SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by 85inside »

Would love to see Portsmouth, Ironton, Chillicothe get together and try to lure Gallia Academy and Jackson away from the SEOAL. Those 5 schools would really make up a great athletic conference. That 5 team conference could be called the Southern Ohio Athletic Conference or SOAC.

Waverly would be a great addition to that conference down the road.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by california kid »

I have a feelin that it was the schools that don't have football that didn't want them in

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Ptown Playmaker »

I believe it's cowardly to have a silent all that voted for Portsmouth.......a BIG thanks.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Tartanblue »

trojandave wrote:PHS and South Gallia did go in as a package deal to balance out SOC II and SOC I.

If they both did get in, it still wouldn't balance the SOC in football the SOC II would still have one more team than the SOC I.

Before any other SOC II schools is admitted, they need to add another SOC I school so that things would be more if you 3 SOC I games you pretty much almost clinch the SOC I title atleast a share of it only having to play 4 leagues games.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by BuckeyeFan66 »

It wasn't a package deal, it was 2 seperate votes. I feel bad for the Portsmouth kids, I think it stinks.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by coop »

I dont understand it. Ptown plays burg, west, used to play waverly, and they preview Valley every year..LET THEM IN

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Black@Orange »

From a Westsider, I agree that it is cowardly, to have a silent vote. It makes the SOC look scared of Portsmouth. A natural rivalry, with most schools. Would make the SOCII stronger. Portsmouth usually plays 2-3 SOCII teams a year anyways. As far as South Gallia, I really don't see a good fit with the travel.

Let the votes be known! Whimps!

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by dirt_cinders »

It is as simple as Portmouth gets in and there is no impact to the SOC I schools. I had heard that Valley would need to bump down to SOC I. Is there any truth to that?

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

gahs4ever wrote:
Would love to see Portsmouth, Ironton, Chillicothe get together and try to lure Gallia Academy and Jackson away from the SEOAL. Those 5 schools would really make up a great athletic conference. That 5 team conference could be called the Southern Ohio Athletic Conference or SOAC.

Waverly would be a great addition to that conference down the road.

Why does everyone keep trying to break up the SEOAL in favor of leagues that have been around a much shorter period of time? And why does GAHS keep getting mentioned? Only way I can see us looking elsewhere is if everyone else panics and sets in motion a chain reaction.

Funny thing about those five schools mentioned is three of them are the newest additions to the SEOAL, so I'm not sure they appreciate the sense of history the older SEOAL members have enjoyed for 84 years.

If indeed Ironton does leave the SEOAL it will be the third time, and I dont know how many times one school can leave before you dont trust their idea of commitment. Also if the above posts are true, I wonder how the ADs and principals at the other SEOAL school feel about a Portsmouth that is apparently on record as saying they will only stay in the SEOAL until something better (SOC) comes along with an invitation.

I have it on reasonably good authority that Jackson has been looking elsewhere as well, which is as disappointing as anything Ive ever heard come out of Jackson.

I stand by what I said earlier. The SEOAL would have been better off never to have expanded to ten schools. All of this panic has come about since then beginning when Athens left before a single game had been played, even though they voted for the expansion, and continuing to Zanesville and then the others who have been/are looking elsewhere. Even if we had not expanded and Athens had still left, a five team SEOAL was much more stable than it is now. And no one could bellyache about travel because it would have been the same for the last nearly 25 years (since Warren and Marietta) came along.

One thing that amazes me is you dont hear the Warren and Marietta people complaining about travel distance to places like Portsmouth and Ironton; only the other way around.

I'm from Ironton and I'm not complaining about distance, I went to all of the football games last year. I just wished they would have played the further away games on Saturdays so more fans could make it to the games. If you live in Ironton and work until 5 your not going to make it to those further away games. That's my only complaint with the League, fortunately I work midnights and get off Friday mornings so I was able to make it to the games.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by 85inside »

'I have it on reasonably good authority that Jackson has been looking elsewhere as well, which is as disappointing as anything Ive ever heard come out of Jackson.'

Before you throw stones towards Jackson, better make sure you are right about the Blue devils not looking elsewhere.

I stand by my prediction a long time ago. As long as there is an SEOAL, Gallia Academy and logan will be members.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by biggdowgg »

gahs4ever wrote:
Would love to see Portsmouth, Ironton, Chillicothe get together and try to lure Gallia Academy and Jackson away from the SEOAL. Those 5 schools would really make up a great athletic conference. That 5 team conference could be called the Southern Ohio Athletic Conference or SOAC.

Waverly would be a great addition to that conference down the road.

Why does everyone keep trying to break up the SEOAL in favor of leagues that have been around a much shorter period of time? And why does GAHS keep getting mentioned? Only way I can see us looking elsewhere is if everyone else panics and sets in motion a chain reaction.

Funny thing about those five schools mentioned is three of them are the newest additions to the SEOAL, so I'm not sure they appreciate the sense of history the older SEOAL members have enjoyed for 84 years.

If indeed Ironton does leave the SEOAL it will be the third time, and I dont know how many times one school can leave before you dont trust their idea of commitment. Also if the above posts are true, I wonder how the ADs and principals at the other SEOAL school feel about a Portsmouth that is apparently on record as saying they will only stay in the SEOAL until something better (SOC) comes along with an invitation.

I have it on reasonably good authority that Jackson has been looking elsewhere as well, which is as disappointing as anything Ive ever heard come out of Jackson.

