Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

theman wrote:like i said against minford west will have no problem against burg....burg got lucky against minford..if that running back could hold on to the ball burg would be 8-1

And if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's a$$.

I'm tired if hearing that Burg got lucky against Minford. Nobody gives the Burgs defense credit for creating the TO's. They all just assume that Minford just layed the ball on the ground and threw the INT's right to the Burg. Give me a break. Minford only scored because of a busted coverage, so I guess we could say that they were "lucky" they even scored against the Pirates.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by eddie »


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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by dazed&confused »

I don't know either one of these teams except for what I read on here. Let me ask; could it be that one team or the other could win big even though both teams appear evenly matched? On the surface, it seems like it should be a slobber knocker, decided on the last possession. But a break here or there could start a landslide for either team. It wouldn't surprise me if one team blows the other out and it wouldn't surprise me if it would be different if they played again the next day. Sometimes when a game has so much riding on it, it doesn't take much for one team or another to unravel.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by fan4sure »

I love it. Most of these post are pretty much by the same people. Here's a summary. My teams great your team sucks.
Oh yeah your team sucks and my teams great. Oh yeah......etc.
High school football is a game these kids will remember the rest of their lives but for the idiots on here next football season will come and there you will be again, same ole song same ole dance but the kids that play in those games they will be making memories. Then the next years come and guess what? there you are. Do you get my point, make your comment but dont degrade each other or our kids they just want to play the game. "Let them live the rivalry."


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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Pirates are sailing into West Portsmouth to sack the town and they're bringing the Cannon with them.




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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by The Riepo Man »

Okay, we should all stop saying "guarantee"...NONE of us can guarantee anything pertaining to this game...West may win by a point or by a ton..Wheelersburg may win by a point or by a butt load...West may have tons of penalties just like Wheelersburg may have tons of penalties...or both teams may have none at all...You may say that each team will show up to play but in reality we wont know until the game is over...We may say one team wants it more than the other but last time I checked you cant really measure that now can you?...If wanting to win more than the other team had a drastic effect on the outcome then Northwest would be in one of these teams positions.

I know we tend to exaggerate West's bad reputation but that reputation did not just come out of nowhere...I know alot of the kids on West's team and some of them are pretty nice guys but one nice group of people is not going to change the minds of everyone in the county and until we all see changes throughout the West Side, as a whole, then our negative opinions will stay the same.

I also acknowledge the fact that many if not most people throughout the Wheelersburg community come off as somewhat elitist but that isn't entirely true...In regards to our athletic program I do believe that we are in fact better than those in our surrounding area...that may make me sound stuck up, but until you virtually dominate the entire SOC II like we have you cant really say much...No person, Pirate or Sider/Senator, is better than another...Nobody is perfect; we all have our vices...I dont think, or choose not to think, that the people of Wheelersburg believe they are better than everyone...I just believe that many of us become blinded by pride and say things they do not mean.

Will this rivalry evolve so that both schools respect each other or will it forever be filled with hatred?...Well Rome wasnt built in a day and only time will tell, but I truly hope it changes.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by local superstar »

:shock: :? :shock: :122248 :lol: :oops: :oops:

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by THE G.O.A.T. »

After tonights practice, Sayin West is ready to get it on is a understatement.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by eddie »

i agree riepo man--thats why i said earlier that we all should talk strategies both offense and defense and not get into who is better or who will blow who away.

eddie wrote:instead of predictions--- lets talk stradegy

Offense First
-both teams are pretty talented and good team speed
-both like to run the ball
-both have good solild (multiple) running backs
-both qb's are very good runners and ---average with the pass???
-receivers???-- not enough passing to be influenced one way or another

-Blocking-- who has the better initial blocking by the lineman. also how well do the running backs bock for each other???

i believe both coaches have a lot of old school coaching styles. this will be like a throwback game. (70's/80's--- ED vs. DICK)
Last edited by eddie on Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by 1fan »

Riepo man..........
Finally, someone from the burg who I respect!
thank you for being a very logical person
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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »




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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by eddie »

did everybody leave on me.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by 4thgoal »

Good post dazed.....Both teams are really even and it will come down to who executes better and makes the least mistakes. I have only seen 1 half of West football in person this year (2nd half @ Minford). From this half and a little online footage I watched, a few observations (IMHO):

1. Burg has more team speed than West
2. Size and strength a slight advantage to West
3. Minford did not take care of the ball in the 2nd half at all
4. Minford did not wrap up on any tackles in the 2nd half

I think Burg will win this game as long as they weather the 1st few minutes of the game and let the emotions wear off and get down to playing their game.


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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by Cameron34Crazie34 »

I am a proud West Sider, but I get sick of reading some of the crap that West fans can put on here. Yes, West is very solid football team this year, but the Burg will be ready for us. The Burg is a very solid football team and saying we are going to blow out the Burg is nonsense. I do think West will win but no by 20 or 30 points. Some people need to grow up and not talk about each community, let the kids decide it on the field.

Go West, 10-0 SOC CHAMPS hopefully!

and Good Luck to the Burg in your playoff run this year, hopefully you guys get to meet the West Side again and get beat again!

But all in all hopefully we see one heck of a football game and hopefully the West Side can show some respect and not make fools of ourselves like we always seem to do. Hope for a injury free game!


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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by eddie »

Do you think the team the can successfully throw the ball will be at an advantage? Do you even think it is in the minds of these two coaches? Or will they say stop what has got us this far. If you stop our running games then you deserve to win.

anything that you think either team should do different --add---throw out
Last edited by eddie on Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »




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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by burgfan2 »

This is gonna be a great game. As Riepo said the bickering that is going on between both sides is ridiculous. I have not got to watch much high school football this year but I know the kids on the Burg team very well. They might not have the size but they pack a big punch. I know this West group is a dandy group and I am very excited to see how the speed vs. strength game plays out. i think the game will come down the the field advantage byboth teams. If Wheelersburg gives West a short field to work with the Siders will pound the ball right at them. If they keep getting pinned deep and are forced to pass I believe the Pirates defense will capatalize. I've West defense is fast and that's what I am excited to see is who has more speed the West defense or the Pirates offense.

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Re: Game of Week #3 West vs. #2 Wheelersburg SOC Championship

Post by coop »

I know that the officials in this game are NO NONSENSE. Great crew, and I couldnt think of any better to do the game.

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