Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Logan

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by TigerTownKid »

Paladin_II wrote:Now we get to hear the "sportsmen" whine away !! Someone got beat IN A WEAK Region. By a weak team. Period. Very appropriate losing IN LOGAN.

Be thankful the embarrassment coming next week from Alter wasn't you.
I'm sorry, I've tried to be as respectful as I can of you on this forum, but for you to get on here and even run your mouth is just ridiculous. There is no reason for you to come on here and say the stuff you do about Ironton. Any other team that this happens to, you would just let it go by the way-side. It's just unnecessary and takes away from a topic that should be doing two things. And that is congratulating Ironton on another great season and Hartley on a regional championship. So if you dont mind, please take your bull#$%% somewhere else, it's not needed here.

Congratulations Fighting Tigers on a great year!!!! And thanks to all seniors!!!
Congratulations Hartley! Go get it for Region 15!!

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Soho »

If you have a problem with officials then get out your whistle and go do it yourself. I agree that most high school crews are not very good and some even show favoritism toward one team or against another. But where are you going to find good crews? They work on Sundays, and they aren't perfect either. Kudos to the crews that do the best they can. Bad calls suck but they are part of the game.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by tigersportsfan »

Listen most of the comments if not all of them are not from the Tiger players. Don't talk bad about any of them they played a great season. I don't think that all of them played as well last night, but it happens. It was a close game but Hartley came out on top. Does it mean that they are better? NO just better last night. People don't blame the game on fumbles. Other things weren't going the way they should either. I was upset with the Refs. I thought that they did a good job except for that unsportsmanlike conduct call. that was BS. Hartley did far more show boating and unsportsmanlike conduct on the field last night. And yet they got away with it. I think that Ironton fans or at least I can take that call if the refs called it when Hartley did the same. That's all Ironton wants is fairness. However, having voiced my opinion I do have to say that Hartley did bring a stronger defense last night and I wish them well next week.

To Ironton players, I am so proud of all of you. Seniors you have been a joy to watch and I want to thank you for being great role models for your underclass peers. You have made Ironton Proud.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by vladimir »

I was at the game cheering for Ironton but I am a neutral fan and I thought the unsportsmanlike penalty was a bit much as it would have gave Hartley a 4th down deep in their own territory. They started that drive at their 1 and still had to go 75 yards for a 38 yard field goal which was successful. I know what some are saying, if they had to punt Ironton would have had the ball with great field position.

If the Hartlry TE wasn't laying their hurt with trainers running out on the field, the ref would have never called it. Because he was hurt, that's why it was called. It's a judgement call and it wasn’t like he was over top the hurt kid talking smack to him, he was jumping around because he made a big 3rd down stop that included a bone crushing hit. It shouldn’t have been called, but that’s not what lost the game nor was it the turning point. Ironton got whipped in the trenches and made more mistakes than Hartley by turning the ball over more than once that led to scores.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by footballfan » ... ml?sid=101

Link to Columbus Dispatch article about the game, sounds like some here gave Hartley a little motivation.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by farmer »

Some Ironton fans talk about we are Ironton. You want to be the best you have to play us. That all other schools in the area are far below Ironton. Then if a team beats them then bring up Ironton's history. Then in a game like last night many want to bring up the ref's just as in some of the other losses this year. Also if anyone talks in a way that does not put Ironton in a favorable light they must be put down for making those comments or say they are demeaning the kids. Which many on here have not. Ironton did lose and comments made as long as they are not pointing out certain players by names are not demeaning or putting down the players for what they done this year. When many want to brag so much you also have to be humble and take it when you lose. Not many teams are still left playing after this weekend. At the end there is only 6 winning teams.

The way things sound from the game they played hard and went right at Ironton. This game was not won on trick plays but hard nose football. The same as what Ironton has prided themselves on. Some days the breaks just do not go your way. No reason to keep bringing up the refs. Sometimes you lose a game the refs may not be the best but you have to continue playing hard in the game to overcome that. If one play is what many think costs them the game then maybe if the players would have made a few more yards or made a tackle a yard or two earlier may have helped. It is a game of many plays. Good year for Ironton who came up short in this game.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by rico suave »

whooped and outcoached. the hartley coach called out the tigers and he backed it up. what u gonna do when they come after you YTB. GIVE UP OVER 400 TOTAL YARDS IS WHAT U DID.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by sprinter14 »

No doubt about it, the better team on November 19th won the game. Congrats to Hartley. The first unsportsmanlike call was total B.S., the Ironton kid did not realize the Hartley player was hurt. My question is, what was the 2nd unsportmalike call for in the 4th quarter?? I didn't see anything happen physically. I assumed one of the Ironton kids said something to one of the officials. Anyone know for sure?

And how is it Logan builds a 99.9 million dollar facility (or something outrageous) and the down marker AND the scoreboard won't work??

I thought the overall lack of enthusiasm from the Tiger's fans said a lot about how "fair weather" they are.

And finally, the guys who get in front of the crowd to spell out T-I-G-E-R-S........., I appreciate the effort, but the old guy who actually MADE the letter shapes was WAYYY better. I'd like to see someone do it old school!!!!

