had the lowdown on why, what, where, and how the doer of the deeds could have done them better I'd share that info with the West staff, not online. Especially since the staff at West is underpaid and overworked maybe they could use your expertise. Get in their and volunteer instead of B....! Second, most of the time, reading this crap, when a team loses, no matter what school, this s.... starts from fans who know best how to coach their teams to the state, if only someone would pay attention. Third, the voice of reason from West always tends to be siderman. If you want to know how things really are and not at the extremes, just read what he has to say...usually his common sense and sense of football are genuine. Nice to see on these forums(and unusual). I stand by my posts that started all this...the refs were horrible last night. When a "fumble" occurs and both offense and defense have an equal hand on the ball, it should go to offense. Not so last night. There were so many things wrong with the officiating that it was amazing. Doubt there is anyone the officials answer to, but in this case, there should be. Again, maybe the outcome would have been the same, no one knows. Valley capitalized on lopsided officiating. Not the players' or the fans fault.
siderman wrote:This is what will happen. West will go out this week and take out some frustration on NW. Next week they will play their behinds off and give the Burg all they want.
Next year their gonna have 7 starters back on offense (loose 2 linemen and 2 backs) and 9 back on defense (loose 1 d-line and 1 secondary) from the team that started friday. Their going to add several really good kids from a great freshman team. They'll all be a year older and be experienced. They'll benefit from another offseason in a great weight and conditioning program. Next year their going to go undefeated and challenge for a regional title. That is what is going to happen. You watch.