Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by TrojanXplosion »

I don't think that you are in any position to make the call if they should be banned or not. Yes, the statement was a little harsh but, let it go.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I don't think you are in any position to tell me to let it go. He has been reported and I hope they do ban him from the site. It was completely uncalled for and doesn't need to be on here and anyone that would make a statement like that on here doesn't deserve the privelege of posting here anymore.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

The Program wrote:
Trooper wrote:
yabbadabbadoo wrote:AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Gotta love the Minford fan. Can get on here and make all the comments they want about Minford winning the SOC, but if someone else says the same thing they are arrogant and cocky.


Son, your daycare provider needs to keep an eye on you and keep you off the computer. It is evident that you are around 10-11 years old or at least it would seem that way.

What a shock! Falconfan having no problem with a statement like that.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

You boys need a box of tissues? Yes the comment was inmature, but I would hope I wouldn't let something like that get to me. I mean, don't short circuit your keyboards with all them teers your cryin! :lol: :122245

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Not crying. The post was "immature"(not inmature) and has no business on this site nor does the person that put it on.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by burgboy »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Not crying. The post was "immature"(not inmature) and has no business on this site nor does the person that put it on.

Thats true that was not called for........lets get back to football :lol: :lol:

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by FaberGrad62 »

I would say it will be a toss up for the top spot. From what it looks like, Burg will have to travel to Waverly, Valley and West this year, so those will be three tough road games.

They have Minford and Northwest at home. Burg does have alot of talent coming back, plus they have a few Juniors this year, that didn't play, coming back out for their Senior years. They will make a difference. The Junior class to be, if memory serves me correctly went undefeated as Freshman, playing a very tough schedule. They will be the core of the upcoming varsity team as alot of them got plenty of playing time as Sophomores.

I look for this to be another successful season for the Pirates.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

FaberGrad62 wrote:The Junior class to be, if memory serves me correctly went undefeated as Freshman, playing a very tough schedule. They will be the core of the upcoming varsity team as alot of them got plenty of playing time as Sophomores.

.....and if memory serves me correct, they had some barn burners with their Minford counterparts through Jr High and JV. Anyone that thinks the SOC II will be a cake walk is in for a rude awakening. Minford is hungry, as are Wheelersburg, West, and Waverly. All 4 teams have a lot to prove for a variety of reasons. Everyone thought Waverly was the shoe in last year and look what happened. That's why it is football and the players will decide it based on how hard they work and how much heart they have. All 4 teams are loaded with talent, so, like I said, it will be interesting to see who wants it the most. Personally, I am banking on my Falcons. There really is a change at Minford and it is fun to watch.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by FaberGrad62 »

Personally, I am banking on my Falcons.

Being a little arrogant and cocky aren't you!!!!!

Kind of stings a little bit when you read it, doesn't it. Now you know what the Burg posters have had to deal with for years, just because they have an opinion about there team. If a Burg poster makes that comment, he gets slammed. Anyone else says it, its okay. I don't buy into that nonsense.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

FaberGrad62 wrote:
Personally, I am banking on my Falcons.

Being a little arrogant and cocky aren't you!!!!!
Kind of stings a little bit when you read it, doesn't it. Now you know what the Burg posters have had to deal with for years, just because they have an opinion about there team. If a Burg poster makes that comment, he gets slammed. Anyone else says it, its okay. I don't buy into that nonsense.

Get over it. Anyone who has ever been successful deals with this, so don't cry about it. There's an old saying "Don't hate me, strive to be more like me". Relish in that thought and while you should be proud of your Pirates, we are equally proud of our Falcons.

The problem many of us have is when that "Oh we have heard this before..." crap starts. These kids and coaches deserve credit for what they have and are trying to accomplish. Up until the past few years, you would not have seen 60-70 kids in the weightroom, kids coming in at 6 AM and on weekends to lift, etc. That is happening now because of the dedication of the coaches and the players. You can bash me all you want because I know what I am about, but when people start cutting on the kids (not saying you have because I don't know), then that is where the line gets drawn. Every team has "that fan" they really wish they didn't have because of stupid things that are said or done, but that is every team/school, Burg included, so we all have those we wish would just shut up. However, it is a free country and we do have the right to free, even if it is stupid at times, speech. Bottom line, deal with me like I do you, not based on how what someone else says. Make sense?

Again, I am looking forward to letting the kids settle this, not just a bunch of "old has beens".....unless we can get an alumni football game together and let the old farts settle it on the field, too! :-) Wouldn't that be funny?

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by The Program »

You burg people need to quit crying you can dish it out but cant take it

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Not crying. The post was "immature"(not inmature) and has no business on this site nor does the person that put it on.

My bad, I'll try to do better next time. :lol:

I full expect the Might Minford Falcons to be at the top of the SOC when all is said and done, call me cocky, I just beleive in my team. You people from burg have the same right, I have not once called any of you cocky for saying you will win the SOC.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by The Riepo Man »

:lol: All of you guys on here are hilarious; nothin but bickering and what-have-you. Those tears are tears of joy, we do win alot you know :mrgreen: Im just playin...but not really :122245 I can't wait till the seasons start so I can join in on the "fan coaching" and act like I know whats best for the team. :roll:

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

Everyone on here is an expert, right? I would say the majority can barely spell football, much less really know the game.

To the coaches that actually read this crap, thanks for all you do and for reinforcing to your players not to listen or heed what is posted on these forums. It would be nice if a coach could ban his players from even reading this stuff, but hey, it's part of the game (no pun intended) and if an athlete plays long enough and makes it far enough, they will find out they can expect to be criticized regardless of what they do. That's just the nature of the beast.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by The Riepo Man »

RogueWarrior1965 wrote:Everyone on here is an expert, right? I would say the majority can barely spell football, much less really know the game.

To the coaches that actually read this crap, thanks for all you do and for reinforcing to your players not to listen or heed what is posted on these forums. It would be nice if a coach could ban his players from even reading this stuff, but hey, it's part of the game (no pun intended) and if an athlete plays long enough and makes it far enough, they will find out they can expect to be criticized regardless of what they do. That's just the nature of the beast.

As a 2008 graduating player I agree 100%. None of the people on here really know what goes on during practice and/or in the huddle so obviously they should keep their know-it-all criticism to themselves.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by RogueWarrior1965 »

Agreed. Until someone has went through two-a-days in high school or 3-a-days in college, they have no clue what a football player and the coaches go through. It's like those that criticize the same American Soldiers that provide for our freedom.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by burgfan2 »

We can set here and argue about this all day. I do as well as others think it is funny that when we Pirate fans do say we think Wheelersburg will win the SOC that you guys call us arrogant and cocky when we have won the majority of the titles in this league. I want to know if there has ever been a year Wheelersburg has finished below second in the SOC. I don't know of one so that right there shows you guys why we think we will win it every year. It is hard to go against that. If Minford consistantly won the SOC I would be saying they have a chance at winning but that hasn't happened and until that does I am always going to say Wheelersburg will be at the top year in and year out.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by BULDOG »

This is hilarious! Title should be change to Minford fans .vs. Burg fans ROUND 20! :122245

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by The Riepo Man »

BULDOG wrote:This is hilarious! Title should be change to Minford fans .vs. Burg fans ROUND 20! :122245

That wouldn't be much of a contest now would it... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Burg has probably won 17 of those
Last edited by The Riepo Man on Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Who Will Win The Soc II In 2008?????

Post by black76 »

My money is on neither Burg or Minford....I'll take West. :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: Good Luck in 2008 to the Senators!

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