It is pretty obvious a "BULLPUPPIES POSTER" doesn't have a clue about Ironton's scheduling........the Tigers have made the playoffs many years without Athens on the schedule........
now that is not a slam against the bullpuppies because they are going thru a time frame with great athletes and I am glad to see someone in the southeast on the upswing.......[/quote]
That still did not answer the question. I need a good reason to give the bullpuppies![/quote]
I need a lot of things but trying to give your Athens buddies a reason for anything Ironton does is not on the top of my wish list.....I think RRR listed a few possiblities and if they really need a good reason we are available about any afternoon for lunch and a beer to discuss why the Tigers are dodging the Puppies..........and in the meantime if u and your doggy friends wear thin on patience I can give them the AD's phone number and he can discuss it with them........but I think u would get a better answer from the folks at lunch............we are a lot more fun and full of knowledge over a dozen wings and a pitcher of Bud Light...........

Let me correct one point! Every since 1968 at the old field in Athens when against my Chiefs the officials said the WRONG end of the football was across to goal line and cheated us out of the SEOAL Championship, I strongly dislike all bullpuppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My god I like your tigers even better!