Ff3233 wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 5:38 pm
thirtyonetrap wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:05 pm
Ff3233 wrote: Thu Oct 13, 2022 1:42 pm
Root for Waterford when they aren't playing Fort Frye. Don't like Waterford called cheats. Not bashing the tvc, just stating what everyone already knows. Like how you won't cop to calling Waterford cheats, just keep trying to deflect and changing the narrative. We may play NY, play Trimble next year, so try to keep track of the tvc. But like I said, they're the only 3 worth keeping track of. Sorry that hurts your feelings, truth vs trolling must have the same meaning to you.
No, you’re trolling. You have changed your tune a little though. You were calling the whole league terrible just a few days ago. Now you say there are three teams that aren’t terrible. BTW we beat one of those three. Now it’s teams that play FF that are the only good ones even though we beat one. Just shows you are butt hurt because you didn’t get in the league and those teams won’t play you. Hey have you checked on Eastern’s record against Fort Frye?
Been pretty consistent in saying the 3 programs in the tvc are those mentioned. Programs meaning not 1 year wonders. Trimble is bad this year, so congrats on beating them. How'd you do against Waterford? That's right, they cheat with the refs so you had no chance. Ff record vs eastern? No idea, can't remember when we played you last and definitely hasn't happened during coach huck's tenure. Keep up the good fight.
Come on man, at least own your own comments. You posted several times that the TVC is "terrible" except for Waterford. Don't start walking that back now. I didn't realize Eastern has a winning record against Waterford. Glad that someone pointed that out. So that makes two teams, Thimble and Eastern who are over the history of the matchups better than them. Good to know for the next time, if you are dumb enough to say such and idiotic thing, you make the comment that the whole league is "terrible except for Waterford." Oh and you included the TVC Ohio in that too, though you later denied it. Own it bruh, own it.

Celebrating wins over the most hated.