Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by maniac66 »

Going with Jackson just because they are home and want to beat Logan be a close game but looking for Jackson to prevail

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by pbuck »


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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by ballrmom »

LoganAlumni99 wrote:I gotta believe Jackson takes this one. In fact, I'll probably be picking against Logan until they prove me wrong.
jackson will take this one the the next one and so on no problem

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by ballrmom »

zbd wrote:I hope Logan can turn it around Jackson has a good team if Logan was at home I would feel better about them winning. I still will go with Logan 24-21
logan will turn it around and run the other way lol

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by C-Bolt »

I hate to do it, but with Graham out now I gotta go with Jackson,he was the spark that made the offense go when they had success,hope they can find a new identity without him, Jackson 14 -Logan 7,,still think it will be close

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by noreply66 »

going to be a lot of Hmmmmmmmmmms after this game

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by dilligaf »

As of right now there is no reaon to think jackson can beat logan i still say logan wins this game by 2 or three scores



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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

Logan Vs Jackson All-Time Series History (Since 1912)

Total Games: 87
First Game: 1917
Logan Wins: 45
Jackson Wins: 38
Ties: 4
Total Score: Logan 1383 (15.89 per game), Jackson 1179 (13.55 per game)
Last Logan Win: 2009, 27-7 at Logan
Last Jackson Win: 2004, 21-14 at Logan
Current Streak: Logan has won the last three meetings

Year By Year Results:
Year ---- Location ---- Winning Team ---- Score
1917 ---- Jackson ---- Jackson ---------- 00-25
1918 ---- Jackson ---- TIE -------------- 00-00
1919 ---- Logan ------ Jackson ---------- 06-18
1920 ---- Logan ------ Logan ------------ 06-00
1920 ---- Jackson ---- TIE -------------- 00-00
1921 ---- Jackson ---- Logan ------------ 34-00
1922 ---- Logan ------ Logan ----------- 22-00
1923 ---- NO GAME --- NO GAME ------- NO GAME
1924 ---- Logan ------ Logan ----------- 54-00
1925 ---- Jackson ---- Logan ----------- 12-06
1926 ---- Logan ------ Jackson ---------- 00-13
1927 ---- Jackson ---- Jackson ---------- 00-19
1928 ---- Logan ------ Jackson ---------- 00-19
1929 ---- Jackson ---- Jackson ---------- 07-32
1930 ---- Logan ------ Jackson ---------- 00-13
1931 ---- NO GAME --- NO GAME -------- NO GAME
1932 ---- Jackson ---- Jackson ---------- 00-26
1933 ---- NO GAME --- NO GAME -------- NO GAME
1934 ---- NO GAME --- NO GAME -------- NO GAME
1935 ---- Logan ----- Logan ----------- 20-02
1936 ---- Jackson ---- Jackson --------- 00-13
1937 ---- Logan ------ Logan ----------- 07-00
1938 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 00-07
1939 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 00-06
1940 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 06-19
1941 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 07-00
1942 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 00-07
1943 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 21-13
1944 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 07-13
1945 ---- Logan ------- TIE ------------ 00-00
1946 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 27-00
1947 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 06-00
1948 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 18-07
1949 ---- Logan ------- TIE ------------ 19-19
1950 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 06-25
1951 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 16-07
1952 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 21-18
1953 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 00-31
1954 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 14-40
1955 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 00-10
1956 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 07-13
1957 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 34-19
1958 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 14-00
1959 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 14-16
1960 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 22-28
1961 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 00-24
1962 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 20-00
1963 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 20-16
1964 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 38-06
1965 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 12-00
1966 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 13-08
1967 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 52-00
1968 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 16-14
1969 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 06-12
1970 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 28-00
1971 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 28-11
1972 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 06-02
1973 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 15-28
1974 ---- Jackson ------ Jackson -------- 00-42
1975 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 26-41
1976 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 25-14
1977 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 52-12
1979 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 16-20
1980 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 00-27
1981 ---- Logan ------ Jackson --------- 08-15
1982 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 12-00
1983 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 12-32
1984 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 21-09
1985 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 16-00
1986 ---- Logan ------- Logan --------- 68-00
1987 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 37-12
1988 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 22-08
1989 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 21-07
1990 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 12-29
1991 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 22-28
1992 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 17-14
1993 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 17-07
1994 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 27-13
1995 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson -------- 00-41
1996 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 13-33
1997 ---- Jackson ------ Jackson -------- 12-40
1998 ---- Logan ------- Jackson -------- 07-10
1999 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 28-12
2000 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 62-14
2001 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 16-13
2002 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 28-13
2003 ---- Jackson ----- Jackson --------- 02-29
2004 ---- Logan ------- Jackson --------- 14-21
2005 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ---------- 14-07
2006 ---- NO GAME ------ NO GAME ------ NO GAME
2007 ---- NO GAME ------ NO GAME ------ NO GAME
2008 ---- Jackson ----- Logan ----------- 48-07
2009 ---- Logan ------- Logan ---------- 27-07

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

Friday night will be the 88th meeting between the Ironmen and the Chieftains, moving it into a tie as Logan's most played opponent.

