Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

For NY, it looks like the Buckeyes will host Portsmouth West in Nelsonville.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

Lard76 wrote:
A-Town Big Dog wrote:To answer a question asked on the other thread, yes Athens did add two former Senior soccer players to the team this week. We have had soccer players who wanted to play both sports at the same time but the soccer coach wouldn't let them due to fear of injury. This season we had a couple of kids who wanted to help out after soccer season ended and man did that ever work out!
How convenient they added the kickers and 3 0f the offcials
Gimme a break, we got a penalty before the game even started! I know the majority of Buckeye fans know better and have show so by being congratulatory in their responses but a few people give the whole place a bad wrap with comments like this.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by qualified101 »

r u sure it wasnt the press box announcer lard? lol it was hard fought game between two great teams.

some soccer players play football also. logan has done this for years with their kicker.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:
A-Town Big Dog wrote:I know Buck fans but it is still annoying.

It looks like Jackson @ Athens next week is a strong possibility. If Jackson beats Athens next week, Bulldog fans will NEVER hear the end of this from some posters. More comments along those lines.
I agree completely and it could happen, Jackson is a great football team. I would expect to be considered an underdog by the people on here just as we were this week and I kinda like it that way.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by Ironman92 »

Not from most of us....idiots everywhere.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by maniac66 »

A-Town Big Dog wrote:
maniac66 wrote:Yeah it will get set hard but Brag Athens you beat a good team 2 levels below you.
Yeah they was undefeated but still 2 levels so you beat 3 div 5 teams and so you are a Juggernaut.
Yes brag because you dominated teams lower than you.
And the BS begins. I guess it was a no win situation as was speculated on earlier, if Athens wins its because we are bigger and if we lose we are terrible for losing to a smaller school.
No Bs here ok you should have won ok.
And never said you was a terrible team ok
Just saying how can you brag when you beat lesser teams

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

Let me say that in no way am I intending to distrspect N-Y with what I'm about to type but I gotta do this after reading The Athens Messenger today.

Bish takes......his crow medium well. Thanks for the bulletin board material Mike, see ya tax season.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by buckfan84 »

Don't let 1 person make us look bad and we won't let 1 person make you look bad. You know there are loons on every side. Some guy from Athens was ready to take on Rusty because he felt Rusty hung up on him because he liked NY better. But I mean seriously, you had one poster saying how the NY fans would probably be leaving in droves because NY wouldn't be able to come back. And that was before halftime. In no way do I think that represents all Athens fans so please, while we have some overzealous fans, most are respectful and have offered nothing but congratulations to the Bulldogs. And again, congrats to the Dogs.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by buckfan84 »

And FYI, my post was not directed to Bishtakes at all. He can represent NY and do it well.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

maniac66 wrote:
A-Town Big Dog wrote:
maniac66 wrote:Yeah it will get set hard but Brag Athens you beat a good team 2 levels below you.
Yeah they was undefeated but still 2 levels so you beat 3 div 5 teams and so you are a Juggernaut.
Yes brag because you dominated teams lower than you.
And the BS begins. I guess it was a no win situation as was speculated on earlier, if Athens wins its because we are bigger and if we lose we are terrible for losing to a smaller school.
No Bs here ok you should have won ok.
And never said you was a terrible team ok
Just saying how can you brag when you beat lesser teams
Who do you pull for Maniac? I guess you must be from one of those few schools who never play smaller schools.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

buckfan84 wrote:Don't let 1 person make us look bad and we won't let 1 person make you look bad. You know there are loons on every side. Some guy from Athens was ready to take on Rusty because he felt Rusty hung up on him because he liked NY better. But I mean seriously, you had one poster saying how the NY fans would probably be leaving in droves because NY wouldn't be able to come back. And that was before halftime. In no way do I think that represents all Athens fans so please, while we have some overzealous fans, most are respectful and have offered nothing but congratulations to the Bulldogs. And again, congrats to the Dogs.
I agree completely, the N-Y fans have been great on here tonight especially after such a hard fought loss.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

buckfan84 wrote:And FYI, my post was not directed to Bishtakes at all. He can represent NY and do it well.
Let me say, I really like Bish, he is a great guy and cares as much about the N-Y community as anyone alive and there should be more people like him in this area. I really meant no disrespect, but I've been waiting to use that line for years. :mrgreen:

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by buckfan84 »

No, I realized what you were saying, I just didn't want him to think I was referring to him. It's my fault for not using the quote button. :oops:

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by qualified101 »

i heard that guy 84. some of those calls were funny.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by buckfan84 »

I think people call in drunk. I can listen for a while but when I get a contact buzz over the radio, it's got to go.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by maniac66 »

I am A Ironton fan A-Town Big Dog ok never said we was better but you all go to a League and dominate and Ironton leaves a league for the simple reason when they joined it a 2 team league and when they did every one started to leave.
And Athens a much bigger team than everyone else goes to a conference 3 levels now 2 levels lower and now they brag about 10-0 where would you be if you stayed in the SEOAL? Yeah I know we will never know.
So prove every one wrong ok by going far in the playoffs!

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by ny_buckeyes_07 »

My only gripe with this game was some of the NY student section.

Don't boo a team when they run out onto the field, they didn't boo us, and that just adds fuel to the fire.

Don't cheer because you think someone is hurt. Sharp goes down in the first quarter and slow to get up and they cheer like we scored a touchdown.

Shouting and cheering obscenities also shows class... NOT

Now to the actual game itself... I would have liked to have seen more fire from Nelsonville, after the first turn over and the first touchdown I saw a lot of heads hanging. Also, 6 turnovers pretty much says it all. With as good as Athens is Nelsonville is lucky they didn't capitalize more on them or this one wouldn't have even went to overtime.

Play Buckeye football in the playoffs and brig us a W

Athens has a good squad and I wish them the best of luck in the playoffs as well.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by diamondD1 »

First, I apologize to anyone who was hoping to get updates. Hopefully someone else was able to make it happen. The power went out for a brief moment in The Plains around 4:00, we lost the internet connection and it never did come back, and my cell phone battery was dying.

Great football game tonight. At times very fun to watch and at other times very frustrating to watch, and I'm sure both sides felt that sentiment. Lots of turnovers, but one way to look at it is that good defensive teams create lots of turnovers.

I've always been an advocate for having soccer players on the football roster, and was glad to see it finally come to fruition. There was quite a bit of irony from the storylines of tonight's game, and I am sure much of it will be brought out here eventually. I'll leave that for someone else.

Great job Bulldogs! Very proud of you all.

Congratulations and good luck to both teams next week.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by buckfan84 »

According to Joe Eitel, Athens is playing Logan Elm.

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Re: Final Athens 24, Nelsonville-York 21

Post by buckfan84 »

NY vs Crestview

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