Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by Froggy801 »

guernseycolt wrote:When is the last time the Warriors from Buckeye Trail played a Meadowbrook boys athletic team tough? Definitely not a recent event in basketball that's for sure and football well we all know how that ended last year. Trail caught a break Friday night and Barnesville was clearly over looking them. I am not sold on their offense that has turned in to have a juggernaut reputation, I think last week was a fluke and Caldwell and Frontier don't count. The Colts are a little bruised right now so Buckeye Trail may be able to keep it close for a while but athletic ability will clearly win out. I am going to say Meadowbrook wins 56-22.
First off why is basketball even in this post that has nothing to do with football. Athletic ability has nothing to do with it when it comes the 4th quarter it comes down to who wants it more and trail proved that last week what did meadowbrook do against barnseville the second half oh yea they scored 0 points. Your just a typical meadowbrook fan who thinks there team is amazing and can't take the fact that you will be lucky to win 5 games all year and that you definitely will not make the playoffs. People like you should be kicked off of here for ignorant posts like that.

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by Froggy801 »

guernseycolt wrote:4 weeks ago we didn't think this would be a game now Buckeye Trail is the favorite? Did all the kids at meadowbrook magically lose all their athletic ability?
Trail will gladly be the underdog in this game that's fine cause it will just make it that much better when trail wins and all you butthurt meadowbrook fans go home still thinking you're team is still the best team and can win state lololololol

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by Stan_Marsh »

guernseycolt wrote:4 weeks ago we didn't think this would be a game now Buckeye Trail is the favorite? Did all the kids at meadowbrook magically lose all their athletic ability?
Idk about the athletic ability, but last season the MOST points Meadowbrook gave up in a game was 39. This year the LEAST amount of points they have surrendered is 35, so I would say the defense magically disappeared.

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by BobcatQB »

Froggy801 wrote:
guernseycolt wrote:When is the last time the Warriors from Buckeye Trail played a Meadowbrook boys athletic team tough? Definitely not a recent event in basketball that's for sure and football well we all know how that ended last year. Trail caught a break Friday night and Barnesville was clearly over looking them. I am not sold on their offense that has turned in to have a juggernaut reputation, I think last week was a fluke and Caldwell and Frontier don't count. The Colts are a little bruised right now so Buckeye Trail may be able to keep it close for a while but athletic ability will clearly win out. I am going to say Meadowbrook wins 56-22.
First off why is basketball even in this post that has nothing to do with football. Athletic ability has nothing to do with it when it comes the 4th quarter it comes down to who wants it more and trail proved that last week what did meadowbrook do against barnseville the second half oh yea they scored 0 points. Your just a typical meadowbrook fan who thinks there team is amazing and can't take the fact that you will be lucky to win 5 games all year and that you definitely will not make the playoffs. People like you should be kicked off of here for ignorant posts like that.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by EasternDspy »

Trail another comeback stunner 39-38

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by Froggy801 »

Closer than I thought it might be but like I said before athletic ability has nothing over who wants it more and once again trail wanted more. A win is a win but when it's against meadowbrook it make it that much better

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by Froggy801 »

guernseycolt wrote:When is the last time the Warriors from Buckeye Trail played a Meadowbrook boys athletic team tough? Definitely not a recent event in basketball that's for sure and football well we all know how that ended last year. Trail caught a break Friday night and Barnesville was clearly over looking them. I am not sold on their offense that has turned in to have a juggernaut reputation, I think last week was a fluke and Caldwell and Frontier don't count. The Colts are a little bruised right now so Buckeye Trail may be able to keep it close for a while but athletic ability will clearly win out. I am going to say Meadowbrook wins 56-22.
You're prediction was pretty close lol you think just maybe meadowbrook isn't as good as you think lol?

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by wagner97 »

Incredible atmosphere last evening at Baker Activity Complex. Gotta give lots of credit to Trail's offensive line. They opened the holes that allowed the running game and the protection that gave Pontius time to throw the ball.

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Re: (1-3) Meadowbrook @ (3-1) Buckeye Trail

Post by Broncosfan »

Meadowbrook has alot of very young players on the field, They played great against an older team that has very good players that have been together a long time. This trail team is going to playoffs for first time for awhile, defense needs to get better, but the offense is really good and can only get better, if they open up there passing game some, they could make some noise in the playoffs

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by Lindy »

Buckeye Trail is young too. Grafton who caught the game winner is a sophomore, Snodgrass who ran all over you is a Jr.

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by Froggy801 »

Meadowbrook isn't as good as what they thought they were gonna be at the beginning of the season. Them talking about week 15 must of been a dream cause that definitely isn't gonna happen they just better worry about trying to get some wins so it doesn't look so embarrassing

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by wagner97 »

Gotta give Trail's HC credit for calling out Meadowbrook in the paper. According to what I heard, Meadowbrook was trying to drop Trail, and was even willing to pay the buy-out clause, because winning against Trail would not give them enough points for the playoffs. Guess that didn't work out so well.

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by redskinwitness »

I read that in the paper. A few weeks ago the Barnesville coach said they were motivated by terrible remarks from Meadowbrook on social media. It sounds like there isn't much discipline up there. Karma seems to have bit them.

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by Stan_Marsh »

Agree, last year they play a very soft schedule and sneak into the 7 seed while going 9-1 and get absolutely physically manhandled by Johnstown Monroe and this = state championship in the following season. smh

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by BobcatQB »

It's actually much worse than what you read in the paper after both games. Coaches fighting among each other, kids spiking balls after TD's, several cheap shots seen on film.."embarrassing for the school and community"...that's a direct quote from a school board member.

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by Froggy801 »

BobcatQB wrote:It's actually much worse than what you read in the paper after both games. Coaches fighting among each other, kids spiking balls after TD's, several cheap shots seen on film.."embarrassing for the school and community"...that's a direct quote from a school board member.
After the Barnseville and Trail game when they played Meadowbrook nobody should respect Meadowbrook at all they are getting what they deserve. The least amount of games they win the better

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by Twogirls »

The spiking the footballs and pulling up their jerseys after a TD is mild compared to last years dunking over the goal post.

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Re: Buckeye Trail 39 Meadowbrook 38

Post by Thereddragin »

Twogirls wrote:The spiking the footballs and pulling up their jerseys after a TD is mild compared to last years dunking over the goal post.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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