The Chieftains played Athens 88 times before that rivalry ended in 2007.

Logan has played the combination of Nelsonville (55 games) and Nelsonville-York (27 games) 82 times.

Logan has played Gallipolis 78 times.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Does anyone have any further details on the 2 injured Logan Players, hope they are not serious and pray for a quick and healthy recovery. You hate to see any kind of injuries to High School kids doing what they love to do.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

OHBuckeye1 -

The tailback (Graham) is out for the year. He broke his ankle and tore up ligaments in their. Tough break for a senior who was poised to have a big year. He was our most experienced non-lineman coming back this year.

The other kid (Long) is going to be out 1-3 weeks. He could be back as soon as next Friday, but won't be available against Jackson.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »


QB - 17 - Jordan Jurgensmier - 6'1 - 185lbs - SR
RB - 24 - Cory McCarty - 5'10 - 180lbs - Soph
SB - 25 - Dylan Cavinee - 5'10 - 175lbs - SR
SB - 10 - Isaac Lindsey - 5'11 - 165lbs - JR
SE - 11 - Nate Poling - 6'4 - 185lbs - SR
SE - 15 - Jordan Sharb - 5'11 - 175lbs - JR
RT - 72 - Clayton Kiger - 6'4 - 310lbs - SR
RG - 73 - Nathan Chandler - 6'1 - 205lbs - SR
C - 78 - Garrett Clark - 5'7 - 180lbs - SR
LG - 51 - Tyler Dement - 5'6 - 180lbs - SR
LT - 70 - Tim King - 6'2 - 240lbs - SR
Other Offensive Players:
WR - 22 - Brian Cook - 5'10 - 170lbs - SR
FB - 36 - Michael Simpson - 5'11 - 185lbs - Soph
OT - 69 - John Teal - 6'0 - 240lbs - SR
FB - 99 - Paul Wesselhoeft - 6'1 - 205lbs - JR
TE - 48 - Kenny Simpson - 6'3 - 185lbs - Soph

DT - 63 - Traye Valentine - 6'1 - 260lbs - SR
NG - 20 - OJ Barr - 5'10 - 170lbs - JR
DT - 62 - Ryan Speakman - 6'0 - 280lbs - SR
OLB - 07 - Drew Ervin - 6'0 - 220lbs - JR
ILB - 36 - Gavin McDaniel - 5'8 - 180lbs - SR
ILB - 12 - Morgan Landrum - 5'10 - 185lbs - Soph
OLB - 38 - Klay Arthur - 6'2 - 215lbs - SR
CB - 22 - Ty McNelly - 6'0 - 170lbs - JR
FS - 02 - Kip Winchester - 6'0 - 180lbs - SR
SS - 27 - Derrick Meredith - 6'0 - 185lbs - SR
CB - 33 - Britton Johnson - 6'2 - 170lbs - SR
Other Defensive Players:
DT - 71 - Bubba Landrum - 6'1 - 315lbs - SR
DB - 05 - Alec Osborne - 5'7 - 150lbs - Soph
DT - 73 - Austin Landrum - 6'0 - 310lbs - SR
OLB - 55 - David Fouty - 6'4 - 235lbs - SR
ILB - 32 - Tyler Jeffers - 6'0 - 250lbs - SR
NG - 23 - Paul Simon - 5'11 - 185lbs - JR
NG - 29 - Josh Cutright - 5'7 - 155lbs - Soph

QB - 02 - Kip Winchester - 6'0 - 180lbs - SR
TB - 07 - Drew Ervin - 6'0 - 220lbs - JR
TB - 27 - Derrick Meredith - 6'0 - 185lbs - SR
FB - 38 - Klay Arthur - 6'2 - 215lbs - SR
WR - 22 - Ty McNelly - 6'0 - 170lbs - JR
WR - 33 - Britton Johnson - 6'2 - 170lbs - SR
TE - 32 - Tyler Jeffers - 6'0 - 250lbs - JR
RT - 55 - David Fouty - 6'4 - 235lbs - SR
RG - 71 - Bubba Landrum - 6'1 - 315lbs - SR
C - 65 - Coleman Kearns - 6'0 - 255lbs - SR
LG - 62 - Ryan Speakman - 6'0 - 280lbs - SR
LT - 63 - Traye Valentine - 6'1 - 260lbs - SR
Other Offensive Players:
RT - 73 - Austin Landrum - 6'0 - 310lbs - SR
LG - 70 - Nick Dye - 6'0 - 295lbs - JR
WR - 05 - Alec Osborne - 5'7 - 150lbs - Soph
WR - 17 - Aaron Costilow - 6'3 - 180lbs - SR
WR - 03 - Dewey Steppe - 5'11 - 180lbs - SR

