KC Java wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:02 pm
meatswinger wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:22 pm
Steegal wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2019 12:49 pm
And for what it's worth the worst move they ever made is to let Pam retire. If they'd really pleaded with her she would have stayed on and finished some of the things she had in the hopper. One thing is she was in talks with the best coach they ever had there, Buzz Kirkhart, and pretty much had him leaning toward returning to rebuild the football program before he passed a few years ago. He'd have had the Eagles in the playoffs and gotten some move ins to help this team be poised to contend for the league and a deep playoff run. Instead we have Lucky Charms to carry our hopes and dreams. SMDH
I always liked Pam. Thought she did a good job as AD. I coached against Mr. Kirkhart. He was a decent coach and he won when he had talent, which is more than a lot of coaches can do.
Pam was a joke. They got rid of her once but she filed a grievance and threatened to sue so they let her have the job back. She ran several football and boys basketball coaches off. She held the boys programs back as much as she possibly could. Other than that, I agree "she did a good job as AD."
Pam hated football and anyone that coached it. She tried her best to keep the program down. But the administration there from about 1998 through 2010 or so were cowards and afraid of her. I'm sure those men knew she could whip them if a street fight broke out amongst them

There was about 1000 people that had a party on the day she finally retired. All of them Eastern football fans. Even a few previous football coaches from back in the day showed up and but a round or two for the crowd. It was a joyous occasion.