Fairland Football Coach ?
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
I personally dont want to see any of them go but if they do that is life and it goes on.I think these are all good kids and good athletes. 

Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Juke Boxer,I think it was just a better situation for Micheal overall.1.He was 7 hours from home at East Carolina vs less than 3 hours now.So his parents for one thing get to see him play much more.I talked to his mom a few months back and they said they loved it because they get to see nearly all of his home games and even some on the road since the schools are much closer than when he played in C-USA.2.I think he was just better geared for the roll he is in now,He is overall in a better situation now and has thrived in it.
- Waterboy
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
well rational voice, considering the issue at hand, its not a hard choice. we always don't get what we like. thats happens over and over in life. however, based on what has been posted on here by these parents, these kids will not know this until they get to the real world. if my two boys told me they were transfering because they didn't get the coach they wanted, i would laugh my butt off and tell them they don't have to play if they don't want to. plain and simple. however, these parents seem to whine when they don't get what they want so how would the kids ever learn any different without someone teaching them. what is even worse is they fail to give coach snyder a chance. they must be scared of the discipline coach snyder will bring with him. they are missing out on their kids playing for a good man and a great coach.
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
the pooper wrote:well rational voice, considering the issue at hand, its not a hard choice. we always don't get what we like. thats happens over and over in life. however, based on what has been posted on here by these parents, these kids will not know this until they get to the real world. if my two boys told me they were transfering because they didn't get the coach they wanted, i would laugh my butt off and tell them they don't have to play if they don't want to. plain and simple. however, these parents seem to whine when they don't get what they want so how would the kids ever learn any different without someone teaching them. what is even worse is they fail to give coach snyder a chance. they must be scared of the discipline coach snyder will bring with him. they are missing out on their kids playing for a good man and a great coach.
I'm unsure as to why you think your's is the only opinion that counts. Apparently these boys should be living their lives according to Pooper. Isn't it arrogant to think that you know all the reasons going into these decisions? Do you live with these families? Do you even know them? Who says this has anything to do with Coach Snyder or any of the coaches for that matter? I've read your posts and they are always negative toward players & parents. The only positive things you have to say relate to the board of ed. Also, I'm sure the Ironton folks would say these kids were getting to play for other good men and great coaches in Lafon and Lutz. As far as what you would do with your own kids, good for you. No one is criticizing you for that so what gives you the right to judge others for doing what they feel is in the best interest of their kids and families?
- Freshman Team
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Without rehashing all the details again, most players & parents do disagree with what has taken place the last couple of months...and most would disagree with your rosy outlook & opinions on the recently appointed staff.
In short, not everyone sees it your way. You may argue over who's right & who's wrong, but it boils down to one's OPINION. If I felt my son were aboard a sinking ship, I would get him off, for his own good.
Without rehashing all the details again, most players & parents do disagree with what has taken place the last couple of months...and most would disagree with your rosy outlook & opinions on the recently appointed staff.
In short, not everyone sees it your way. You may argue over who's right & who's wrong, but it boils down to one's OPINION. If I felt my son were aboard a sinking ship, I would get him off, for his own good.
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Pooper you are crazy if you do not think this is a difficult decision for these kids . What do you think of an AD withholding college recruitment letters from a kid? Why did he do this? Is that a mark of a good man or a coach who gives a crap about a kids future? I've also seen him play kids based on name not talent. Do you think he will but in half the time that the last coach did? I don't. Which is fine if you don't want to go anywhere.Which is exactly what's going to happen this year at FHS and my son if he stays. I want him to be the best he can be and I just don't think that will happen at fairland.
- Waterboy
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
rational voice, i never said anything about any rosy outlook on the new staff. they might go 0-10, i dont know. i do know that they are quality men and good coaches however. and regardless what u say, the only parents i know are unhappy are the few that are on here complaining. i have never said my opinion is the right one, but it is how i feel just like you.
bucking red, i have never said it is an easy decision for the kids. i have said that i dont think it is the kids decision to make, it should be there parents. and as far as holding recruiting letters, that seems far fetched and a stretch to discredit someone. i dont even know who your son is, but its hard to imagine that the change of a coach would cause one to transfer. especially a coach with a 12-28 record in 4 years with the talent level there. your child might go to another school and bring home a championship in some sport. however, would it really bring satisfaction to him with a bunch of guys he dont really know? or would it be more satisfying winning a championship with everyone he grew up with and the community he lives in regardless of who is coaching the team? thats the question at hand for your son.
bucking red, i have never said it is an easy decision for the kids. i have said that i dont think it is the kids decision to make, it should be there parents. and as far as holding recruiting letters, that seems far fetched and a stretch to discredit someone. i dont even know who your son is, but its hard to imagine that the change of a coach would cause one to transfer. especially a coach with a 12-28 record in 4 years with the talent level there. your child might go to another school and bring home a championship in some sport. however, would it really bring satisfaction to him with a bunch of guys he dont really know? or would it be more satisfying winning a championship with everyone he grew up with and the community he lives in regardless of who is coaching the team? thats the question at hand for your son.
