Should the TVC let Warren back in?

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by hardrock21 »

Guys that was then, this is now. Warren across the board considering all sports is very good and is the mix for the all sports trophy every year in the SEOAL. This has to be taken into consideration in allowing them in by themselves. This justifies bringing in more than Warren in by its self. Football has been by far and away Warren's weakest sport for a number of years but the ship seems to be heading in the right direction finally. Warren wouldn't every sport but they would definately be right there competing for a title in every sport. The best way to compare apples to apples is to break down every individual sport.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by Orange and Brown »

noreply66 wrote:Any team in the SEOAL right now would rule the TVC in a few years

Maybe we could let all the SEOAL teams in and then in a few years change the TVC to THE SEOAL.

Or maybe we can let them in and keep it the TVC!!!!!

The TVC isn't the league every one is running from!
I like the SEOAL, I played my jr. High and High School sports in the SEOAL, but there are some issue going on if Jackson came looking for a new place to call home! I really don't think that it will collapse or fall apart. I really hope that it stays around for many many years. But we here in the TVC feel like we must have a good thing going if other teams with long standing relationships in other leagues are knocking on our door!

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by BOBBY »

The TVC Ohio schools with the changes being made will be Wellston, Vinton County, Athens, Alexander, Meigs, and Nelsonville-York correct?

There is not that big of a drive to any of those schools. I would say many of these just got rid of the longest road trip which was to Belpre. Why would they now go with an even longer, or just as long, trip to Warren? Budgets are going to get even tighter in the coming months and dare I say years for our area in the southeast. This must be a consideration in having teams join the TVC.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by Orange and Brown »

BOBBY wrote:The TVC Ohio schools with the changes being made will be Wellston, Vinton County, Athens, Alexander, Meigs, and Nelsonville-York correct?

There is not that big of a drive to any of those schools. I would say many of these just got rid of the longest road trip which was to Belpre. Why would they now go with an even longer, or just as long, trip to Warren? Budgets are going to get even tighter in the coming months and dare I say years for our area in the southeast. This must be a consideration in having teams join the TVC.

going to Warren is no different than going to Wellston!
Besides it will take a few years for the Ohio to expand, which is the way it should be!!

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by NY BUCKS »

Yes warren should be in.As far as the all sports trophy.Alot of schools dont have scoccer .swimmin tennis so they would be hurt.The TVC not going away i Think this makes the seoal ENVYOF THE TVC .Why because the TVC IS TAKING THE STEPS TO GET STRONGER AS A WHOLE AND WILL CALLANGE THE SEOALTHE power to be in the se ohio.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by Orange and Brown »

NY BUCKS wrote:Yes warren should be in.As far as the all sports trophy.Alot of schools dont have scoccer .swimmin tennis so they would be hurt.The TVC not going away i Think this makes the seoal ENVYOF THE TVC .Why because the TVC IS TAKING THE STEPS TO GET STRONGER AS A WHOLE AND WILL CALLANGE THE SEOALTHE power to be in the se ohio.

Must be that Buckeye education paying off! We can tackle but by golly we can't spell worth a darn!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm just kidding! Don't get mad!!!

I'll buy ya a hotdog!!

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by moonshine »

After Nelsonville-York and Trimble consoildate, a very good source inside the buckeye football program informed me that the new consoildated school will apply for menbership in the SEOAL !

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by Orange and Brown »

moonschein wrote:After Nelsonville-York and Trimble consoildate, a very good source inside the buckeye football program informed me that the new consoildated school will apply for menbership in the SEOAL !

Your full of it to!! That is not going to happen!!!!

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by moonshine »

Orange and Brown wrote:
moonschein wrote:After Nelsonville-York and Trimble consoildate, a very good source inside the buckeye football program informed me that the new consoildated school will apply for menbership in the SEOAL !

Your full of it to!! That is not going to happen!!!!

I am sure of the consoildation. Look for the state of Ohio to step in and the control. Now concerning jumping to the SEOAL at the time I was very surprised!

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?


Orange and Brown wrote:
moonschein wrote:After Nelsonville-York and Trimble consoildate, a very good source inside the buckeye football program informed me that the new consoildated school will apply for menbership in the SEOAL !

Your full of it to!! That is not going to happen!!!!

They'd better hope it doesn't happen or the Nelsontrim Buckcats would be in the same boat N-Y was in during the 1967 thru 1970 years. They don't want those "SEOAL" days haunting them again. JMO

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by 91blue14 »

warren is on a terror right now 8)

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

If NY and Trimble consolidated (and I too believe it is inevitable that one day they will consolidate), it wouldn't even be the largest school in the TVC. It would be slightly smaller than Vinton County, about the size of Gallia Academy. That would still make it one of the smaller schools in the SEOAL. It would only be the third largest TVC school (assuming no larger schools are added in the next few years), but it would still be smaller than Warren if Warren is added.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

moonschein wrote:After Nelsonville-York and Trimble consoildate, a very good source inside the buckeye football program informed me that the new consoildated school will apply for menbership in the SEOAL !

