Consolidation Topic

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coal miner's son
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Re: Are consolidations the answer?

Post by coal miner's son »

It will be interesting to see if Warren's levy proposal for new school buildings passes in the next couple of weeks. I wish them nothing but the best.

It would be a waste of money and facilities, if this would pass, and a few years down the road consolidation would occur. I'm sure that the voters are aware of this possibility. As a voter in the Warren district, this is a concern that I have.

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Re: Are consolidations the answer?

Post by mister b »

In my opinion, a district with newer and better facilities has a stronger chance of survivial than a district with old, out of date buildings that don't meet current building and fire codes.

As a voter, one should think about that.

However, simply building new buildings does not mean that the overall education offered by a district will show any measurable improvement.

A lot to think about.

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Re: Are consolidations the answer?


koondoggersback wrote:
goldenboy wrote:Could you see the teams? jackson,wellston, and oak hill all as a county school and teams! WOW.....enough said!

It is easy to look at consolidation and think....WOW!....what great sports teams we would have. In the short term this is occasionally true but remeber early consolidation sports teams are often all star teams. When those kids graduate reality sets in. kids quit coming out because now instead of 3 starting QBs in a county there is only one. Look at River Valley......We at Trimble would welcome consolidation with nelsonville becasue we need some parctice palyers and backups.....

:mrgreen: Just my thoughts guys! :mrgreen:

True, this happened at Meigs in the late 60's -early 70's and after that other than a couple of years, their athletic program overall had been mediocre at best in the old SEOAL and then just a hair better since they joined the smaller TVC 27 years ago.

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Burg and Green combining?

Post by Black@Orange »

Any truth to these rumours? That the state is making these two school districts combine? Would be a much bigger school!

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Black@Orange wrote:Any truth to these rumours? That the state is making these two school districts combine? Would be a much bigger school!
Hmm interesting, is Burgs new School big enough to consolidate the 2 Schools?

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by boilermaker »

Just think of some of the Freen student athletes they transfered to Ironton that may not of if they were Wheelersburg. Lewis the Rb comes to mind didnt he attend Gree thru Jr high?

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

boilermaker wrote:Just think of some of the Freen student athletes they transfered to Ironton that may not of if they were Wheelersburg. Lewis the Rb comes to mind didnt he attend Gree thru Jr high?
Which Lewis, there's a bunch of Lewises at Ironton. Kochendoerfer came to Ironton from Green, not sure of any others.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by boilermaker »

Couple of years ago he was apretty good back , went to Marshall I think?

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by fbnut »

OHbuckeye1 wrote:
boilermaker wrote:Just think of some of the Freen student athletes they transfered to Ironton that may not of if they were Wheelersburg. Lewis the Rb comes to mind didnt he attend Gree thru Jr high?
Which Lewis, there's a bunch of Lewises at Ironton. Kochendoerfer came to Ironton from Green, not sure of any others.
I thought Kochendoefer camefrom the burg?

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

fbnut wrote:
OHbuckeye1 wrote:
boilermaker wrote:Just think of some of the Freen student athletes they transfered to Ironton that may not of if they were Wheelersburg. Lewis the Rb comes to mind didnt he attend Gree thru Jr high?
Which Lewis, there's a bunch of Lewises at Ironton. Kochendoerfer came to Ironton from Green, not sure of any others.
I thought Kochendoefer camefrom the burg?
You guys have Me wondering now but I thought Kochendoerfer came from Green, maybe not.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by Daniel Larusso »

I believe Darius Lewis is who you are thinking of boilermaker.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by Black@Orange »

Need some help on the situation, can the state do this, how often does it happen? Is Green's schools deemed unsafe, condemned? Is Green having trouble with a levy? Does Wheelersburg have a say in this? Has anybody else heard these rumours?

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Black@Orange wrote:Need some help on the situation, can the state do this, how often does it happen? Is Green's schools deemed unsafe, condemned? Is Green having trouble with a levy? Does Wheelersburg have a say in this? Has anybody else heard these rumours?
I know alot of studies have been going on about School Consolidations. I'm not certain but I think it's up to the Govenor of Ohio, I heard that you might start seeing alot more of this in Ohio to "save money". ... nferences/ ... ys_sc.html
Last edited by ohbuckeye2 on Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

Very interesting. Hasn't Green been trying to get a levy passed for a few years and it keeps failing? If this were to happen that would take Wheelersburg, listed at 150 boys by the OHSAA and Green listed at 70, combine to make 220 which in football would put them in DIV. I could see this happening though, and it's not a matter of if but when more and more things like this start to happen.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by Orange_N_Black_Fan »

fbnut wrote:
OHbuckeye1 wrote:
boilermaker wrote:Just think of some of the Freen student athletes they transfered to Ironton that may not of if they were Wheelersburg. Lewis the Rb comes to mind didnt he attend Gree thru Jr high?
Which Lewis, there's a bunch of Lewises at Ironton. Kochendoerfer came to Ironton from Green, not sure of any others.
I thought Kochendoefer camefrom the burg?
kochendoefer did come from BURG, that is a fact!!

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by hoot »

Kochendoefer has lived directly behind Green high school his whole life but went to the Burg before transferring to Ironton. Darius Lewis went to Green some in elementary school. Burgs new school not big enough to take on that many kids anyway.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by High Plains Drifter »

It's going to happen but don't know for sure When.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by Westfan »

Consolidation is a bad thing. I know one guy from Kenova well. CK (Cereda-Kenova) played very good small school football in West Virginia. When they consolidated the schools to make Spring Valley he said it just killed the spirit of the whole area. I also know some guys from the Lincoln County WV area. They made that big Lincoln County HS. One has boys that play there. They hate it.

I would say this would really hurt Wheelersburg if it happened. Most of the good athletes from Green already go to burg. The Green Pee-wee system has been a feeder for the burg for years. Consolidation would cause them to play up in division with basically no change of talent. Also the further kids have to travel to play ball, the less that play. The large areas that Northwest and West kids have to travel has been a problem for years. It's not near the problem with city schools.

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Re: Burg and Green combining?

Post by farmer »

If this does happen not all of Greens students will go to Burg. Some will go to the other districts in the area.

The combining of schools can make schools to big. Where unlike the reason people went to the Cheers Bar on tv. Why because everyone knows your name. That is good for some students and bad for others. The Govenor may want this done but maybe he should enforce the court rulings on funding. As well as having higher gas prices to go with longer bus rides. The deals that the local and state goverment has given the big business which are located in the district but do not pay full taxes to support the Green Schools has hurt. This will also not help if the schools combine.

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