I stand by what I said earlier. The SEOAL would have been better off never to have expanded to ten schools. All of this panic has come about since then beginning when Athens left before a single game had been played, even though they voted for the expansion, and continuing to Zanesville and then the others who have been/are looking elsewhere. Even if we had not expanded and Athens had still left, a five team SEOAL was much more stable than it is now. And no one could bellyache about travel because it would have been the same for the last nearly 25 years (since Warren and Marietta) came along.

One thing that amazes me is you dont hear the Warren and Marietta people complaining about travel distance to places like Portsmouth and Ironton; only the other way around.

who cares what they think?

they wont kick us out as long as we are there, they have a hard enough time keeping teams in the league :mrgreen:

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by kantuckyII »

Kinda like getting a deadbeat renter out huh biggdowgg?

I know a guy who only rented the house, not the basement. He, after a couple months, went down there in the basement...opened up a couple bottles of buck attractor scent and then padlocked the door to the basement. In a couple days, they were gone. Perhaps they'll have to do the same to you guys too? ;-)

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by biggdowgg »

kantuckyII wrote:Kinda like getting a deadbeat renter out huh biggdowgg?

I know a guy who only rented the house, not the basement. He, after a couple months, went down there in the basement...opened up a couple bottles of buck attractor scent and then padlocked the door to the basement. In a couple days, they were gone. Perhaps they'll have to do the same to you guys too? ;-)

I dont know about all that, we was willing to leave, with out being evicted :lol: .

hey,I love the seoal, I didnt want to leave in the first place, so this news doesnt bother me at all.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Orange and Brown »

biggdowgg wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:
Would love to see Portsmouth, Ironton, Chillicothe get together and try to lure Gallia Academy and Jackson away from the SEOAL. Those 5 schools would really make up a great athletic conference. That 5 team conference could be called the Southern Ohio Athletic Conference or SOAC.

Waverly would be a great addition to that conference down the road.

Why does everyone keep trying to break up the SEOAL in favor of leagues that have been around a much shorter period of time? And why does GAHS keep getting mentioned? Only way I can see us looking elsewhere is if everyone else panics and sets in motion a chain reaction.

Funny thing about those five schools mentioned is three of them are the newest additions to the SEOAL, so I'm not sure they appreciate the sense of history the older SEOAL members have enjoyed for 84 years.

If indeed Ironton does leave the SEOAL it will be the third time, and I dont know how many times one school can leave before you dont trust their idea of commitment. Also if the above posts are true, I wonder how the ADs and principals at the other SEOAL school feel about a Portsmouth that is apparently on record as saying they will only stay in the SEOAL until something better (SOC) comes along with an invitation.

I have it on reasonably good authority that Jackson has been looking elsewhere as well, which is as disappointing as anything Ive ever heard come out of Jackson.

I stand by what I said earlier. The SEOAL would have been better off never to have expanded to ten schools. All of this panic has come about since then beginning when Athens left before a single game had been played, even though they voted for the expansion, and continuing to Zanesville and then the others who have been/are looking elsewhere. Even if we had not expanded and Athens had still left, a five team SEOAL was much more stable than it is now. And no one could bellyache about travel because it would have been the same for the last nearly 25 years (since Warren and Marietta) came along.

One thing that amazes me is you dont hear the Warren and Marietta people complaining about travel distance to places like Portsmouth and Ironton; only the other way around.

Thats true but remember Warren tried to get into the TVC last year and was denied. They may not have been complainning out loud but they sure wanted out.

I do believe that the SEAOL will be OK and people should not worry about it going any where. I think that if Logan leaves then Logan leaves and thats the end of it. If they do leave I think it will be in 3 to 5 years so I wouldn't get upset about it right now.
Most of the time when topics like this get posted its because some one wants to stir the pot. Logan may very well want to find a leage with schools its size but we will not know this until they tell us so.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Bigboy52 »

South Gallia is a bit too far out of the SOC geographical area.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by trojandave »

Gahs4ever: If the city of Gallipolis were geographically located where Portsmouth is, there's no question in my mind that GAHS would apply for SOC that we have been rejected, PHS will be in the SEOAL on a long term may be 7-8 years before we apply again, and we will be rejected for the fifth time.......and then we will be in the SEOAL for the next 7-8 years before we apply for the sixth time........I will stand by what I said earlier in that Portsmouth will never be admitted to the SOC.......

I'm happy to stay in the SEOAL as a fan........I love the competition.......but from our KIDS standpoint the challenge to be competitive in the league has been very difficult.......numbers do make a difference.........but now that the dust has settled on this issue, Portsmouth is still a member of the SEOAL.........and will be for a long time!!


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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Eaglesnest »

I don't understand the shock or the reaction to all of this. Portsmouth is no longer a great power (even though I wish them well). Everyone is acting as if the SOC did not want Duke or North Carolina in? Porsmouth has done very little since the 1980's. How did not adding them weaken an already strong conference. The SOC has had 2 state basketball champions in the last 5 years adn many other long tournament runs by the Burg and others???? I think the conference does just fine without Portsmouth (again, wouldn't have had a problem if they let them in either!)

I just don't understand the uproar.

As for South Gallia, it wouldn't make geographical sense for the SOC1 schools to let them in.

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by Mad-Dogg »

IMHO that is stupid that they won't let Portsmouth into the soc. I think they belong in the soc I mean they are a scioto county team and they belong in the conference

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia

Post by southernohiofan »

i really thought portsmouth would get in and imo they should be in

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Re: SOC denies Portsmouth, South Gallia


I think too many schools were asking and that might have had an affect.

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