Shakeup for Carter and Perkins commitments?!

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Re: Shakeup for Carter and Perkins commitments?!

Post by Rza1 »

FightingTiger99 wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 11:39 am
formerfcfan wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:57 am
FightingTiger99 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:44 pm

This generation of kids are a product of displacement of the family structure more than any previous gen. As a rule, they are a product of generational trauma. As a result of that and their adaptation to coming of age in a tech influenced world, they have developed survival/coping skills. They compartmentalize and disassociate with the best of em. They are a gen that had to have grandparent parents cause opiates & the court system got their real parents. They are not the past gens of both parents and my golly hometown same house since a baby roots anymore. Their reality and how they view things ( everything) almost 1000% does not align with any of the beliefs, sentiments or feelings we have w regards to anything realated to the sport in this area at this present time in the world. It just doesnt. A lot of posters are citing dated information and experiences imo.
To an extent, I agree. The sociological angle, I recognize and appreciate it. Today’s kids get castigated as soft and selfish. There may be merit to the idea that today’s players aren’t as easy to coach (read: ride into the ground), but this is also a generation that largely grew up in crappy times. Have-nots are more pronounced, and it’s more evident to them; even the have’s are saddled with problems of the generation. More germane to what you’re saying on the area: not a whole lot of cards to play with for today’s youth. Ball, trades/construction, school (if you have the means and ability) or the county-seat streets.

Yes. There’s a ton of sentiment on here that frankly doesn’t square up to reality.
FightingTiger99 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:56 pm

And that reality for them, is ALSO why its easy to TRANSFER away from their hometown programs. Their experiences growing up are NOT ours. They dont share the same sentiment or offer the same loyalty. Opportunity and personal happiness/peace always outweigh taking one for the home team. As it should. A kid shouldnt poop on himself cause his gf or bf breaks up with him and similarly he shouldnt be compelled to commit himself to somewhere or something he doesnt wanna commit to cause geography. Its a silly outdated sentiment.
My feelings on this are a little mixed. I agree that today’s conditions make for more student versatility, not so much out of preference but almost out of NECESSITY.

I live in metro Columbus. Familiar with the area scene up here, what’s a little further out in exurban/rural Central OH and yes SEOPS territory. What happens up here, especially with the OCC, would make some people here stroke out. And I’m pro-kid and pro-freedom. What I see that isn’t really discussed as much is the idea of sports-conscious up here. Scores of schools this way pour beaucoup capital into their athletics: AD’s make 6-figure salaries, the coaches get very comfortable professional arrangements in the building, the facilities and equipment get upgrades like clockwork, new uniforms and high-end subscriptions paid for digital services. Many of them have money, but some don’t. To an extent it feels like an arms race, and to an extent it feels misappropriated. Secondary education is a market commodity, though, and sports have unwittingly become an integral piece to the game of customers (enrolled students.)

In my eyes, OHSAA sees it but refuses to embrace it. Like it’s happening in the office’s literal backyard. The office, of people know who know better and see things better, probably feels differently about it than the constituency schools do. The fact is most schools in Ohio (in composition terms, the city schools and the rural districts… but alone the rural districts) fundamentally don’t have the means and ability to play ball in a HS sports landscape that is truly laissez-faire with no guardrails. The failure of the NIL proposal speaks to that.

I can get past that, somewhat, but it’s still hard to look at the landscape and see how naked the hyper-emphasis on sports has become in the high-population (wealthier) areas. But yet the hegemony of Rules and Regulations, coupled with the OHSAA shield and it’s face-value approach toward athletics, just reinforces some of the weirdness you’ve alluded to in peoples attitudes. I will say, FWIW, I don’t really think many schools in Southeastern Ohio are equipped to replicate what happens up here — let alone replicate what gets kids to gravitate toward Ironton. In the best of situations it would just be a limited number of schools who can get their situations to speed and make for a more-competitive landscape for the kids.
Good posts gentlemen. I think the biggest reason why there is so much sentiment expressed on this site that doesn't square with present reality is older posters have a tendency to apply their experience based on their perception of what their memories are for them. Almost every memory we romanticize as human beings is merely a perception of what it was really like. Details fade & we replace those details with romanticism. Eg: none of our memories were as grand as our perceptions believe them to be.] It is a bit of a trick that our emotions play on our mind. Because of those perceptions and the posters incessantly applying them to their present day perspectives, as a result you get outdated sentiments. Hence why so many posters on seops go on ad naseum about transfers and a host of other present day dynamics of the game at the prep level they quite simply do not understand or relate to.

They start looking and sounding like mullet guy in the movie Friday Night Lights. "Babies and memories." And meanwhile the kids are rolling their eyes.

Its jus human nature... every new generation since the beginning of time has rolled their eyes an resisted an bucked on their pops' (or previous generations') ideas of who they should be an how they should get there...but it's the only way we know how ta tell em... an both sides are resentful that they're not a part of, or werent there for the others stories.. but we gotta keep telling sending the messages... it's gettin thru. Jus as our our dad's did thru all our eye rollin.... the cat's in the cradle...

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