he predicted ironton 21-14 over Chesapeake and final was 21-14
and he predicted ironton over south point 42-7 and final was 35-8
I think he has "inside information"

FIDO wrote:Might as well change the thread heading and get things started early for next year's game.
just stating facts dude LOLBurgGrad6 wrote:Hey cg. You can move to burg if you want, man u can even drive here!
eitel is slow ironton will be 8th this game is on folks4thgoal wrote:Joe Eitel has Ironton at 7
Coshocton is done new Lexington lostindianabuck wrote:They could be 7 if Coshocton jumps River Valley
they have points coming from Athens and wellston/Vinton that not been added on eitel yetindianabuck wrote:Depends on River Valleys second levels
burg fans are probably thinking "it's just ironton"cg-ironton fan wrote:burg folk where are you ? u waiting for confirmation or what ? LOL
this game is ON