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
You don't "know" they are quality men & good coaches. It's your opinion that they are. Trust me, there are plenty of people who would disagree on one or both accounts. And you say, "the only parents i know are unhappy are the few that are on here complaining". You are so far off base on this one. If you attended that board meeting a couple of months ago (and I have a sneaky suspicion you - or someone very close to you - was there), and you've been paying attention to all the discontentment voiced in the community, it's obvious that the vast majority of parents & players disagree with you. You can argue whether or not they are right or wrong, but you can't deny the facts.
Also, the holding back of letters issue...it is fact.
I really never intended to beat this dead horse, but for you to say that the parents & kids are wrong to transfer...that is awfully bold considering you aren't in their shoes. In my opinion, until things are changed at the top - to get rid of the hidden agendas & enethical practices - I would advise them to get out while they have the chance.
You don't "know" they are quality men & good coaches. It's your opinion that they are. Trust me, there are plenty of people who would disagree on one or both accounts. And you say, "the only parents i know are unhappy are the few that are on here complaining". You are so far off base on this one. If you attended that board meeting a couple of months ago (and I have a sneaky suspicion you - or someone very close to you - was there), and you've been paying attention to all the discontentment voiced in the community, it's obvious that the vast majority of parents & players disagree with you. You can argue whether or not they are right or wrong, but you can't deny the facts.
Also, the holding back of letters issue...it is fact.
I really never intended to beat this dead horse, but for you to say that the parents & kids are wrong to transfer...that is awfully bold considering you aren't in their shoes. In my opinion, until things are changed at the top - to get rid of the hidden agendas & enethical practices - I would advise them to get out while they have the chance.
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Would the athletic director intentionally hold letters from a kid? Does he dislike the kid or something? maybe the former coach held the letters to spite everyone? Who knows the facts? Sounds like alot of people may be jumping to conclusions about these letters without knowing the facts.
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Ump I will tell you in my experiences with Roger Snyder he has always been very good to me and I cant say anything bad about him.But hey you know thats my opinion not everyones I realize that.Oh and nice pic by the way. 

Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
I don't think anyone is questioning whether Coach Snyder is a nice guy and I'm sure the issue with the letters wasn't intentional. That said, the coach is the primary person between a recruiter and the player. If the coach doesn't have the time or the initiative to help those kids trying for athletic scholarships those kids are at a marked disadvantage. That's just one of the many aspects of being head coach that the Board didn't feel was important and one of the prime areas that Wilcoxin focused on during the off-season. Coaching is not just about win-loss records. You can't fault a player or his parents for reading the situation at Fairland and choosing instead to be part of a reputable program with stable coaches that have the experience and desire to help their players get to the next level. Anyone who has a problem with a kid trying to make a better future for himself either has their own beef with the kid or his parents or he's never had any personal ambition.
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
earp, I was intentionally being sarcastic. I dont think any coach would intentionally screw a kid out of a scholarship. My guess is the letters got passed from coach to coach too late. But thats just a guess. If a coach knew there was interest in a kid and didnt let him know he should be banned from coaching or teaching. If a coach just doesnt care about players getting looks he shouldnt be rehired. Only coach Snyder knows the truth. maybe some one should ask him.
- Waterboy
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
wrcoach02 I think that the public should really know that Fairland actually only won the OVC in baseball and boys track this year. Wrestling and Cross county can not be considered team champions because according to OVC rules at least 4 of the six team must compete in sport for it to be considered a team championship. So please quite claiming you won wrestling and cross country. Wrestling Fairland, Chesapeak and River Valley compete. Cross country Fairland, Rock Hill and Coal Grove field teams at the conference meet, So you did not offically win the conference. I think that every coach in the conference will agree with what I am saying.
