If its any comfort at all, Capital, GW, South Charleston - & then midland & The High & Spring Valley each respectively and consitently have kids transferring around to one of the programs. Same in Columbus, Nati, on and on. It's not really new. Our lens is just bigger. Football itself is "bigger" than it was in the past. And so it goes. I almost see it as a non topic. Just part of it. Football = business. On EVERY level
Ever watch any youth football docs or series?
Big business. You southeastern ohio fellers love your merica I hear? Getcha some of that free market capitalism and embrace the idea that if there is money to be made from anything, it shall be. I always see all the stripes and bars at these games? Well then. Cheers good sir. Enjoy.

We shore do love our Merica…but it’s stars and bars you’re trying to refer to…stripes and bars are the same thing Speed…I mean Chilly…I mean any of the other thousand names you’ve had. You really blew a gasket with that last personality on here.