Shout out to the Refs of the Athens-Fairland game

JV Team
Posts: 306
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:53 pm

Re: Shout out to the Refs of the Athens-Fairland game

Post by koondoger »

DILLIGAF wrote:Numbers do matter but they dont decide everything no one in the tvc cared about number until athens started to win i say get over it.4 years from now when athens is on a down slide you will never here about the numbers only when you win do people look for ways to talk down a good football team.

goodluck to athens the rest of the year cant wait till they steamroll nelsonville
They better not steamroll them to bad cause Pit Stop Billy will run up the score on their Jr Hi if they do.

Just my thoughts guys! :mrgreen:

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