MuletownManiac wrote:Is your avatar constepated????? Give him some ex-lax and get over your Hornets..they may dominate the OVC but have nothing on the SOC (and dont give me Valley) their like a red headed step child.
Why do you feel the need to bring up the SOCII's superiority over the OVC? Everyone knows the SOCII is better. This all got started because I compliamented Valley and you got upset about it and said somehow I was still mad because Minford beat Coal Grove, and I'm not. There was no shame in losing to a team that's beaten Wheelersburg.
I said before the CG/Minford game was even played that Minford was the favorite. . . go dig it up and see for yourself.
MuletownManiac wrote:I can tell you one time...that was when MY FALCONS rolled into the sprawling metropolis of Coal Grove and stuck the dagger into the heart of your beloved Hornets.
^^^ No. . . I said Minford was the favorite in that game before it was even played. Go dig the thread up.
I don't like talking smack. I like making intelligent, well-informed statements that are backed up by solid, provable facts.