I think that next team will be N-Y. The Fighting Tigers should roll in this one.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU CATCH ON QUICK KANTUCKY, BESIDES SHE PROMISED IT, WHEN SHE LEARNED WE WERE PLAYING EACH OTHER.kantuckyII wrote:You're Tiger Bait wrote:THIS SHOULD BE A DANDY, CAN'T WAIT. WHO'S COOKIN THERE. FOR US.
You're asking for home cookin?
nybucks05 wrote:100 percent ironton would win by 3 tds if we were playin at the tank but we are not. we are playin in the gladiator arena. so dream on.
qualified101 wrote:would like to see our neighbors down 33 win this one. ny, clog the middle and tackle murphy. thats it. you do that and you may pull the upset. not much of a passing game for itown so play the run. use the logan game film as the manual on how to win this game. dont worry about all the negativity from itown posters. i am used to it and it so far its been all talk for a while now. itown is big dont get me wrong, but they seem to wear down when you get into the 3rd quarter. i think it will be closer than most but itown still holds on. 34-24. good luck to both teams and hopefully no injuries.