Lamb has decided to transfer because he wants a shot to play better opponents,and to impress scouts with what he can do against great opponents. Hatfield has not decided as of yet, but I know that Lutz will not move his returning QB to make room for Hatfield so unless he becomes a wide-out he will not see the offensive side of the ball. Bloomfield will be lost on the football field and basketball court at Ironton. With Major Bryce and another Jr who's name I am forgetting at he present moment returning at Tailback he will not carry the football more than 10 times this season. On the basketball floor the SEOAL applies to much pressure for him. We all know that he does not like alot of contact and pressure when he is handling the ball. I can not see him moving to the two spot because if Hatfield would move that would be his spot and with Green returing at the three or four spot depending on where Lamb plays, he would be demoted to the the bench to hold a water bottle or even the JV team. Coach Lafon will not put up with half effort in practice either. I have known Lafon for several years and if he thinks that you could do it better or harder, he is not afraid to express it and I dont mean pull the player over and calmly talk about it like Belville would most of the time. Lafon is a in you face person and he really doesnt care who the player is or who the parents are. If he was easy to play for and allowed players the play the way the want then Shoemaker would have stayed at Ironton for his senior season. Hatfield and Bloomfield I would think long and hard about leaving your home school, because you may just become a cheerleader on Ironton teams in stead of the go to players like you will be at fairland this season. I can see Bloomfield getting about 25 to 30 carries a night on a Fairland team, while Hatfield throws for a hundered and rushed for the same each night. In basketball Hatfield will do nothing but come off screens and get open shots with Bloomfield becomes and assist artist.
Lamb has decided to transfer because he wants a shot to play better opponents,and to impress scouts with what he can do against great opponents. Hatfield has not decided as of yet, but I know that Lutz will not move his returning QB to make room for Hatfield so unless he becomes a wide-out he will not see the offensive side of the ball. Bloomfield will be lost on the football field and basketball court at Ironton. With Major Bryce and another Jr who's name I am forgetting at he present moment returning at Tailback he will not carry the football more than 10 times this season. On the basketball floor the SEOAL applies to much pressure for him. We all know that he does not like alot of contact and pressure when he is handling the ball. I can not see him moving to the two spot because if Hatfield would move that would be his spot and with Green returing at the three or four spot depending on where Lamb plays, he would be demoted to the the bench to hold a water bottle or even the JV team. Coach Lafon will not put up with half effort in practice either. I have known Lafon for several years and if he thinks that you could do it better or harder, he is not afraid to express it and I dont mean pull the player over and calmly talk about it like Belville would most of the time. Lafon is a in you face person and he really doesnt care who the player is or who the parents are. If he was easy to play for and allowed players the play the way the want then Shoemaker would have stayed at Ironton for his senior season. Hatfield and Bloomfield I would think long and hard about leaving your home school, because you may just become a cheerleader on Ironton teams in stead of the go to players like you will be at fairland this season. I can see Bloomfield getting about 25 to 30 carries a night on a Fairland team, while Hatfield throws for a hundered and rushed for the same each night. In basketball Hatfield will do nothing but come off screens and get open shots with Bloomfield becomes and assist artist.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:07 pm
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
going to ironton to get noticed is funny!! if the kid is good enough, they will find him!!!!!! and honestly, would lamb going to ironton really benefit him? lutz throws the ball about 5 times a game. and dont say it will be different with lamb. do you really think ironton has had no athletes that could catch the ball all these years? there is a system in place at ironton and it is called RUNNING THE BALL. just something he should consider. if he is as good as you say he is, shouldn't he already have the recruiters knocking down his doors? if he goes, good luck to him. he will join the tri state all star team.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Please check the facts before posting. With all due respect, all your posts are inaccurate. The statement,"if the kid is good enough, they will find him!!!!!!", is just flat out untrue. The only ones they "find" are the freaks of nature (6'5 300 pound lineman, etc.) or the kids from the powerhouses. There are certain schools that are "regular stops" on the recruiting trail for college coaches. For the average kid, extra work by the coach and/or parents goes a long way. Either mailing out DVDs or arranging for the kid to attend combines is the way to go.
I'll give you an example. I know Sam Huff & he can confirm this. If you don't remember, he was a gifted wide receiver for Fairland a couple of years ago. He ended up attending Joliet Junior College in Illinois (a big-time JC - lots of their kids go to Big 12 schools). Joliet didn't "just find him". The only reason he got that opportunity was that the ex-football coach sent out DVDs & info everywhere for him. In a sense, Sam & he "found Joliet" & they liked what they saw and recruited him.
If you're good enough to play at Ironton (and from the games I attended last year, I think Hatfield & Bloomfield are good enough in both sports), it is definitely an advantage to go there. If you stay here, you need a head coach who is going to put in the extra time & effort.
Please check the facts before posting. With all due respect, all your posts are inaccurate. The statement,"if the kid is good enough, they will find him!!!!!!", is just flat out untrue. The only ones they "find" are the freaks of nature (6'5 300 pound lineman, etc.) or the kids from the powerhouses. There are certain schools that are "regular stops" on the recruiting trail for college coaches. For the average kid, extra work by the coach and/or parents goes a long way. Either mailing out DVDs or arranging for the kid to attend combines is the way to go.
