I hope we can at least keep the name, but it all honors Chief Logan. Some of the fans I know have been around since I was a knee high to a grasshopper. Don't think it would bother them much for some kinda helmet change though.countywide35 wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:59 pmTRENCHFOOT wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:19 pm Locos, I know some Logan fans that won't mind if they get rid of the spear on the helmet.I forgot about the Chieftain head on the B-ball court. It will suck if they have to get rid of it as the School official logo as well. Crazy. Everything/logo's are for "honoring" Chief Logan.
Trench I feel that all the symbols/logos would be “honoring” as well.
But locos is Right.
Even if critics do not initially come out regarding it.
I see Logan being Logan and will be proactive in the matter and eliminate an issue before ever allowing it to become one.

I hope other Schools don't have to change anything as well.