Screwin the OHSAA

Pol pot
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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by Pol pot »

Fair question Jesco,

My basic problem is with the title of the thread, "screwin". And the premise of the original thread could be easily that the person is trying to stick it to the OHSAA and save $4.00 on two tickets. It is a small minded, me only mentality. The original author of that thread could have posed the question or stated his opinions in a much less controversal manner. Plus, I like playing devils advocate.

Mr Basketball 14
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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by Mr Basketball 14 »

Wow all this over a couple of bucks. I am sure the games are on the radio. Valley will also be charging for parking tonight. $2.00 per car. I`ll bet there will be people parking at the Country store to save $2.00. I know we are in hard times but wow.

Jesco White
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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by Jesco White »

Pol Pot wrote:Fair question Jesco,

My basic problem is with the title of the thread, "screwin". And the premise of the original thread could be easily that the person is trying to stick it to the OHSAA and save $4.00 on two tickets. It is a small minded, me only mentality. The original author of that thread could have posed the question or stated his opinions in a much less controversal manner. Plus, I like playing devils advocate.
Thanks for your honesty. I have to admit, playing devils advocate can be pretty fun ;-)

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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by sprinter14 »

I chose the title just because I think a lot of people would prefer to see school's get more money from their tickets. And this isn't over a "couple of bucks", if that was all, I would have made my phone call and kept it quiet. I posted this idea thinking that it might change the way some people buy their tickets. A lot of people helping out school's could result in hundreds and maybe thousands throughout a playoff run. Too many school's going to "pay to play" these days.

My apologies to anyone I have offended..... I try not to make enemies, I have enough of those already..... see you all in the stands!

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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by RJ7171C71R »

I am with Sprinter14!This pol pot guy seems a little defensive to me.I went to my schools playoff game last year and I bought a ticket before hand to help that school and if I could go somewhere closer to buy a ticket early I would.I do think the OHSAA needs to share the wealth a little better!They take more than the NBA Players do from the owners :-D

Riding the Bench
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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by trip4 »

I like idea.. tomorrow going to UA to watch UA vs TROY.. i would have rather bought my
tickets at my school and give them that $1.20... that would make is easier to go to
other games... we played tonight..

I like that they school get travel expenses didn't know that...

Pol pot
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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by Pol pot »

As I said in an earlier post do you think the OHSAA is ticket master? Do you think your local school is a ticket distributor? I am defensive because some of you do not live in the real world. Maybe the State should go to an on-line system, where you print your tickets at home and then select what school you want to get your part of the pre-sale bonus? Then you can pay the extra $5.00 service charge per ticket and bitch about that. Next you'll bitch about paying to park. You guys are a source of constant entertainment!

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Re: Screwin the OHSAA

Post by bdubya »

Pol Pot wrote:You guys are a source of constant entertainment!
Amen brother! :-D

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