I'll give you an example. I know Sam Huff & he can confirm this. If you don't remember, he was a gifted wide receiver for Fairland a couple of years ago. He ended up attending Joliet Junior College in Illinois (a big-time JC - lots of their kids go to Big 12 schools). Joliet didn't "just find him". The only reason he got that opportunity was that the ex-football coach sent out DVDs & info everywhere for him. In a sense, Sam & he "found Joliet" & they liked what they saw and recruited him.
If you're good enough to play at Ironton (and from the games I attended last year, I think Hatfield & Bloomfield are good enough in both sports), it is definitely an advantage to go there. If you stay here, you need a head coach who is going to put in the extra time & effort.
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
dragonfan5 wrote:wrcoach02 I think that the public should really know that Fairland actually only won the OVC in baseball and boys track this year. Wrestling and Cross county can not be considered team champions because according to OVC rules at least 4 of the six team must compete in sport for it to be considered a team championship. So please quite claiming you won wrestling and cross country. Wrestling Fairland, Chesapeak and River Valley compete. Cross country Fairland, Rock Hill and Coal Grove field teams at the conference meet, So you did not offically win the conference. I think that every coach in the conference will agree with what I am saying.
Lamb has decided to transfer because he wants a shot to play better opponents,and to impress scouts with what he can do against great opponents. Hatfield has not decided as of yet, but I know that Lutz will not move his returning QB to make room for Hatfield so unless he becomes a wide-out he will not see the offensive side of the ball. Bloomfield will be lost on the football field and basketball court at Ironton. With Major Bryce and another Jr who's name I am forgetting at he present moment returning at Tailback he will not carry the football more than 10 times this season. On the basketball floor the SEOAL applies to much pressure for him. We all know that he does not like alot of contact and pressure when he is handling the ball. I can not see him moving to the two spot because if Hatfield would move that would be his spot and with Green returing at the three or four spot depending on where Lamb plays, he would be demoted to the the bench to hold a water bottle or even the JV team. Coach Lafon will not put up with half effort in practice either. I have known Lafon for several years and if he thinks that you could do it better or harder, he is not afraid to express it and I dont mean pull the player over and calmly talk about it like Belville would most of the time. Lafon is a in you face person and he really doesnt care who the player is or who the parents are. If he was easy to play for and allowed players the play the way the want then Shoemaker would have stayed at Ironton for his senior season. Hatfield and Bloomfield I would think long and hard about leaving your home school, because you may just become a cheerleader on Ironton teams in stead of the go to players like you will be at fairland this season. I can see Bloomfield getting about 25 to 30 carries a night on a Fairland team, while Hatfield throws for a hundered and rushed for the same each night. In basketball Hatfield will do nothing but come off screens and get open shots with Bloomfield becomes and assist artist.
Tir State All Stars What is funny is that maybe only 1 kid that would be starting this year...not including transfer coming now...are born and raised in ironton
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Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
Dragonfan 5 you make no sense at all if Bloomfield is going to struggle against ball pressure(which is a joke) then how would he be an assist artist. Another thing is that Lamb is not going to be a receiver at the next level and he and his family know this.He might be a TE but not a WR. I agree that for football it might not be the best fit for Hatfield but I think the other 2 would prosper and Cole could also. I've talked to several people with more info on I town than you and they think they would do alright in both sports. The recruitment letters did happen and that personally concerns me the most. Their is no excuse for that whether it was a mistake or intentional. You are talking about a kids future.
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
These three kids are awesome. They led Fairland to a 5-5 record!
They may be good kids with some talent, but let's get a grip. Fairland will be fine without them. They certainly haven't led the football team to anything extraordinary. Folks should stop acting like it's the end of the world if they leave. Outside of some of the hardcore fans on this message board, no one cares what they do.
They may be good kids with some talent, but let's get a grip. Fairland will be fine without them. They certainly haven't led the football team to anything extraordinary. Folks should stop acting like it's the end of the world if they leave. Outside of some of the hardcore fans on this message board, no one cares what they do.
Re: Fairland Football Coach ?
If you don't care Get a Grip, why are you posting? If you attended the football games, you'd be aware that of the 5 games they lost, 4 were lost by a touchdown or less and the fifth game was lost by less than 2 when most of the starters were out of the game due to injury. Then, you can consider the basketball seasons they've had since these guys have been on the roster. Pretty successful I think. Honestly, I can't imagine why any of these kids would want to transfer with such faithful and supportive Fairland fans such as some of those on here. (sarcasm intended)
Also, Dragon 5, Coaches Lutz and LaFon and the families of these boys would all like for you to give them a call since you seem to have more of an inside track on EVERYTHING than they do. (sarcasm intended again)
Also, Dragon 5, Coaches Lutz and LaFon and the families of these boys would all like for you to give them a call since you seem to have more of an inside track on EVERYTHING than they do. (sarcasm intended again)