Oak Hill Declines TVC Offer: Remains in SOC

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Re: Oak Hill Declines TVC Offer: Remains in SOC

Post by greygoose »

art_vandelay wrote: Tue May 21, 2024 11:40 pm Yeah, Oak Hill may have just put the final nail in the coffin of their football program. Let’s see if they even get 20 kids out. Best hope at this point is become beyond terrible, cancel more games, and force SOC to move them back to SOC I.

As for Kratzenburg, he will land on his feet somewhere with a real football program and eventually be a head coach again down the line.*
This will not happen, oak hill wasn’t very good when they went SOC1 they started playing all those small schools and absolutely killed them while building up teams with 45-50 kids on it. Oak Hill for a stretch in SOC1 play was scoring a total of over 250 against SOC1 teams while giving up 55 or less on the year. I done the math one time and I believe they had several seasons in a row of averaging around 45 points and giving up like 6 in SOC1 play. Those small schools seen this before and they’re not going to feel sorry for Oak Hill again as the oaks showed zero mercy against teams with 16-23 boys on a team. Shoes on the other foot only difference here Oak Hill is the same size as those schools instead of playing DVII schools in SOC1. It’s also why SOC is proposing the 3 division setup in order to make NW and OH happy.

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