I actually think Westfall will be better by the end of the year. Their junior class is pretty dynamic, but haven't gotten a lot of varsity time, so I think they'll improve throughout the season.BlueDuck wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:51 pmFor the most part, I think SVC teams are BETTER this year than last. Still the worst conference in the district. But I think Huntington, Piketon, Paint Valley, and Southeastern are better. Adena and Westfall are probably down. Zane Trace will likely be about the same talent wise. I'll defer to you on the Tanks.Rolltanks wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:02 am They are all run no new bleachers. Don't be fooled by the Logan elm score I think piketon may be better than zt. As I said in svc post zt was a big question this year until they lose they are favorites but like all svc teams this year they are down. I didn't think piketon would do as well Against waverly but it's tuff to predict svc this year with so many unknown players and new coaches.
I also think the SVC is better overall, more depth even if the top isn't as good this year. I won't say that there won't be any blowouts in league play, but I think the likelihood of them happening is way down from where it was a year ago.