Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Rocket Proud
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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by Rocket Proud »

Both teams played well. Oak Hill played nearly a mistake free game. There only big mistake was roughing the kicker.
The fumble after Wellston had stopped the Oaks on the goal line and the kickoff return for the Oaks were game changers.
As an underdog, Wellston had to hope Oaks made some mistakes and they just didn't. Wellston passing game looked good,
they are going to have to start using it earlier to loosen up the rushing defense. Rockets will be ready for Rock Hill.

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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by buckeyeguy »

becoase of coaching staff they dont deserve to win agian this year and they wont win to many.. but the kids deserve better it aint their fault they have disrespectful embarassing coaching and staff

Pol pot
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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by Pol pot »

Could you be anymore of a chicken s#^+? Easy to go after coaches annoymous on a message board. Any problems they have are parents like you who have personal issues.

Bleeding Red
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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by Bleeding Red »

Pol Pot wrote:Could you be anymore of a chicken s#^+? Easy to go after coaches annoymous on a message board. Any problems they have are parents like you who have personal issues.

I agree. I hope the moderators start getting rid of people that are blatantly bashing coaches like this boob just did.

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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by boilermaker »

Relax guys. I was not bashing Chris, I happen to be friends with him . I was simply mocking motavator and poking fun at Hutch (he knows this).However people that bash him have no clue .The hours he spends there ( I know this because I am there with him all year off season too) he cares about these kids like they are his own.We do this for the boys of Wellston I volunteer and he might as well with what he gets paid :oops: . Chris Hutchinson will get this turned around,it will take time and cooperation from the community. We have 35 kids this year ,dressed 25 last night by the end of the game with oak hill we were down to 23 . We have a small soph and junior classes ,but help is on the way with a nice freshman and 8th grade group comming up . The future is bright for the Rockets .

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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by louie_15 »

Boiler,... I believe they are talking about the ignorant remark of BuckeyeGuy.

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Re: Wellston 1-2 @ Oak Hill 3-0

Post by boilermaker »

Yes I see that now ,he (buckeyeguy) made a comment about our staff earlier in summer about us saying bad things about the Young brothers going to nelsonville. Those boys had to do what their parents wanted. We hold nothing against them . The things that happened to them (eligibility) for games ,falls strickly on they coaches and administration of nelsonville.They practiced them before they were released from Wellston.

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