Best of luck Hartley............#44 and #45 were animals! Hope they run wild on Alter too!

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by kevbk6222 »

sprinter14 wrote:My question is, what was the 2nd unsportmalike call for in the 4th quarter?? I didn't see anything happen physically. I assumed one of the Ironton kids said something to one of the officials. Anyone know for sure?
ironton player gets chop blocked in the open field. the ref doesnt call it. he goes down hurt. other ironton player start calling for a flag and they got called for unsportsmanlike.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Tjhtygeverve »

I never ever imply the refs in anything that happens! To make an error in judgement is human! BUT, excessive celebration call that changed the complete momentum of the game..... With nothing EXCESSIVE?

NOW, being quoted in 3 newspapers as changing the flow of the game in which IHS was able to lead & where momentum & control had these teams even, until that call & Hartley capitalized & IRONTON had to fight uphill after turnovers that can happen to any team( see week 8)!!These were two teams matched up well ,& either would have represented the region well!!
I will, in this scenario have to go with the radio announcers of 2 stations & 3 newspapers! The herald dispatch, the IRONTON tribune & the Columbus dispatch, whom all mentioned this penalty! I was not there& not whinning, so those papers & announcers are my sources
to reply on here, & of course, fully listening to the webcast!
The offensive line play favored Hartley with the last quarter of play! KEY & their other backs were superb back-ups!
A bit of better luck for the tigers would haves fared them well to a victory as they showed the capability of doing so!
I thank the IHS SQUAD, COACHES, FANS, & WEBCAST CREW FOR 13 friday nights of football fun on my iPhone here in Orlando!
good luck Hartley, & I hope you go all the way& prove the HATERS of region 15 who can't stay off the region 15 topics on this board wrong, proving 15 as STROng!!! It's all down to 4! With surprise exits by KENTON & GENOA AREA!!

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Yea Im not blaming the refs. Ironton gave up 2 fumbles and got it handed to them on defense last night. That was on Ironton.

The BS celebration call changed the game to Hartleys favor though and everyone knows it. Heres the bad thing our player was 10 yards away jumping up and down cause he made a good play. His back was to the Hartley kid he didnt see him lying there. In that situation you tell the kid hey knock it off you dont flag him. You warn the kid. Now if he had stood over him flexing, was near by giving the throat slash, did the Ric Flair strut, gave the Hartley crowd the Stone Cold 2 finger Salute, or anything else ok flag him for an unsportsmanlike In that instance the ref took the game out of the hands of the kids and he decided the game right there.

Anyway its not going to be changed so we move on to basketball season. Hartley moves on to play in the semi finals. SO Tigers you had a great season wish it would have went longer. Great job none the less. Congrats to Hartley good luck against Alter.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by IronTigerMum »

Great season Tigers! Congrats, good luck to the seniors and FIDO is right, next season begins now!

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by biggdowgg »

there are way more coaches that read this site then some would think.

when WE as FANS get on here and talk trash to other teams, WE as Fans are sometimes, putting targets on our teams.

great season for the Tigers,I told people after seeing this most of this group as Junior High kids,that Lutz would win "at least" one state Title with them ....I still believe that.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by itown keg 77 »

It was a great season and ended to soon but it was fun to watch, thanks to all the player and coaches.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Pepsiman »

I have read every article.........from the Dispatch not one mention on this site.......Not very many coaches read sites like this get real. :roll:

Great season Tigers.....................

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by biggdowgg »

I was not refferring to B.H. coach, but you are wrong,I know for a fact of at least 5 local coaches that read this site,I have talked to them in person, not that they take anything from it, but they do read it, and also a few A D,S., we have been contacted by ADS , and coaches about certain things that are posted, because they can have ANY post emoved at request...if it is requested we do call the school to make sure that is who they say, so I am real. 8)

believe it or not, does not matter to me.

there are even 3 or 4 coaches that post on this site,and use their REAL name.

like I said Conrats to Ironton on a great season, lots of teams would have loved to have the season you had.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by biggdowgg »

maybe not from this site, but its pretty close to what I have read on here, "but not from Ironton posters "
"We heard a lot of talk that we weren't very tough and didn't play very physical," coach Brad Burchfield said. "That drove us more. We're not soft. I don't know where that came from

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Pepsiman »

biggdowgg wrote:I was not refferring to B.H. coach, but you are wrong,I know for a fact of at least 5 local coaches that read this site,I have talked to them in person, not that they take anything from it, but they do read it, and also a few A D,S., we have been contacted by ADS , and coaches about certain things that are posted, because they can have ANY post emoved at request...if it is requested we do call the school to make sure that is who they say, so I am real. 8)

believe it or not, does not matter to me.

there are even 3 or 4 coaches that post on this site,and use their REAL name.

like I said Conrats to Ironton on a great season, lots of teams would have loved to have the season you had.

If you say so.............. :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Pepsiman »

biggdowgg wrote:maybe not from this site, but its pretty close to what I have read on here, "but not from Ironton posters "
"We heard a lot of talk that we weren't very tough and didn't play very physical," coach Brad Burchfield said. "That drove us more. We're not soft. I don't know where that came from

I was not from................any site................. :roll:

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by biggdowgg »

ok, thanks.

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