ma77ox wrote:Of course I think we will beat Alex, I'm trying a little reverse psychology this week.MeyerSpread wrote:Buddy,ma77ox wrote:I'm at a loss of words about this game, We won't beat Alexander!!!
I don't know you but you seem very likeable and def love your son and the kids at Meigs. I feel sorry for the bashing you take on here but post like this are what get people going. My advise is to write something out, think about it for about an hour and if you still want to post it, hit submit.
Just my 2 cents.
I don't think you believe we won't beat Alex... Why say it? The same could be said about other post and I've been guilty of it too...
Let's just try and be as positive as we can for these seniors and send them out the right way against Alex!
Whatever works!!!!!!