Marietta Tiger football.........

SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by EasternDspy »

SEOAL is a dumpster fire. Every team wants out Marietta can compete in all sports except maybe football. They have a terrible football team for the school size anyway. I say they start scheduling local games like Fort Frye and Belpre get some wins and maybe get kids excited to play. Alot of the athletes at Marietta play soccer and that is just a fact.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by MttaFan »

Marietta left the SEOAL for a couple of reasons, none of them having anything to do with competition. We can debate whether that's right or wrong, but it is what it is.

You couldn't predict the teams that were going to leave the SEOAL and the travel issues that would be alleviated, but there were many loud complaints from parents and staff about the long road trips for Varsity and JV teams in all sports at the time. The Tuesday night basketball/volleyball trips to Ironton and Portsmouth, from both teams perspectives, were hard on student-athletes and parents. The ECOL trips are by and large much easier and faster via the Interstate.

The other issues were revenue. Not just travel costs, but gate revenue. Those long distances added to a lot of empty seats in the visitors section...and Marietta doesn't exactly fill the football stands ourselves outside of opening night and homecoming.

On the other side, when playing New Philly, Cambridge, and Dover out of conference for years they brought a lot of fans to Marietta, absolutely packing Don Drumm. The extra visitor seats sold during the year for each of those games, give or take, at $6.00 adds up in the athletic budget. They travel even better to Marietta now.

If you look at the 2013 schedule the furthest away football game is Gallia...the home games are all teams that will bring lots of fans with them to Marietta.

I'm a SEOAL guy, always have been, but high school football is now as much a business as the rest of school finances, unfortunately.


08/30 (H) Morgan
09/06 (H) Warren
09/13 (H) Williamstown
09/20 (A) Gallia
09/27 (A) Parkersburg
10/04 (A) Cambridge
10/11 (A) Bishop Rosecrans
10/18 (H) New Philadelphia
10/25 (H) Dover
11/01 (H) Zanesville

SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by EasternDspy »

I love the Williamstown matchup.. Fort Frye would love to get on the schedules of Marietta.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by gotribe »

What does Marietta gain by playing Fort Frye and Williamstown ? They sure can lose alot if they play poorly. Look for Kimbrough and Henry to battle it out at quarterback all summer. Maybe this can be the year the Coffield boy really turns it on and racks up the yardage. go tigers.....

SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by EasternDspy »

What do they gain? How about a huge gate and local people excited to watch a game. Unlike when they get trounced every other game.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by edforshey »

If Marietta is looking for a huge gate schedule Parkersburg South again.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by MttaFan »

South really brings the fans with them. I remember one year they filled the visitors section and overflowed to the home side at Don Drumm.

When Williamstown and Marietta are both at home you can hear each others bands play during the game, it's that close. Despite the school size difference they should play every year. Two completely different fan bases that play a half mile away from each other.

I think Marietta begins the road back to a good football program this year. Energetic coach and you hear more buzz about the program.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by melitonB »

Great young coach with a real job in front of him. He has to coach the kids and the parents. MHS is in a lull with athletic time it will all improve

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by journeyman8675309 »

Marietta will not be able to compete in this league year in and year out in any sport! Not trying to be harsh, will still support my Tigers, but I'm also realistic.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by fighting_falcon »

journeyman8675309 wrote:Marietta will not be able to compete in this league year in and year out in any sport! Not trying to be harsh, will still support my Tigers, but I'm also realistic.
It is only a small sample to go by but so far some sports are doing very well finishing on top or near the top so far.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by melitonB »

there is a talent lull in boy's teams...this will change over time. Meanwhile to get the most out of the talent that is present, parent's attitudes must change and athlete's habits must change quickly. Our parents are out of line and are not realistic. They must begin to manage their son's habits.

mister b
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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by mister b »

Interesting factoid...

Warren has won the last 2 SEOAL All-sports trophies.

Who won the previous 5? Marietta.

What are the Tiger's chances of being that successful (in all sports) as a member of the ECOL as they were in the SEOAL?

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by loganlocos »

fighting_falcon wrote:Don't expect Marietta to come back and try and save the SEOAL from going under. That league is doomed and I don't see anyone knocking on the door wanting in.
Interesting viewpoint.

There has already been one school in SE Ohio looking to join and possibly bring two other schools with them. Things change quickly when it comes to conference alignment. School administrators change often.

The SEOAL is STILL the oldest non-city league in the state of Ohio. Those touting its demise may be a bit optimistic.

Best of luck to Marietta. Enjoyed their time in the SEOAL, which was most of my life. Made some good friends there and enjoyed some great basketball games. A few really good football games as well.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by Paladin »

Two points -- first, the SEOAL isn't going anywhere. Its simply the toughest league in SEO and few want any part of it. However, even with losses of members , I can see the league continuing for years with 3 or 4 members at worst. Same thing has happened up North. Many teams ran from the old Steel Valley League until just Warren Harding, Youngstown Cardinal Mooney and Youngstown Ursuline were left to duke it out for years and years. Ditto the Metro. Some teams just offer too much competition for most. Eventually things work out. The SEOAL isn't going anywhere. There may be fewer teams but a lot of leagues aren't much with 8-14 members and several divisions. League members, yes, competition , no.

Second, even winning an All Sports Trophy isn't indicative of a good league. The SEOAL, while the toughest league in SEO is located in annually the weakest region of the state in most sports, boys or girls. The ECOL is notorious for being a weak sister in most sports. The measuring stick for most schools remain football and boys & girls basketball. Marietta could finish last in those 3 sports and still win the ECOL All Sports Trophy. Who would care ? Same with the SEOAL. The measuring stick is still the top 3 sports and in the ECOL they'll get ( and have gotten) eaten alive.

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Re: Marietta Tiger football.........

Post by melitonB »

This is an excellant analysis of the ECOL. Football and women's/men's bb are the ECOL interests. Marietta does not have the talent to play in this league. It was done to ease the SEOAL driving distances and hours which were painful, resulting in too many late nights for kids. There was no better league for Marietta. Problem is, Marietta joined just as a talent shortage appeared. This is not the AD's fault or anyones...just the way it is for Marietta. Certainly, at the same time, the kids could be more dedicated, less entitled, and have better lifesytle practices. The latter is a serious problem with tremendous exposure. Again, this is not the school's fault...

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