DE - 15 - Jordan Sharb - 5'11 - 175lbs - JR
DT - 67 - Coy Blair - 6'3 - 330lbs - JR
NG - 99 - Paul Wesselhoeft - 6'1 - 205lbs - JR
DT - 73 - Nathan Chandler - 6'1 - 205lbs - SR
DE - 57 - Jacob Hood - 6'0 - 180lbs - SR
LB - 22 - Brian Cook - 5'10 - 170lbs - SR
LB - 70 - Tim King - 6'2 - 240lbs - SR
LB - 25 - Dylan Cavinee - 5'10 - 175lbs - SR
CB - 10 - Isaac Lindsey - 5'11 - 165lbs - JR
CB - 33 - Sean Wotring - 5'10 - 170lbs - JR
FS -17 - Jordan Jurgensmier - 6'1 - 185lbs - SR
Other Defensive Players:
DL - 51 - Tyler Dement - 5'6 - 180lbs - SR
DE - 11 - Nate Poling - 6'4 - 185lbs - SR
LB/FS - 24 - Cory McCarty - 5'10 - 180lbs - Soph
LB - 32 - Travis Davis - 6'0 - 180lbs - SR
LB - 41 - Rusty Knece - 5'8 - 165lbs - JR
DL - 66 - Aaron Wolfe - 5'10 - 215lbs - JR
DL - 50 - Alex Schneider - 5'9 - 205lbs - JR

PK - 86 - Derek Montgomery - 6'0 - 200lbs - SR
HO - 34 - Gaven Jourdan - 5'11 - 175lbs - Soph
LS - 15 - Jordan Sharb - 5'11 - 175lbs - JR

P - 86 - Derek Montgomery - 6'0 - 200lbs - SR

KR - 10 - Isaac Lindsey - 5'11 - 165lbs - JR
KR - 24 - Cory McCarty - 5'10 - 180lbs - Soph

PR - 25 - Dylan Cavinee - 5'10 - 175lbs - SR

PK - 11 - Luke Eisnaugle - 6'1 - 160lbs - JR
HO - 02 - Kip Winchester - 6'0 - 180lbs - SR
LS - 55 - David Fouty - 6'4 - 235lbs - SR

P - 22 - Ty McNelly - 6'0 - 170lbs - JR

KR/PR - 27 - Derrick Meredith - 6'0 - 185lbs - SR
KR/PR - 07 - Drew Ervin - 6'0 - 220lbs - JR
KR/PR - 22 - Ty McNelly - 6'0 - 170lbs - JR
KR - 38 - Klay Arthur - 6'2 - 215lbs - SR

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by superblue »

Locos & 02 together on the same thread.....Priceless......LOL.... I talked to your dad last week at the Wellston game Logos.... We talked about how unpredictable this year has been so far.... None of us have any idea who the front runner will be.... Every team (except Marietta) could come together the second half of the season & steal the title.... I don't see any team running the table & this may be the year we have a 3 or 4 way tie for the league... That would make a lot of teams happy.... :lol:

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

superblue -

I have said the same. I think 3 teams will share the title with 1 loss. I hope Logan is one of them, LOL. Going to be a tough fight every week.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by Ironman92 »

Was there 3 or 4 teams share it in.....1991? 1993?

I forget....I know Jackson was a part of it....seemed like 4 teams

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by 91blue14 »

Ironman92 wrote:Was there 3 or 4 teams share it in.....1991? 1993?

I forget....I know Jackson was a part of it....seemed like 4 teams


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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by loganlocos »

92 -

That was 1990.

6 teams were in the league and 4 of them shared the title at 3-2 in the league.

Logan and Warren both finished 2-3 in the league and tied for 5th.

Logan lost to Marietta 10-7 and Athens 15-8 - if either of those games were reversed, Logan could have been 3-7 overall and shared the league title - YIKES!

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by C-Bolt »

Been thinking and thinking and think I'll do a classic flip flop,at first my inclination was Logan would lose without Graham,but I keep thinking about the 3 headed monster and even the Jamboree game was a tough opponent,so I'm going to ride the strength of schedule card until they prove me wrong.If Logan loses this game the only other games I can see them possibly winning are Chilli, Marrietta and maybe Warren.In a must win game Logan 21 Jackson 7

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by zbd »

LoganLocos wrote:superblue -

I have said the same. I think 3 teams will share the title with 1 loss. I hope Logan is one of them, LOL. Going to be a tough fight every week.

Locos I agree Logan key to winning this week is find some offense and stop Jackson's running back. Watched him last year as a Soph he is going to be good.

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Re: Logan (0-3) @ Jackson (2-1) (SEOAL)

Post by dazed&confused »

I guess I'm waiting for this Logan team to establish an identity. They have mostly been cloaked as to what they can do best as a team by bigger, faster competition. This friday night will go a long way towards showing what this team and season will be all about. Injuries don't help the situation but key players and leaders need to emerge and the team needs to decide on what type of football it is going to play. I think we fans went into this season thinking with a lot of the same coaches in place, there would be little difference in style. Maybe it is time to stop emulating the last few season's teams and establish that identity that will carry them through the league. If that doesn't happen, this year will be a transitory year.

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