First off what makes you think automatically that N-Y would be the school to absorb Trimble if the state were to step in due to educational numbers? I believe that Athens gets more Trimble kids through open enrollment than N-Y does.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by noreply66 »

If you are going to have a league it should be of teams that will play each other.
I would say a league should be no larger than 10 teams because that is as many games as you can play a season before playoffs.

get rid of these north,south,east, west and other.
If you want to play some games with teams out of your league [say two] your league should be eight teams.

To me it just doesn't make since having a big school and small school division in one league unless they play each other every year. If you want to be in a league don't say let's have a dividion for different sizes.

A league should have just one division,play every team, one champion.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by Orange and Brown »

noreply66 wrote:If you are going to have a league it should be of teams that will play each other.
I would say a league should be no larger than 10 teams because that is as many games as you can play a season before playoffs.

get rid of these north,south,east, west and other.
If you want to play some games with teams out of your league [say two] your league should be eight teams.

To me it just doesn't make since having a big school and small school division in one league unless they play each other every year. If you want to be in a league don't say let's have a dividion for different sizes.

A league should have just one division,play every team, one champion.

I see your point and agree with you some, but in the case of the TVC the Ohio and Hocking divisions are almost thought of as there own leagues.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?


gahs4ever wrote:
The SEOAL is one of the longest continually operating HS leagues in the entire state and that isnt something I would casually throw away. And as for the fella who wants to "CALLANGE THE SEOAL," I say the best way to do that is to schedule the Logans, Chillicothes, Mariettas, Warrens and GAHSs of the league as non league.I dont want to get into a pi--ing contest about which league is stronger because the TVC has teams in every sport that would do well in the SEOAL, but they are the exception and certainly not top to bottom. There was a reason why several TVC teams who used to be in the SEOAL left, and why some of them wont have much to do with SEOAL schools now. I applaud N-Y for playing Ironton in football. They are without question the flagship program in the TVC and have every right to be proud of what they have accomplished.

The SEOAL is far superior top to bottom, period. (Good points above GAHS)

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by otterslide »

You heard it hear. I have a friend in Columbus that is a lobbyist and works ALOT with the State Budget. Ohio has 685 school districts - that's alot, but I think rural schools will be some of the last to consolodate. For instance, my Nieces and Nephews go to Waterford - there is NO way the community will ever consolodate with Fort Frye and that would save huge administrative overhead. Furthermore, the plan wouldn't go into place for a few years - 2012 is the talk. The fact of the matter is, I am not sure there is too much to worry about with the Strickland Education plan because at the rate he is going, he will not be Governor long enough to do it. Not only does Ohio need better shcools, but modification of their curriculum standards.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Considering that Nelsonville-York will have new EVERYTHING after this year and the fact that Trimble needs new everything and is loosing students at an alarming rate, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that at some point in the future, the state is going to suggest Trimble and NY consolidate and they will tie school funding to this issue to make it pass among the voters, much as they did back in the '60s when those consolidations all happened.

If you think about it..........NY and Trimble combined today would barely be larger than NY was when Nelsonville and York first consolidated (maybe 200-300 more kids total in 2009 with NY + Trimble than back in 1967 with Nelsonville + York). Yet, NY now has more classrooms after this building project than it ever did back in 1967, but doesn't have nearly as many students as it did back then.

I could see the newly built NY Middle School + the currently being rennovated NY High School becoming the new consolidated high school. I can see the currently NY Elementary school becoming the consolidated junior high school and building a new wing for current NY Elementary on all that acreage the school board owns and then probably the current Trimble High School (built in the 80s) would be rennovated into an elementary school for current Trimble students. The other possibility would be to keep NY Elementary as it is, and build a new consolidated junior high. Either way, I see NY and Trimble consolidated high school as being the current NY High School and newly built NY Middle School. Those two combined would be large enough to house all the high school students.

Trimble is already talking about shutting down their junior high and having all junior high kids go to the high school because they could fit their entire high school and junior high population in the high school now and still have room to spare.

The state is in between a rock and hard place when it comes to education right now and its inevitable that a new round of consolidations is coming.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

Warren would not Dominate the TVC in every sport. They would be in the running for league titles year in and year out in most sports. I have mixed feelings about this subject. The SEOAL is a good fit athletically for Warren but geographically it is a nightmare, very long trips! The TVC would be a better fit economically. I have always felt the MVL would be the perfect league for Warren though.
I will not have a personal interest if it does not happen in the next 3 years. I have enjoyed the SEOAL games for the past 4 years and look forward to more great games.

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Re: Should the TVC let Warren back in?

Post by fasteach »

the seoal will not last as it is but it will last. they need to decide if they are a SOUTH east league or a southEAST league. and they need to decide if they are a big school, logan, chili,jackson, marietta,portsmith or a mid size school gallia, warren,ironton. until these questions are answered it will wobble.
my best guess is it will split and add meigs and athens and possibly coal grove and do like the tvc and have 2 divisions. either way ironton won't stay because if they play in a weak league, they're mad because they don't get their points and if they play in a strong league they get mad because they lose. they are harder to please than my mother in law!

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