2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

3morethan2 wrote:between 3-7 and 5-5...could see a change if there isn't significant improvement from last year. Maybe not go 9-1 or anything based on record but how they perform when they lose as well. Not getting blown out and getting better as the year goes on to feel more comfortable about the future.


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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

It is almost June, Must be vacation time for Logan Football! tell me it is not so!!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by C-Bolt »

Got to have time off and get them batteries recharged for another grueling season shine,they'll get er fired up in July don't worry.

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

C-Bolt wrote:Got to have time off and get them batteries recharged for another grueling season shine,they'll get er fired up in July don't worry.
Trouble is, our batteries are our non-rechargable! The staff must take full advange of all allowable conditioning time and work them there boy's and whip them into shape. JULY is to late!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

Logangrad wrote:
moonshine wrote:
C-Bolt wrote:Got to have time off and get them batteries recharged for another grueling season shine,they'll get er fired up in July don't worry.
Trouble is, our batteries are our non-rechargable! The staff must take full advange of all allowable conditioning time and work them there boy's and whip them into shape. JULY is to late!

Based on what? Please enlighten us all on your vast knowledge of the sport, how to run a program, conditioning or anything else that you feel you could do better than the 15 to 20 guys who've been doing it year in and year out for the past ooooh I dont know; 20 years or so at the school; every summer! You have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what your talking about. NONE. Pick up a summer schedule first and then go from there...... :122248

A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can't go anywhere until you change it!

Alway's work harder than your competition!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead


lets hope that spare tire has plenty of air in it moonshine and they get it turned around. i've ate enough crow the last two years for 10 people. hee hee. go big chiefs!!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by C-Bolt »

Low charged batteries and flat tires, boy things sure look bad for the Chiefs!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by noreply66 »

no negatives all positives --go Chiefs

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

Trenchfoot wrote:lets hope that spare tire has plenty of air in it moonshine and they get it turned around. i've ate enough crow the last two years for 10 people. hee hee. go big chiefs!!
Let's hope and pray for the best, but have the fire ready for crow stew! NEED A WINNING SEASON!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead


i'll have the fire ready. going to add a touch more seasoning to it if we have to eat it this year, with some side dishes. :-D but i'm praying we dont have to eat any. :( lets get-errrrrrrrr-done big chiefs!!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by noreply66 »

Loganchiefsnation wrote:No, that wasnt the name. I think that kid is a RB anyway...
Look for Jordan to do the kick offs this season

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

Lifting, running and swiming 3-4 times per week commitment to a winning season!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead


moonshine wrote:Lifting, running and swiming 3-4 times per week commitment to a winning season!
i agree moon.

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by C-Bolt »

Hey moonshine maybe you can talk to Kelly and have them adapt this as Logan's theme song

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead


yeah, thats a good one bolt. when do they get off of vacation? anybody know if their hitting the iron hard yet this summer? go big chiefs.

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by C-Bolt »

On a serious note I hear the incoming Junior class has a really good work ethic and dedicated to the sport,hopefully the other classes are following suit.Sometimes I think the coaches take a little too much heat for off season training,they can only be around so much, the kid has to have the desire and burning love of the game to better themselves on their own when the coaches are not around.If I'm not mistaken I think the coaches are only allowed to have so much contact with players any way during the summer months at least up until mid-July, but I could be wrong

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead


since this is a chieftain thread i won't mention any other school names in respect to them. i know of a school and their coaches that meets their players every tuesday and thursday at their weight room, they lift and they have them running wind sprints in the early months of summer. back in the day though it was a rule that no school could touch a football till august. dont know how it is now but it doesn't hurt to keep them some what in shape getting them ready for the hard pratices in late summer and getting them ready to shine on friday nites. all schools have different ways on how they do things. they all work hard when it comes down to it. lets just hope the chiefs get it turned around. get-r-done chiefs!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

C-Bolt wrote:Hey moonshine maybe you can talk to Kelly and have them adapt this as Logan's theme song
Outstanding. Maybe that's our new fight song or cheer! Give Me a V A C A T I O N!

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Re: 2012 Logan Chieftains - A look ahead

Post by moonshine »

Trenchfoot wrote:since this is a chieftain thread i won't mention any other school names in respect to them. i know of a school and their coaches that meets their players every tuesday and thursday at their weight room, they lift and they have them running wind sprints in the early months of summer. back in the day though it was a rule that no school could touch a football till august. dont know how it is now but it doesn't hurt to keep them some what in shape getting them ready for the hard pratices in late summer and getting them ready to shine on friday nites. all schools have different ways on how they do things. they all work hard when it comes down to it. lets just hope the chiefs get it turned around. get-r-done chiefs!
Hey guy's just check the web out to see what other schools in the state of Ohio are doing this summer! you will be surprised!

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